Be me in a chink school and have to deal with dumb ass teachers like this

Be me in a chink school and have to deal with dumb ass teachers like this.

He made the exam super fucking hard and then decided it was a good idea to stop getting submissions from kids when the system crashed. Auto failing >50 plus people fron the course. Dumb chink school, and leaf tards. I can’t wait to go back to America and have my US flag back.

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Why did you even study abroad in such a joke of a country?

If you submitted it late he can do whatever the fuck he wants

Unprofessional as fuck, I would cringe if I ever sent an email like this

Holy shit my uncle is a prof at your school. Based

I have never in my life had a good teacher teach a hard class. Memorizing facts is not difficult and neither is communicating theories. If your teacher is competent, he focuses on what's important and doesn't waste your time with bullshit. Hard classes almost exclusively waste your time with the bullshit your brain obviously doesn't bother to remember because it isn't important or related to accomplishing what your education is for. Do you actually need to know what updates the 11th revision of C++ brought? Of course you fucking don't.

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Scholz is not jewish, I knew a guy whose family had been here in America since the founding. He was football Chad stupid though

Playing football and being born in America doesn't mean he isn't Jewish. That be a silly as saying a nigger isn't black because he plays golf. Your race won't change just because you do a sport or move to a different country.

Dumbass mutt.

>every retard waits until last minute to submit
>they all do at once and crash the system
You brought it on yourself and deserve to be failed. I assume this is something you had a week to complete

Yeah lol. My CC music professor is unprofessional. But the history guy is pretty verbose and well spoken/written.


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You retard, how many Jews were in the founding of the country. I said his family had been here since the founding. Reed bettur fag

procrastinators get the rake, leaf

>jews didn’t exist before America

>Phys 122

Go get some Campus Pizza faggot and keep procrastinating.

Get this. If you allow someone to submit assignments late you could actually get in trouble for "capricious grading".

hey buddy we live in the same city

Jews didn't found america.

Wonder how many sites he'll be signed up for now

People from all over the world where here in the found of America. Slaves ships owned by Jews. And how would (you) know shit about this man's family history? What if a Male Jew married into the family and changed the name, ECT ECT ECT.

You stand without any arguments or point.

You would be a retard to think Jews didn't exist during the foundation of America. What race do you think America was/is?

I was always pretty sure American founding and American ideals were Christian in their nature... not judeochristian or any other nonsense. They were family friends, that's how I knew.

And I was also sure the pilgrims were not jewish.

Phys 122 is a joke course and whatever you submitted late should have been easily finished early

I don't think he's a Jew. His name is Gunter and he doesn't look like one. But it is possilbe he's a crypto Jew.


Should've pressured the prof to use crowdmark like everyone else in math and physics here. A class of emails shouldn't do shit to the servers

we need psychopath tests in all western institutions to stop chinks.

in year 13 (12th grade), we used to go on smoko with our history teacher, as we would have a double with a break inbetween. he would sit there, smoke in hand, read over our papers in detail, and give us advice about life and shit. cunt was a genius, the best teacher i ever had in HS.

Bill Goldberg, DL Atlanta Falcons

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>If you submitted it late he can do whatever the fuck he wants
Submit exam on time. System dies because it's untested. Tech gets system back up, backlog of submitted tests are sent. Phone blocks the notification from the system because it thinks it's an attack or spam. Boomer complains that it didn't turn out how he expected and blames everyone but himself.

>posting a screenshot of your own reddit thread here
Really sums up how fucking far this board has fallen. Do us all a favor and fuck off back to your shithole and blogpost there.

Stupid american. Go back to your kindergarten college in America. Here in Canada we fail stupid people because we dont want them to be our Engineers and scientists.