It's time to wake up sheeple

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Other urls found in this thread:;JSESSIONID=8f158728-1174-4f08-b4bd-a2ab0a7f79b8?qvq=q:pub_list_no="10130.000";sort:Pub_List_No_InitialSort,Pub_Date,Pub_List_No,Series_No;lc:RUMSEY~8~1&sort=Pub_List_No_InitialSort,Pub_Date,Pub_List_No,Series_No&mi=0&trs=94#

Can't be refuted

takes some imagination to come up with that though

well it's a lot less depressing than millions of AU between habitable planets in a universe where matter can't exceed the speed of light

>when schizos skip so much medication they go full circle back to a globe earth model

How the fuck would we have not found the edges yet


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We would receive radio transmissions from all the other "earths" though. Assuming they were as developed as us

Wow it all makes sense meow. NASA is fake jews

It needs a special kind of disability to refuse hundreds of hours of video of our planet.

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So an earth size globe is out of the question because reasons, but a possibly hollow earth the size of the sun is perfectly ok. Wish these idiots would either Darwin award themselves or at least be logical and consistent.

>Darwin award themselves
oh, like you're doing right now? or do you think that raising another man's children makes them yours somehow?

Not a bad idea for a sci fi novel though

Fucking kek

How do you fake pic related in the 1940s? What kind of imagination does one have to have to come up with this? You don't because it is real. Get over it. The truth has been here the entire time. Epstein knows about this place FYI.

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>wake up
mating call of the tinfoil capped conspiritard

This is more reasonable than the conventional globe-earth model how?


That'd be fun

we cant exceed speed of light cause we are still too brainlet about anything in the cosmos, i want to believe

>Earth is Flat proven by the actual scientific method
>jews keep shilling anyways

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Back to your containment board, schizo.

what is this showing??

The moon and sun are like projectors that go around the plate/flat earth like spotlights on opposite sigts. They are roughly 6.000km away and a lot less smaller than earth, moron

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>yet he posts none
Dilate your meds, schizo

The amount of shillCucks ITT shows this is not be ignored

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A-user tell us

it's Antarctica.

It’s Antarctica brainlet, you know, where it is illegal for you to go

Take a look at the side the shadow is on.


Fuck it, it's true. What do we do with this information? What does it mean? Why does it matter?

try organizing an expedition to go beyond the transmission containment zone

also look at a map of all the supposed crossings of antarctica, they all turn and never cross the wall

Neuschwabenland, Home of the Kommandant.

What is at the pole?

Attached: 1606_Mercator_Hondius_Map_of_the_Arctic_(First_Map_of_the_North_Pole)_-_Geographicus_-_NorthPole-mercator-1606.jpg (1280x1203, 524.77K)

it means we need to become Icemen

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wrong pole, and a magnetic mountain, apparently
>or entrance to hollow earth, but who knows

what would cause the tiny marble sun to loop around over our one melted spot? It has no mass to keep everything in check. It should just crash into the ocean due to the mass of the entire ice ball planet.

One plane ticket please

You mean like Ranulph Fiennes did? You just have to organise it yourself if you want a bespoke expedition.
> they all turn and never cross the wall
Lol, good one.

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You also can't refute the fact that the earth is my dog's cock

haha massive icy ball

haha ice ball

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The earths bussie

Thanks for the map user, ever check out the Monte Urbano map:;JSESSIONID=8f158728-1174-4f08-b4bd-a2ab0a7f79b8?qvq=q:pub_list_no="10130.000";sort:Pub_List_No_InitialSort,Pub_Date,Pub_List_No,Series_No;lc:RUMSEY~8~1&sort=Pub_List_No_InitialSort,Pub_Date,Pub_List_No,Series_No&mi=0&trs=94#

How do you explain the south pole?

Attached: icewall.webm (852x480, 2.22M)

fuck thats a long link

Honest question from a fellow user, if you have such a creative imagination, why don't you become a sci-fi writer? Instead of this weird conspiracy theory pusher.

We can do with new authors and less with Hollywood kike propaganda

look at a map and put 2 and 2 together dingus

The stars turn one direction in the northern hemisphere and the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere. How does anything but a roughly spherical Earth explain that?


beautiful map

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