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The Nogs are breaking the conditioning
Mason Richardson
Mason Ward
Adrian Murphy
I didnt know this but Trump was always a bit of a celebrity to the rap music crowd. This is how they always remembered him, as a guy who didnt stress about cash. Thus the memes.
Charles Sanders
These dumb animals sell out cheap
Dylan Richardson
I'm not American, but why is it that like a quarter of blacks (mostly men) are completely based while the other 3/4ths are the worst people on the planet???
Christian Mitchell
why the actual fuck does retard think posting twitter screencap thread should be a thing on Yas Forums
nigga if I want to go on twitter I'll go on twitter get the fuck out
Hudson Green
do you think they actually believe it is trumps money that hes sending them? lol
Ian Cooper
this nigga about get new daddy
he'll be hearin in his momma house soon
oh gawd massa Dahnald done gone make me squirt
Charles Nelson
Is that all these niggers care about is just a check?
Black people have more job opportunities than ever but what really gets them excited a check worth the equivalent of a monthly amount at min wage
Lucas Thomas
Honestly a good question.
I've met a ton of really cool/chill Black guys, but i've never been to the hood, which I assume is where scum of the Earth exist.
The best blacks are the ones that are kind of nerdy/act white.
Kevin James
Niggers vote for anyone that promises them gibs.
The nigger race lives off from gibsmedats so it's not really surprising.
Parker Clark
Trumps only achievement in office is that he has had more nigger and jewish cum rammed in his throat and ass than any other president in history
Jason Lee
Say whatever you want about them, but American blacks are funny as shit. They still need to gb2Africa though
Christian Flores
>What's the IQ curve
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Michael Russell
Joshua Turner
Link it nigger or dun believe
Isaiah Richardson
Yeah the majority nig out hard but there's a good amount that are alright.
Hudson Edwards
White genes. Long ago some white man fucked that niggers grandmother.
Jaxson Gutierrez
>twitter screencap thread should be a thing on Yas Forums
It's not just Yas Forums but everyone is obsessed with twitter. i fucking hate twitter and I cant wait for all obsession with social media shit to end
Jeremiah Green
They aren't. All of them are the same.
Oliver Mitchell
I think, just like any other race, it has a lot to do with parenting.
So many blacks come from broken homes and fucked up situations. They often have little to no emotional skills and thus turn to violence to express themselves. They are often severely traumatized, but hood culture stigmatizes mental health. Throw it all together and you have a recipe for disaster: extremely unstable people prone to violence who only know how to hide their emotions or explode with rage.
Asher Gutierrez
Its more christmas now than it has been in years in the weirdest way just seeing people happy about something together.
Joseph Evans
Cities vs suburbs.
Oliver Adams
Are you a retard or somethi...oh a leaf, nevermind let me just explain for you:
The chins exist outside of normyville.
We observe the Internet of things.
Then we discuss it and by using critical thinking decide on the trends normies are trending.
From the outside looking in, we get the best picture. Like having a girlfriend you only really know once she's gone. You know that feeling right? That's us. We used to be in that relationship, now we left all broken and confused, looking back we can fuck with them in ways they couldn't even imagine, and we have a track record to prove it.
Ryder Baker
wtf I love black people now
Aiden Anderson
every race has good people
the % of good people is highest on white people and lowest on black people
racism is just pattern recognition
i don't hate blacks, i just keep my guard up until they have proven they are capable of sapiency
Jacob Bennett
>This just in Donald Trump is the first white US president to be given the coveted N word pass we now go live to lawn of the white house where he intends to use it ...
Lincoln Peterson
>suddenly this is a problem, for some reason
post this in any of the 500 daily no effort 4 word spam posts you agree with.
James Myers
He was always mentioned up to early 2000s in rap. Mentions of him dropped since he wasn't doing anything notable. Then he made The Apprentice show. Then he ran for president and THEN he was vilified because the brainwashing lamestream corrupt news wanted democrats to win. Thats when all the racism claims arose with the help of editing his speeches to make him look bad. They kept calling him racist with nothing to go on but as they say, tell a lie enough it becomes truth. Especially to gullible normies that rely on corporate news to tell them how to think.
Samuel Richardson
>Stocks soar over N-Word Pass implementation
Adrian Gonzalez
Those are non voting felons. The democrats bus the elderly and homeless to vote in diverse urban areas
Cameron Gomez
seriously wtf kinda insane now 3/4 of the board is twitter screenshot exclusively why just why if you like it that much go for it
>The chins exist outside of normyville.
>We observe the Internet of things.
fuck off idiot you're just a tryhard
>the chins
you sound like an idiot mentally masturbating like an exhibitionist
first rule there's no (((we))) on Yas Forums
Yas Forums is not one person and one ideology
second stop thinking you're superior or life will teach you the hard way
>suddenly this is a problem, for some reason
no no not suddenly fucking rats it's because of your low intellect low effort kind
if a twitter screencap can make a 300 reply thread why the fuck not a 4 words spam post?
you guys normalized mediocrity like reddit
just to feel home
David Bailey
I wish I didn't live in Judaized muttcountry where all activities are just elaborate shadowplays of Blacks being used as hype guys for warring Jewish factions, and where my very existence is only acknowledged when someone wants to shit on me. I'm not even angry or sad about it anymore. This country just so absurd that all I know to do is drop redpills in hopes of undermining it somehow.
Julian Cook
>I wish I didn't live in Judaized muttcountry where all activities are just elaborate shadowplays of Blacks being used as hype guys for warring Jewish factions, and where my very existence is only acknowledged when someone wants to shit on me. I'm not even angry or sad about it anymore. This country just so absurd that all I know to do is drop redpills in hopes of undermining it somehow.
Isaac Clark
New Jordan's and hair weaves for everybody!
Eli Davis
Do you have a point?
Jaxon Taylor
Obama promised them stuff but Trump actually did it.
Wyatt Rivera
The real problem with niggers is their women. They get knocked up, use the kid for gibs, and treat the baby daddy like shit until he leaves, because of course she gets more gibs if there's no man around. It's an insidious cycle.
Blake Martin
oh yeah all we had to do was become democrats and give them free money
this is genius
we just have to keep giving niggers free handouts and they'll vote for us forever
all our problems are solved!
Hunter Russell
This Nog appeasement is very temporary. Niggers are bipolar on a semi-daily basis
Remember - Never Relax!
Liam Jones
It's a dangerous precedent.
They'll want more & more handouts
Connor Flores
>more job opportunities than ever
Uhhh, user...
Charles Hill
Czech'd and keked
Cameron Taylor
well, had until they all died i guess
Robert Anderson
You're using the echoes wrong
Everything else discarded
Charles Scott
Better they are getting gibs from
The GOP, makes it easier to than turn them on the spics who they can say are taking their gibsmedats and thus making American grown blacks for mass deportation of the spics
Oliver Anderson
Lol that's the new meme dummy
Using the echoes positively like
That man is a (((genius)))
Jeremiah Richardson
I hate niggers but good for them.
Justin Young
Blacks used to love Trump before he started going after Obama.
Jace Mitchell
No, it's not.
Fuck off you normie
Nathan Foster
Because they have to live with niggers.