How many of the world's problems would end if the average guy had this? Seriously, this place wouldn't even exist

How many of the world's problems would end if the average guy had this? Seriously, this place wouldn't even exist

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GF did this the other day, I'm still here

I have this and I still hate niggers.

are hand jobs off the table?

It would be meaningless. How disgusting, to be comforted by used goods.
Reminder that she isn't yours, it's just your turn.

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My wife does this every night. She also makes good sandwiches.

The world would somehow become more peaceful and more martial at the same time
these men would fight for their wives if they treated them like that

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>tfw you'll never have a qt oni gf to pat your head and call you 'darling'
Why even live?

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There are actual cuddle websites out there for men to cuddle with women. Unfortunately, I'm sure the coronvirus has made it more hard to pay for it tho.

I try to do this to my husband and he doesn’t like it :(

Because you're a fag and no man wants to cuddle with a faggot

Nigger, she will shock you nearly to death while shreaking "Daaarling no bakaa!"

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what a shock

>unironically liking cuddles

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my dad has Yas Forums tier beliefs and has 4 kids and is still married to my mom to this day

Oh god I desire nothing more than to be electrocuted by her for looking in another girl's direction

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>Seriously, this place wouldn't even exist
Nah I'd still be here but you normies would be living a much better life and not stuck in the same boat with actual ugly people.

we were never alive

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I'm affectionate still but I'm definitely past the stage where I was skin thirsty. I would shake and constantly kiss whenever my gf and I would cuddle cause it was so comforting.

Probably wouldn't if I wasn't extremely lonely and deprived of natural human touch

Its gonna happen user. Day by day. Bit by bit. Things change. Soon my brothers. Soon.

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I think it says a lot about how starved for affection white men are that they'll join "cuddle puddle"groups. That's one of the things I miss about being deployed: There wasn't nearly as much of a stigma against men showing affection towards each other. I know how gay that sounds from the outside, but when you're with a small group of guys in close quarters working hard 24/7 for months on end, it just seemed natural to be close to them.

That's hot.

First time I had sex the wench kept nagging me for not holding her, lol. A Chad only fucks and runs

This is almost scary up to 25 how accurate this is..

I wouldn't say no to it.

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I just want a qt bf to do this with

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I have this and it's so awesome. I miss my gf

Buddy there's a difference between patting your bro on the shoulder to doing the stuff OP showed
thats for a man and a woman


Why wait for women to change, when we can just replace them?

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I have seen enough anime to know there are no pussies in this video.

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I am so lone;y and starved of human touch. It isn't even about being horny, it is this deep void feeling that you do not matter and that nobody cares. Nobody wants to take the time to know you, but when they do, they see the things that you about yourself. That in turn reinfirces the negativity and loneliess. I was not always like this, my mod 30's have been a barren wasteland. I would suicide myself but I don't want to burden my family with my body disposal. Ironically, I am gainfully employed, surrounded by women, not fat or ugly but I am a fucking awful human being as evidenced by everyone I have ever known has left me (romantic nor platonic)

tldr this place would exist regardless but I am glad this hellhole is around. Without you faggots, I would be even more utterly alone.

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Take the agepill, anons. You will never have this. You missed out on teen love. Its over.

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I love cuddling as much as the next guy, but if you try and offload all your emotional baggage onto a woman she's gonna leave you REAL fast.

There's nothing wrong with showing your emotions, but what women hate is a man who loses CONTROL of his emotion.

Depopulate people who don't like cuddles and everything will be great.

Ramu is far too dangerous to be a proper waifu. I know it hurts. But you must accept it

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Fine. But at least I dont have the heartbreak of growing out of it.

I miss my brothers. Unless you were in the military, prison or some form of shared misery, you won't get it. Downrange, we are all single and away from families which causes us to bond. You don't confide to your wife anymore because she won't understand, but shitbag joe gets it.

I was 15.
She was 16.

She left me for a 25 year old man who we stood next to with her mom a week before at the county fair.

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pls stop

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We all get powers user. We will become physically strong enough to withstand it.


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Its true, boys. I had my girl do this for me out of nowhere a couple months back and it just felt sooooooo nice. Head resting on her breasts, stroking my beard and chest and telling me "ohhhh darling, I love you so so much." If your woman doesnt nurture like this, gtfo.

I know, and maybe it's a "you had to be there" kinda thing. There wasn't making out, or secks, or whatever, but there was a physical intimacy between guys that wouldn't be considered acceptable outside. It wasn't sexual, but it was nice. Now I have OP's mommywife and that's even better, but there has to be a way to get and give the affecting you want without being looked down on so hard.

No, I am the man: I provide the cuddles and emotional support. I drink liquor and hit things to process my emotions.

Mentioned this in last thread: my immediate reaction to this is my seeing it as too effeminate for a man, but I’m also aware of the fact that this appeals to me at a very deep level. Help.

Brother I'm glad your here.
Haven't been touched by another in over a decade.
No hugs, no love, no anything.
But I love myself, and it's what keeps me going.
I've been alone so long, I couldn't even imagine living with another.
The cumulative emotions would literally kill me.

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Cuddles are pleb tier. The true God shit is lying down with your girlfriend curled up next to you on your chest while she kisses your cheek with adoration and gratitude.

le reddit

Except for the 2 massive ones

No! I can't accept it
I'll even eat her horrible cooking if it puts a smile on her face

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This shit is super gay senpai.

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It made you stronger than if that didn't happen. I hope life is kinder to you now than that girl was.

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>How many of the world's problems would end if the average guy had this?
True love can solve a lot more of the worlds problems then you realize.

>tfw no gentle femdom gf
It hurts, lads

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>i have nothing so i'll push my corrupt trash world on everyone
kys nigger.

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gf cuddling is nub tiers. The true tier is having your gf french kissing the girl who is riding your dick.

wtf, why is there so many incels in here

11b here.
The old movie, "Cool Hand Luke" always reminds me this isn't a new phenomenon.
Some people will just never truly understand.

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I've been with a girl for 3 years now : if she could she would cuddle all the fucking day
sometimes after we have sex she comes near the computer, sits like a dog and just stares at me begging for pats on the head
never misses an opportunity to cling to me even when I'm doing manual labour despite me telling her to fuck off constantly

grass is greener and all of that I guess

>wanting love is incel
Godless commie can't understand that

What a bitch

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Take the Ranma pill and get yourself a cute trap.

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You just have to hide it from the woman, or hide from women.

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I know, man. I hated being enlisted, and I wasn't good at being in the navy, but I was really good at my job. But that kind of bond isn't bought, and was the only thing I miss about being in.

I try not to think about it.

Fuck, I picked the wrong week to stop drinking.

>that feeling of missing out
On what, the troubles that come with dealing with a real woman? Stop advertising this romanticized idea of love and youth, as it's only a fraction of the reality of dealing with a woman in the modern world. Sure, maybe there are some good feelings to be felt, but is it worth the time, effort and potential ways in which a woman can fuck a man over? I personally think not.

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Ffs I havent seen my gf since lockdown. she's naive idiot who believes in teh evil Coronavirus

Thanks hoss.

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oof. Fuck.

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i never asked for this

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I don't know how to love myself despite trying all the SIG bullshit. Maybe I am too selfish, but I hate myself so I get why nobody wants to be in my life intimately.

What is your secret? How do conquer self loathing? Even when I am successful, it feels temporary and like I am not worthy of it. Prior to this, I always hoped for the best and was optimistically trustful, so when heartbreak happens, it is like a deep wound that needs daily treatments. Eventually the wound heals but there will always be a scar. The scar tissue is thicker and tougher, and that is my emotional state. Scars that have scars on top of scars.


"Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all."

I am as you'd say 'godless' but not a commie and I do wish for some loving. lol.


I think you don't understand what that word means.

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>cute trap

You're talking about 1% of .5% of the population there user.

>chooses shampoo over lum

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I do this for my bf a lot.
Especially massages/back scratches/head rubs.

I hate that this turns me the fuck on.

No traps. Traps are gay


Unironically doing shit like learning new skills and finding new hobbies
I've fell in love with guns

I miss Basic Training. I was a better different human in Basic Training.

The ultimate goal of this reality is to breed with a qt virgin

Everything else is cope especially your "enlightened hobbies" you depressed neckbeard

Also if you missed out on teen love and wasted your youth.. it's all ogre

The older you get the more desensitized and world weary you become. Especially if you dont have regular sex and pair bonding with your idea of perfection

my troublesome lady, can't saucenao full images, baka-kun.

I just want to suck on my wife's tits while she gives me a handy but that's too much to ask. She'd rather give me head but that's not the same

>have sex incel then it won't bother you that the Jews are trying to destroy your race and civilization and every single year gets worse due to infinity 3rd world welfare browns flooding in
brilliant observation bergblattstein

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Putting the cart before the horse. You can't have an affectionate woman because jew rats destroyed our society.

Hey its all i have. I may as well try to turn it to my own advantage. I may never know but it I let it become a weakness I wont ever move forward.

Eye contact then French kissing as you cum deep into her pulsating hips while she convulses yet gently squeezes every last drop out.

Everyday I question whether or not I should just join the military now or after college
I'm tired of my current situation

Because your a man! Cope

shampoo is objectively better tho

is it bad i have no clue how this feels and im 19

also never held hands

but ive fucked 15 prostitutes

old Iraq era 68W, my nigga.

How the fuck can your race be destroyed if you actually breed, retard? You're literally a part of the problem.

You won't starve with Shampoo

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