Batten down the hatches

The World War III memes were premature...

What are the odds shit breaks out? We’re a bit overdue for a large scale war, if you look at history

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You are gay

China is just a fatter richer North Korea

Definitely we are prime for a big war but China seems like a pretty difficult fight. That would potentially see fighting on US soil.. we tend to pick weaker enemies. But 100% we need a war. Especially to get us out of the recession/depression. Fucking China though? That would be insane.

Holy shit you got me man

>What are the odds shit breaks out?
Zero. Nothing ever happens, especially nuclear level happening.

Yeah I don’t think we’d want a war with China. But nobody ever wants war, really. If there is some kind of justice served to China for their virus and coverup, then China might pick a fight rather than accept punishment

Shit has definitely happened before!
The US has used two nukes in war time.

Fighting on US soil.
They gonna swim here?

Then everyone realized what kind of long-term global effects they have and puckered their assholes like Accounting with everyone's budgets but their own.

Skyking Skyking Do Not Answer Charlie Mike

40.736059, 114.937260
26.943760, 120.072385
31.322446, 121.412650

Attached: chinese-glassware-factory.jpg (2048x820, 142.12K)

>That would potentially see fighting on US soil
you're an idiot.

I'd rather take my chances with nuclear war than risk my children growing up in a world where they are enslaved by the chicoms.

Aren't nuclear tests easy to detect?

There is 0 reason to bomb China or to go to any soft of literal warfare with them. Simply pull out all US and western manufacturing and bankrupt them back to being farmers and kung-fu fighters. Kick their nationals (spies) out and sent them home. This is so easy.

The article said they were underground.

There’s an international treaty to which China is a party that bans weapons testing. If they’re going to do it, they need to hide it

And when that happens, China is just going to be okay with that?

Canada has already cucked to China MAJORLY. Military can be deployed to Canada from China extremely easy, and is possibly already taking place under the guise of "Canadians coming home"

What are earthquakes and why can countries detect underground NK nuclear testing? Countries have been perfecting detecting nuclear testing for about 80 years now. It's fucking easy. You might not have **definitive proof** but you'll come away with pretty good fucking accuracy.

Yes. China has been engaging in decoupling itself for a few years now. Really, the only thing it can't make is 'high value' or 'high technology' products which is what China 2025 is all about. Once China becomes self-sufficient, America is going to be a fucking 3rd world nation.

Ayys would shoot down any ICBM, fyi.

Nations test ICBMs all the time.
None of those get shot down.


What the fuck are they gonna do about it? Moan? They have a big army but it does fuck all for them except stop them from being invaded.

I'm gonna be real with you, ayys won't do shit.

Here’s why they are posturing
The truth about the virus originating in the Wuhan Biolab will come to light very soon. They are going to be globally shunned when this happens. It’s going to be very, very bad for China. I imagine all of the world leaders are already starting preliminary discussions on how China should be punished for this virus.

Dude....everything they will use to fight us has a sticker that says: made in China. It will be over before it starts.

Jews want another goy war obviously
How about the Jews fight up front?

Yeah but they have a lot of bodies to throw at us

Okay. So... You destroy China from the air via nuclear weapons. Do you keep on killing Chinese to keep the country from forming? How do you plan on keeping China from not becoming anti-America without a land occupation?

Fuck. You're retarded.

The Pentagon already said they seen no sign of this, that's just international jewery beating the war drums again so millions of people that aren't Jewish will die yet again.

We are 100% headed towards a global war. The entire world must destroy China if we want to live. If the Russians choose to go down with the Chitanic that's their choice.