Why are white men attracted to darker skinned women? Even white women are tanning so they don't look white.
Why are white men attracted to darker skinned women? Even white women are tanning so they don't look white
Kayden Perez
Hudson Powell
the bleach instinct
Eli Price
Cuz the suck grade A
Liam Allen
Camden Williams
This girl is a beaner and looks Mexican when she isn't wearing so much make up and photos hop to look white. Wasn't she not even american?
Levi Young
Because coffee is good for you
Jack Gonzalez
Stop posting this saggy titted whore.
Jonathan Morales
As you post a spic who bleaches her skins and wants to be asian.
Dylan Martin
why the actual would that whore wear a earpod in lingerie zoomer is the most retarded generation to ever be born
Camden Gonzalez
because brown women cook you food after sex