only for blacks and POC shitskins.
Trump and all over Fox News today were saying "Now that we're passed the peak!"
I fucking hate right-wingers, man.
That graph shows new deaths, not new cases. As time goes on, more and more people will have become infected so as time goes on, more and more people will die. If you have something else, pls. post sauce.
This, it's just spreading.
b-b-but Yas Forums told me its a nothingburger!
what do you mean its not just a flu?
Jew York just started retconning their numbers because gibs plz
YES!!!!!!!!! ITS ALL FAKE!!!!!!!!! WE NEED DAH ECONOMY OPEN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
11 days in a row below the April 4th peak
Passed peak in daily new cases. Get a clue.
>85% of deaths in blue states
Huh, almost like they have an incentive to overcount.
YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEN UP THE COUNTRY!!!!!!!! WE NEED THE ECONOMY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIGA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Death count means nothing, they literally added 3.7k deaths recently just because they were "presumed" to have died by COVID, despite never having been officially tested
Explain that bullshit to me
Get a load of this dumb fuck who hasnt followed the virus since January.
Cases come first. Deaths trail behind. Pay attention to this important lesson in case there is another wave you mongoloid.
Cases peak first, then deaths. Cases are currently dropping daily so deaths will soon follow.
Shilling for house arrest and permanent government gibs that accelerate another Great Depression, yeah I’m the Jew.
Jew York at it again
I for one welcome death
Fuck off kike, your operation is so blatant. Have an actual thought.
>Some unrelated shit
Like I said, Jew York is retconning the numbers.
a sexy chink woman riding a snot rocket just flew over my house
The graph you posted shows a major upswing in new cases today though. And that's with all of the extreme social distancing measures. Data out of New York suggests that even at an extremely high estimate 15% of the city as most has been infected, which means this thing isn't even close to a peak yet.
That's what "flatten the curve" was all about. Flattening that curve. Just because it's leveling doesn't mean it's "peaking". Jesus, you people are clueless and always so scientifically illiterate.
Dude same to you, see above.
> be OP
> idiot, so I'll post stats on contagion using death chart.
> not realize that states no longer require people to have positive covid test when longing them as deaths
> dude bro virus total more deeeadly now
awesome i hope it's real and kills billions.
Reminder that this is a virus that was released from the Wuhan Biolab. More and more evidence coming every day. China is absolutely fucked. They are the next North Korea. China will be shunned and their economy will crash. Millions of Chinese will starve to death.
We're also on pace to test less people than we did last week. That likely is the case drop. People are still sick.
deaths is related to cases, number of. And you're both contradicting yourselves. Murica has still to have a geographical spread, one which is inevitable as y'all fucking retarded. It's barely touched the west coast till now, and I doubt thats because Californians are somehow immune.
The Jews want you to leave your house, abandon your family, your hometown, your religion, and be a mindless consumer debt slave. Why the fuck would the Jews want you locked in your house where you can’t buy their chink garbage product?
we can only hope but realistically they’re going to rule all of us
>KIKE!! KIKE!!!!
KYS!! I really want the economy back!!
It’s 4000 below what it was on Sunday, a week from now you’ll see what a retard you are when that’s not topped again, but by then you’ll be on to your next delusion.
Have you noticed the date they started social distancing is not at all correlated with the severity of the pandemic? NY one of the first, Florida and Texas one of the last and yet NY is the most effected. And before you say it’s population density, Florida is the 8th most populous state and NY number 7. But hey, when (((Fauci))) says the first amendment is over, the first amendment is over.
The peak has passed pretty much everywhere. Most places weeks ago. Deaths lag new cases about 1-2 weeks. Cases lag infection 2-3 weeks. Any death today is from an infection about a month ago. It's over.
It’s 4000 below what it was on Sunday, obviously it doesn’t follow a straight line down. A week from now you’ll see what a retard you are when that’s not topped again, but by then you’ll be on to your next delusion.
Have you noticed the date they started social distancing is not at all correlated with the severity of the pandemic? NY one of the first, Florida and Texas one of the last and yet NY is the most effected. And before you say it’s population density, Florida is the 8th most populous state and NY number 7. But hey, when (((Fauci))) says the first amendment is over, the first amendment is over.
So increase in testing doesn’t cause the increase, but a decrease causes a decrease? Not very consistent.
Avoid a substantive discussion at any cost, will stop you from being outed.
We need to get back to work and resume paying taxes to Israel. Anything less is fucking communist shit!!!
Great Depression 2 will be a blast so some 80 year olds can live 2 more months. Don’t be tricked by the jews who want a right to assembly.
based and Yas Forumspilled
You’re the ultimate nigger.
>On a record breaking day for US deaths, the shills ITT gaslight the readers into thinking it's all fake.
you really fall for bait easily...
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about Bong
>noooo not the jewish ponzi scheme!
Literally every doctor of epidemiologist will tell you haven't "hit the peak" or anything like that. The variations are often due to the availability of testing, what day of the week it is (less workers on sundays, for example) and other factors, dude. Jesus Christ. And you've had an outbreak in ONE city. Don't you understand? And in that one city they reported as many cases today as any other day
Dude holy shit you people are fucking IGNORANT and scientifically illiterate. That's fucking it. But you know what? I've learned not to waste my breath dealing with the scientifically illiterate right-wingers. Just wait till you and your fucking family get it, faggot. That is literally the only way you morons will learn. Trump will literally murder your family so they can slave for him and wall st, and you'll prob still support him.
No. The peak hasn't passed anywhere in the USA. That's just factually incorrect.
These are stressful times :(
>CDC puts out instructions telling hospitals to start counting "presumed" coronavirus deaths rather than just actual coronavirus deaths
>suddenly way more people start getting counted that literally don't even have coronavirus in the first place
>death count goes up right after
>wasn't record breaking, had a minor increase from the previous day because Jew York changes the way it counts to make it looks worse than it is
>should kill yourself
pick 3
Daily new cases are going down everywhere in the US. Its over, happooner.
/cvg/ is that way
Keep gaslighting
Cases are "down" because testing can't keep up with them
this is right
Lol you are such a pantyfaggot gtfo here.
We've passed the peak