What's wrong with people from Michigan?

They're literally contributing to the spread of COVID-19. Stay the fuck home and save lives. No other state is doing shit like this, why are Michiganders doing stuff like this? Michigan is the 3rd most infected state. Listen to Governor Whitmer and STAY HOME

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Yankees are all fucked in the head

be a shame if they got herd immunity.

It's almost comical. I can't wait for Southpark to make an episode about the 'rona

shame, all those cars and not one left-leaning fat bitch got hit

Stupid bitch Gov is a lapdog for the DNC. Enacting all sorts of bullshit to stir up the West Mich crazies like "You can't buy seeds and grow your own food".

The State deserves the 'rona spread they get from this. Absolute corporate puppets running their govt for decades now.

Fuck off OP!

>They're literally contributing to the spread of COVID-19
fuck you and your fag virus. if you're so scared of the flu you can stay home.

lol "ain't no virus tougher than me, i'll kick that virus right in the nuts"

(im being sarcastic sir, no liberals are on Yas Forums)

goddamned right.

Don't you have to be infected with the virus to spread it?

Couple of obvious RINO, conservative action group founders stirred up a political stunt, that will ultimately lead to an even longer lockdown for them and their communities.


The United States is a parody of itself by this point.

these boomer faggots deserve what's coming to them

Shut the fuck up, Whitmer.

whats Bill Gates doing there?

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>no other states are doing shit like this
Washington state is having one this weekend

What's that? The 'rona?

This, shes banned every little thing for people in Michigan except for government workers, all because niggers in Detroit cant keep themselves clean. Bootlickers will defend this.

Every state has a different governer, retard. Michigan's is a power hungry tyrant thats going waaay the fuck overboard

Michigan still has fight left in it and isn't going to just let their rights be taken away without resistance. Fucking based.

reposting this shit

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>Herd immunity
Also known as thinning the herd.

and they have a militia

Detroit is a red pill factory.

Oh no ,, some boomers and niggers are dying !! Plz stop it !!!! Ahahahahah

They banned fishing....

Let that sink in.

wise or not, they can do whatever tf they want. if you're concerned about catching chinkypox stay at home. I love this kinda shit

lol yes, embrace the chaos. I love watching shit like this unfold.

Boomers get bored they then die

>They banned fishing....
She's basically banning everything white people like to do.

Mental illness. Not the good kind either.

They're retarded because they're closer to Canada

They'll just flip the 5g switch and everyone will get "sick"

Imagine electing a woman.

Here we go again the boomer 5G meme

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Based boomers. Only one mask. Fuck the government.

>shame, all those cars and not one left-leaning fat bitch got hit
That’s because they all died of covid19

Darwinism on display.

>They're literally contributing to the spread of COVID-19
its just the flu, fag