Why shouldn’t we make mixed race babies?

why shouldn’t we make mixed race babies?

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>Mxed Race
>American Flag
>still thinks "Race" is a thing.
the memes are not real my dude.

>discord cuck fetishist thread

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I fucking hate niggers

Because the nigger wears jordans to his wedding,

Nonway are those kids hism


>three piece suit

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Only them can satisfy our women though

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because adding shit to good cheese makes it taste bad

>those shoes

Ass Germanic Finnish American I take umbrage sir.

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>assuming they are American
African-American + European-American = El Abominacion

>Pretends race isn't a thing

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White girl here. Already did. Baby is on the way!

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Identity problems. Black culture in America is separate from white conservative and white liberal/Jewish culture. Those kids will not be accepted as any of the above. They're not nearly dark enough to be accepted by blacks, but whites can tell something is off about them.

Hope I am the only (you) for this bad bait nigger larp.

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because we still love our parents and livelyhood. faggot

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Try and find a blood marrow donor

That's really nice. Except that fuckstick can't put on real shoes? Hes got to wear dem jordans? Fucking please. That asshole is gonna be gone in six months time.

them jordans cost more than the suit bruh

The kids in the picture are clearly white. The nigger is the new stepfather it would appear.

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Jesus Christ

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Those kids are not his dipshit

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there's no way the kids are his, look how not dark they are...

I'm guessing he got cucked by a Spic twice

You don't get mixed race babies. You just get more niggers.

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I think this is COPE, the mindset of feeling that the others are stealing women from you because you feel entitled to them since you are part of their race, but being fair the race is something you are born into, you cant betray your race because you never swore alliegance to it in first place, the truth is that any men is entitled to sex or love, you have to fight for it and earn it, studyng hard and working even harder, once you own a house, a car, and self improved yourself then you have access to decent women. Exeptions are made with "bad boys" but in any case a weak coward that wouldnt engage in a fight will never have acess to a women, those beta males that complain of violence and harsh behaviour but at the same time insult others behind their backs.

Because they carry the curse of Ham despite their fairer skin and no matter how fair their descendants become they will always carry the curse but pure people will not be able to tell by looking. Look at the United States. Many of its inhabitants appear white but the wickedness of this country is explained by most of its citizens, even the whites, carrying the curse of Ham because of some miscegenation in their past.

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>you cant betray your race because you never swore alliegance to it in first place
Depends on if you're being attacked. Enemy = enemy

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