Was he doing exactly what the CIA trained him to do?

The purpose of MKULTRA was to create killers.

Does his eco-fascist crusade align with the founders of the CIA?

Attached: MV5BMzE0ZWMzYTctZTU2MS00ZDRlLTk0YzYtYWFiODdkZDc5MDZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,1628,1000_AL_.jpg (1628x1000, 139.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=manson ted oneil

Yes. I tried to derail my programming but "shit is fucked up".
At least my narratives became pretty interesting.

The intelligence agencies rely on high technology, so anti tech revolution would be the last thing they want.

This is related:


CIA golems use this symbol all the time.

High tech for me, low tech redneck shit for you. They are very hypocritical.

he's already explained that the studies performed on him were totally innocuous. he wasn't getting filled with acid or whatever dumb shit you schizos think up.

Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound right now?

take your meds before you hurt somebody, freak

>the purpose of MKULTRA was to create killers
this is retarded for several reasons. primarily it is retarded because MKULTRA wasn't a single project or directive - it was a group of projects each with various aims.
At Harvard Ted just gained more reasons to hate the intellectuals

>The intelligence agencies rely on high technology, so anti tech revolution would be the last thing they want.

The globalists want to lower the population, so having kids is the last thing they would want. Right?

Attached: gates-family.png (534x456, 677.06K)

He was a piss poor killer, friend.

>totally innocuous.

Where did he talk about MKULTRA? Sounds pretty obvious to anyone they fucked his head up and made him think the life he chose was the best option. The project involved ridiculing his career choice. What did he choose to do? Get a normal career?

Attached: Sleeper Assassin - CIA - MKULTRA.jpg (640x830, 362.71K)

>MKULTRA wasn't a single project

True, but a guy who uncovered the facts the Manson murders were not what they appeared uncovered that this was what the project was, in part at least.

youtube.com/results?search_query=manson ted oneil

MK Ultra has evolved into subliminal messages in YouTube videos and audio. Glowniggers need their heads busted in.

There were dozens of projects and many more after that: MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH, Monarch, Blue Bird, Minerva, Brain Initiative, ...
All of them illegal, without consent and violating many international agreements and local laws.

>MK Ultra has evolved into subliminal messages in YouTube videos and audio
Anywhere I can read further on this? It pertains to me greatly, I watch a lot of YouTube.

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Also MILABs, HORUS, targeted individual program, ...

Flat Earth was hinted being a psyop with the backing of Google's recommendation system in some MSM news

I don't want to be THAT American who says it.

>thinking this small
what does it matter what the weaponized autist thinks? it's just important that how he acts is easy to calculate
like when Allianz insurances pays left extreme vegans to support Bernie and visit his ralleys, who then proceed to fuck shit up for him
there are countless examples of this
one of the better one involves undercover police from france, germany and britain working under cooperation (because sending your own police in your country to do this is strictly not legal, but in other countries it is...)
they mainly targeted eco people, got quite a few people pregnant too
and what was remembered most strikingly
>infinite money
>nice helpful person, always there, never works
>always demands and brings up the most extreme plans
Kommando Norbert Bluehm is a joke by anti german activists paid for by Soros who send 17 people drowning in a border river to make a point and supplied material in absurd amounts to refugee demonstrations at the greek turk borders.
Nothing of this is new strategy, it's been attested for thousands of years.
>Why would you support shitskins in your neighboring country if you don't like shitskinism?
>uh you critique society, yet participate in it, very curious

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should have written, tactically supports the right people and donation calls with absurd amount of moneys
the russian femen feminists are a treasure trove of follow the money
they've been asked by journalists what they think of who pays their life style and if it's okay and they're just vapid cunts who really don't care, they just want to jetset and live in nice apartments

Attached: 10-02-02-KIZ.jpg (948x474, 51.71K)

I thought this was Lee Harvey Oswald for some reason.

He had nothing to do with the CIA or MKULTRA you dumbass. He was interviewed a couple of times by a psychologist at a university, and urban legend turned that into "he got mkultrad!1111".

In recent history there are countless cases where at some point in time, either through the executive and judicative doing their job, or otherwise.
Things like this have come to light, RAF's support (to push for stricter laws)
recently there was state supported NSU terrorism that lead to massive clusterfucks and scandals as well as one politician escaping germany and threatening in english to publish documents about CIA involvement (so far it's only a few things about their involvement are known, thanks to reports on when the same person were shadowed and that were given and made public)
before he fled the country he stole all documents from the secretly meeting NSU committee
his political career was over anyway because he was a pedo and the police sat 4 (with five eyes) 8 years on the information and there were a lot of people involved that knew before hand about this.
He was going to be persecuted because he said he'd want an honest dealing with the hole NSU issue and apparently that was not okay.
>retarded nazi hitmen who got a lot of money from the state as general support in various ways, some really obscure like buying their holocaust monopoly they produced

Attached: 09-01-01-KIZ.jpg (920x616, 56.7K)

wait whats this, i'm just getting into ecofasism

you could google a lot more on it yourself, he was "lawful" and they just for shits and giggles, as well as science, unscrewed a few screws
nothing too uncommon in the world anyway

not saying they specifically made him, that was not what he was tested for that just happened on it's own because he was who he was and his special biography
they still unscrewed shit for shits and giggles

Also I forgot to say the obvious: lots of jews, freemasons, nazis and the usual people you would expect to be involved with this crap.

Of course he did.
First rule of mkultra is dont talk about mkultra
On top of that he stayed in the program so long because he didnt want them to beat him he convinced himself he won.
If he attributes any programming to his actions would mean he lost and he couldn't stand that.
Hes stated this himself

This. Ted is 100% sane and came to all of his conclusions rationally.

Just gonna leave this here.

>He wuz a good boi, he dindu nuffin.

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