Looks like the Chinese are getting pushback in Africa as backlash begins after Chinese treatment of Africans living in China. Appears Nigeria is also very wary of Chinese Doctors showing up. They believe that Italy's cases exploded when the Chinese doctors arrived and they are not happy. This may be a turning point in Chinese African relations.
sino-african relations are hilarious
>They believe that Italy's cases exploded when the Chinese doctors arrived
Dem black brothers have good instincts.
Look its a bunch of black people acting like niggers. Ive never seen this before.
I have a feeling the chinese response to this is going to be an iron fist. RIP NIGGERS
Shit about to get real. Fo sho. Chinks ain't gonna play like Americans. Those nigga's will shoot them 'Cans.
How can we blame y pee pol for this?
Hopefully a nigger specific virus gets released next.
Nigeria is a pretty strong country tho. I don't think the chinks will be able to bully the niggerian BVLL this time
Blacks have ALWAYS been redpilled about chinks. We should have listened.
People who invented gun powder vs people who invented nothing.
this thought gives me a huge errection
Let me guess, everyone against China is supplying the Africans to destroy shit.
what you call a "factory", I call a food concession stand
What address should I deliver the containers of machetes and fist-sized rocks to?
Shouldn't they?
das rite chinkboi
That seems to work both ways
I mean, yes, but still, let's not pretend like the Africans are doing this shit all on their own.
Any address, MLK Blvd
The whole world must come together to eliminate all Chinese. Their diseases will eventually kill all of us if we don't end them now.
If they take that path, they’re admitting they’re colonizers—they lose their right to bitch and moan about ‘muh American and European imperialism’
obligatory ;)
could western commandos helping the Nigerians actually spark wwIII?
I don't know, but I guess the world will benefit from this confrontation
Best film/movie in 2013
Bitcoin fund for our based neBroes?
Nicely said. Nigs are dead meat.
The changs should fear the princes
A savanna-nigger can detect chinese bullshit and not a democrat. very telling
Chinese 'special economic zones' are islands in a sea of blackest chaos -- they're over comitted everywhere and should be considering how they feed themselves if spring planting is disrupted for any longer. Nigerians are in the higher tier of agency among African nations, if any were capable of throwing out their Yellow Peril, it'd be them.