Is Sam gay? What’s the deal with the attached pic, I need to know if it’s real or not. Did he actually let a tranny pound his ass?
Sam hyde sexuality
>its just a joke
no he fag
Slide thread
Daily reminder there is literally nothing gay with banging trannies as long as you don’t allow yourself to be penetrated. Fucking another man in the ass isn’t gay, it’s a power move.
So this pic is real? Sam’s gay? Do you know where this originated from?
The tranny said “she” topped Sam though. That seems kinda faggy to me
it's unbelievably gay. why'd he do this
Balls must not touch, that's the rule. Everything else is good, like all other things guys do in behind fraternity walls.
this is a skit from the show on adult swim Million Dollar Extreme World Peace. He scripted this. Yes its pretty fucking gay.
So this picture isn’t photoshopped? I have no idea where it originated from
oh i just noticed the boobie scars. This is a woman. So technically not gay.
>it's not gay if-
Oh shit, thanks. I was wondering. I’ve read a lot of shit about Sam being a repressed homosexual and closeted pedophile and didn’t want to believe it. But I’m really starting to think he’s a degenerate
look at the scars under the "bald dude's" nipples. This person clearly had a breast reduction and was probably a woman
Wrong, it's still gay.
Isn't that buck angel? It still has a front hole so not gay.
Never confirmed or proven, kill yourself fag.
>Fucking another man in the ass isn’t gay, it’s a power move.
only if you draw blood.
I’ve read shit on archived threads about Sam meeting up with dudes from Craigslist to bang. I don’t know the validity of those posts, but I don’t think this shit helps his case.
This, daily reminder Sam el-jihad Hyde did nothing wrong!
Didn’t he fuck Marky when she was 16? And he was 27? That seems like pedo behavior to me
Dude all that shit is fake with no real evidence. Congrats on being retarded. Sam Hyde probably trolled you himself thinking it was funny cuss you are a bitch, you bitch.
That's a cope. Listen, I top guys too. Never been penetrated or sucked a dick. Its gay bro. Just be bi.
Hey buddy, i think you got the wrong door the sam hyde fan club is two blocks down
No proof of that shit either. If there was the FBI would be involved a long time ago and he would be in jail you dumb fuck. It's not like Sam Hyde hasn't pissed off enough people you dumb underage faggot.
I don't think sam is a fag tho
This was back in 2013 or so (if this pic isn't shopped) when it was "shocking" to do shit like this (this was the age when gay marriage got obama legalized and shit) so I can understand why he'd do that as a comedian. Just looking at his videos from back then to these days you see he only really got redpilled, in the pol sense, back in like 2016-17 or so.
He also banged this really cute chick. People used to spam her and sams pics over here all the time like 2 years ago.
Damn that chick was phukkin hot, good on him
>Never been penetrated or sucked a dick.
Yeah right, I have never breathed air before you dumb faggot cock sucker. I bet your breath reeks of cum while you post fag.
he was a useful npc like hitler but they all show homo tendencies
Sam if you’re out there I’d fuck you and I’m not even gay. You just have that I’m gonna make you my prison bitch thing going on. I do enjoy making people hurt. Is that called sadism? Anyway Sam looking forward to seeing you. Best wishes.
p.s. I’ve really enjoyed the quarantine so far. It’s not at all like I’m being grounded for everything I did as a teen but wasn’t caught for.
He's mentally ill and having another manic episode. He's a fucking lolcow you fucking newfags.
Not gunna lie
This is pretty damn based
was obessed with irony too much... poor sam
What the fuck is wrong with you
>random literally what adult swim show
>likely airs at 3:45AM for 5 minutes only inbetween 2 hour infomercials
Pretty sure its a skit.
Most conservatives are closeted and repressed. They hate in others what they see in themselves
The people who post anti-Sam threads and anti-NatSoc threads are unironically /chranny/ fags from 8gag.
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Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef is a dead Jewish rabbi.