Okay, where do I start with christianity?

Okay, where do I start with christianity?

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Why don’t you just sniff glue?

Any of the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, or Luke). They give a basic foundation of Jesus' life, teachings, and mission. They provide context for the rest of the Bible.

Start with prayer, start a line of communication with God and build your understanding of who He is and what He means to you
You can try to intellectually approach the topic (CS Lewis' "Mere Christianity", St. Augustine's "Confessions", etc.) and it can take you places

But at some point you'll need to break into the personal and spiritual
And the best way to start that is prayer

Become a cathecumen ASAP.
Read the cathecism then the bible, pray and talk to God.

God bless you fren

>Okay, where do I start with christianity?
by converting your churches and priests to paganism.

the steel of the holy warriors of Odin will be consecrated on the blood of the Crusaders and jihadists.

the rivers will grant us water, the ground will grant us steel. clothing and food, all that's needed to crush crusaders and jihadists

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The part where they find the appropriate time zone to make a poll and say this is a christian board.

Read the sermon on the mount in Matthew.

only gypsies do it here

>where do I start
First you have to start with the Judeo-Christian belief that there is a magic apple that gives one instant god-like knowledge when swallowed. The apples actually have magic apple power but are also cursed by the magical Jew-god called the Yahwah. You believe that Adam and Eve ate the Genesis fruit thus awakening the wrath of the Yahwah. Then the Jew-god formed an implacable grudge against humankind which could only finally be expiated by a human sacrifice. Then the Yahwah went on to literally breed with a Jewess because he experienced an irresistible messiah breeding desire after seeing the Jewish girl that he wanted to rape. Then a magical Jewish Mashiach bastard was born that later would become a very hirsute rabbi and would actually be used as the very human sacrifice that the Yahwah had been waiting for in the first place because of the stolen apple! These are the Biblical Judeo-Christian beliefs that will help you construct a Biblical Judeo-Christian worldview.

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relax dude, judeans and jews are different, the bible says that

I hate this answer. Say that Jesus' life gives context to the rest of the bible is false and misinterprets the "rest of the bible'. That's like saying "read the last chapter of a book and then read the rest" as if the story and breadcrumbs leading up to Jesus' life, death, and resurrection meant nothing. Typical western short-sighted pleasure-seeking. Skip to the part that feels good, then get around to all the scary stuff later.

By taking your collection of desert fairy tales and throwing them right in the trash.

read the bible so you know when they are trying to convert you and how to avoid selling your soul to the jew king chr*st

Fuck they do that here too.
Are gippos actually redpilled with a homogeneous culture and genes all over the world?

I second "Mere Christianity" as a good starting point.

Start by taking the Logospill.

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Don't. It's Annunaki propaganda meant to enslave your mind. Same with the other Abrahamic religions.


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Buy a Bible. Read it.

Lol! The guy depicted by that statute wasn't even Christian. Kill yourself, cuck.


>Old Germanic sagas
>In the early 19th century, attempts were made to show that the story of Arminius and his victory may have lived on in the Old Norse sagas,[32] in the form of the dragon slayer Sigurd of the Völsunga saga and the Nibelungenlied. An Icelandic account[33][34] states that Sigurd "slew the dragon" in the Gnitaheidr—today the suburb Knetterheide of the city of Bad Salzuflen, located at a strategic site on the Werre river which could very well have been the point of departure of Varus' legions on their way to their doom in the Teutoburg Forest. One of the foremost Scandinavian scholars of the 19th century, Guðbrandur Vigfússon,[35] identified Sigurd as Arminius. This educated guess was also picked up by Otto Höfler, who was a prominent National Socialist academic during World War II.[36]


oh ok

>many churches in town
>but mostly Lutherans
>they are devoted to different saints
which path should a wayward sheep pick?

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Learn the basics

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>which path should a wayward sheep pick?
the pagan path.

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edgy atheism

oh here we go again

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>where to start
Your Heritage by Bertrand Comparet?

it's okay if you feel the religion of the blue eyed and blonde aryan native european is larping, you're a brownoid.

Race has no basis in reality. It is a fake identity and it is going nowhere. If you identify as "White", you have fallen into a trap that was set by the Jews. The Jews can manage "White" identity. They cannot manage the resurrection of Catholic identity and that is what they are afraid of.

If you're an American or European, you have 3 identities to choose from: Catholic, Protestant, or Jew. That's it. If you are not Catholic, Protestant, or Jew, then you are prey to a pseudo-identity. Hitler tried to go back to a pre-Christian identity based on ... Richard Wagner and we all know how that turned out - a complete and utter failure.

What even are "White" people values? The values of Joseph Stalin or the values of Mother Theresa? Can't answer that can you?

>Poland would be destroyed if it was filled with black Africans

Another blatant falsehood I see posted everyday. If a black person converts to Catholicism, learns to speak Polish, stays for 20 years and learns the customs, that black person is now Polish. Africa would look like Europe after 1,000 years of Catholicism. I know this because, unlike most people, I've been to Africa, I have met the people, and I have seen the Logos rising with my own eyes.

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At the beginning, where they sat down and copied all the pagan religions

What is your homeland?

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Based and Christ-pilled. I second just talking to God. He loves you and wants to hear from you. After praying for a while try reading some of the bible


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>american flag
idk who you're fooling

Here is a good place to start.


It will cover things like pic related.

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Whose interpretation?

>idk who you're fooling
I have blonde hair and blue eyes you shitskin mutt.

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the jews have been forcing prophecies for years. this jew trick is called Christian Zionism which calls for multiple fulfillments of the same prophecies. OT texts regarding the return to Israel from the Babylonian captivity have now morphed into the creation of modern Israel. It's all quite silly but the powers that be are using this as a blueprint to convince weakminded sheep that current events were foretold thousands of years ago; christian pastors are every bit as guilty of disseminating this bullshit as the globalist jews. Yes, there will be a "mark of the beast" eventually. 50 years ago the UPC barcode was the prime candidate - today it's ID2020. Christian anons would do well to ask their pastors views on this matter. Atheist anons not wanting to take the chip would do well to larp as a christfag; if only to buy a bit of time. Mandatory chip will be the straw that breaks the camels back

But the black people won't do that will they? Blacks cannot and will adapt as a whole. It isn't in their nature. Just like it's in the nature of muslims from the middle east to rape white girls.

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Jesus' life isn't even close to the last chapter of the book.
There's still the Acts of the Apostles, all the Epistles, and Revelations.
Jesus' life gives context for the rest of the Bible, though, and is the central figure of Christianity.

You are right that the other books are important as well and often skipped.
As one example, Genesis is a very important book in that it uses stories of the lives of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph to discuss morality and the human condition.
I'd recommend that to be the 2nd book someone new to Christianity reads.

YHVH is a semitic desert demon, he favors jews so he shouldn't be worshiped

>we’re all mixed
Kek that’s next level mutt cope

>voluntarily deradicalizing and cucking yourself

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Try them out and see which one resonates with you
Importantly, don't try to do this by asking which church gives you the best "feels"
Ask instead which seems theologically consistent, which seems genuine, which church provides truth

And remember that it's a lifelong journey
Start where you wish, read, pray, and refine your relationship with God and His church and if you keep an open and prayerful mind, you'll settle where God always intended you to be

I could see a strong case for at least reading the creation bit of genesis first. I think it clearly shows God's message of love and forgiveness, which is highlighted in Gen. 3:21. We betrayed God, doing the one thing he asked us not do, and before we leave the paradise of pleasure what does he do? He makes for us clothing to wear, he offers us protection from the elements, his live shines through despite our wrong doing.

>YHVH is a semitic desert demon, he favors jews

What makes you say that?


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