Are we seeing the beginnings of balkanization in the United States? With California, Oregon, and Washington on the West coast and NY, NJ, and Connetecate on the East coast working as coalitions are we in the infancy of established super regions?
United States Balkanization
shitty borders. you'll never start your own country with that kind of sloppiness.
if Russia isn't balkanizing, what makes you think the US is?
Its never going to happen even though we would all be better off
Traditional "cultural" delineations of states doesn't apply in the modern era where the divide is almost completely along urban/rural lines. Shitskins, jews, and leftoid whites living in the cities, normal white people living elsewhere. Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago have more in common with each other than they do with the people in their own states just a couple dozen miles away.
whatchadoin rabbi
Is it really necessary to make this thread every single day?
Why not? Are the states really that dependant on the federal government? There are states in this country that have a higher GDPs than entire countries.
Never started this type of thread before but the coalition talk the other day from NY and CA got me thinking more about it being a reality.
nah people love being american.
Federal government would never let it happen unless there was some type of major society ended collapse. Also any relatively small regional differences would be overshadowed by 24/7 shilling about how we are "stronger together" by all msm
You'd still be American but modes of government would be much more efficient at more local levels. The federal government needs to get back to limited powers and less about this "total power" talk.
Not gonna happen, quit jacking off to the US splitting up lmao
Sources say it will break up by 2032
Hello Ruskies and Winnie the Pooh
Oooooohhhhh wow. Checked master.
Ironicallly its mostly spics who don't think it will break up.
Funny how all these predictions show the southwest going full beaner. The reason beaners are in power now in the southwest is because the federal government and local governments essentially protect them. Once that protection is removed, white armies are going to move in and completely drive them out unless the Mexican government sends its military to occupy, but they can't even handle cartels.
So, the cartels will probably end up in charge for a while in the southwest before white militias defeat them.
explain map pls
Cartels, mexico and kikes are allies.
Cartels are setting up the south for when mexico invades with their military arms from iran and russia.
The start will be brutal and the south will be lost then it will be a slow war to gain it back.
>Florida ever ceding land to Cuba
If the remaining whites wont finish the job Cubans here will
They'll gladly use their shitty tauruses to shoot any cuban invasion force
I want to remove Liberal Government of Oregon because this bullshit is retarded
Nah, the competent blue states are shedding the red neck state retards.
We need to look into ireland x idaho relations, I think they have some shady shit going on to get a monopoly on potatoes.
Rename Michigan the Great Lakes Federation and you've got a deal.
New Cuba then autist
>black, yellow
city fags
>red, orange, green
Can we have a general soon?
I suggest we call it, /balk/
>white armies
From where?
Holy fuck you’re dumb.
CT is rightful NE clay.
We're a Basque nation here little niga
Stronger authoritarian figure
America isnt a whole nation, its states that make a nation you nigger
This map is horseshit. SoCal isn't culturally similar to north Mexico, much less the borderlands of Texas. Looks like some lefty fever dream horseshit to cede America to brown invaders.
I've thought that america will either balkanize or form into a more authoritarian state