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Hey rabbi....


oh nooooo, that's so terrible. It' such a great thing he didn't succeed. That would have been just awful

>nigga found out they do spirit cooking with pre-blended babies so the toothless oldsters can suck 'em down like milkshakes

Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

Nah, we are still the most based. My regular bars here in Boston do everything in their power to keep niggers out.

I can't take all this antisemitism. Horrible.

> that ID
> those digits
wew my lads

Frankly I blame the sheriffs. Had they been doing their job this would have never happened.

what's the logic here
>virus emptying nursing homes
>this is when they'd least expect it
>if i don't kill them now i'll miss my chance

Attached: grübelchen.png (450x720, 400.3K)

>harvesting lettuce after it bolted
Dumb. Go for their kids if you really want to make a difference

Just like the story of a man attempting to car bomb a hospital that turned out to be entirely false I'm sure this one will also turn out to be a deeply mentally ill/vulnerable person being manipulated so an FBI agent can get a raise.

Every single FBI glowie nigger deserves a bullet, bomb their fucking offices.

Hello? Based department? I'd like to order a redpill as a gift. yes, for Jew Goldtstein. Thanks.

any one can keep niggers out. What do you do about jews?

Um, based? In Minecraft of course

>I RP Jews

wew indeed

Oh no no no no......

What a dick. You're supposed to bomb Jewish NURSERIES, not NURSING HOMES.

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>jewish nursing home
this cant be real. they have their own exclusive nursing homes?

How fucking sloppy are these people? How hard is it to walk into a place with a backpack and leave it in a closet or something?

Damn, they caught him.

so, old people almost die of corona?

they're not exclusive, it's just that human beings find jews insufferable; so they get their own.

You've never heard of the Hebrew Home(TM)?
They have their own hospitals, biolabs, nuclear reactors, even a hideout in the Middle East paid for by your taxes.


Why do jews have their own nursing home? What they're so fuckin special???

remember Duncan Lemp or Timothy Wilson? Both men murdered by glowies for nothing more than being racist on the internet. Anybody who trusts the American secret services and their proxy media is a fucking bluepilled cringe fag loser.

Attached: Duncan Socrates Lemp.jpg (992x558, 105.04K)

Why kill the old ones?

Jews aren’t an issue here because the Irish Catholics have a strangle hold on the city. The Jews are all isolated to Brookline.