What was the deal with the fucking gnomes in this universe?

What was the deal with the fucking gnomes in this universe?

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camping at rune rocks daily. still .

they were jews

tree jews

Look up the gnomes of Switzerland noob

Reminds me of when I was in the Kalimdor Krips in WoW circa 2003.

Yo mama so fat, she got enough chins to get 99 ranged

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Reminds me of dwarf fortress, what's this?

Glough did nothing wrong

The wonderful world of RuneScape.

Runescape my memeflaggot

small enough to engineer flat paper wings
and suspension of logic in square cube law

The ditch was a mistake

the gnomes are mostly peaceful, but harbor the intellect and ability to produce certain individuals which rise to power (Glough) through scientific experimentation. Their experiments have resulted in the demonic gorillas, similarily to how the dragonkin experiments resulted in dragons across Gilenor.

Wasn't there a Yas Forums server for this game?

I played runescape for many hours as a boy but I'm poor so I only experienced probably 5% of the game

how much party hats are worth now? I had a blue one i bought for 300K gp way back in the day.

I'm 3 subquests away from Barrows gloves and I spent zero dollars on it.
Not much and they launched them again. Servers reset. RS Classic > RS2 > RS3 > OSRS (RS2)

I expected more of you faggots to have a better knowledge of Runescape. I am disappointed in all of you.

Yas Forums has a clan

Glough Nigger

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Glough should have conquered Karamja; Never should have planned to take Misthalin. Hell, he could have done it by himself, practically.

So many hours spent mining ore and fishing crabs. Nostalgia

Honestly I see a lot of overlap with Asheron's Call areas, at least thematically. I wonder if they borrowed from each other or just had similar influences.

the goblins are jews. Ogres are niggers.

Runescape was soo boring yet my friends loved it. I played actual good mmos like WoW and later lotro.

buying gf

MMOs are all boring. They're just slightly rewarding, give people the sense of achievement and power that they cant get in the real world because the modern world is pure cancer. They're escapism.

I always thought comparing RuneScape to WoW is like comparing apples and oranges. I mean, yeah, they're both MMOs, but one is basically a point-and-click adventure game while the other is an action RPG.

RuneScape is for chilling and watching a movie on a second monitor.

. still .