These are American high school students 50 years ago
I'm all for that kind of a program. My high school gym classes were a joke, and I think that kind of physical challenge really helps people. I would have loved it, and maybe I wouldn't be such a scrawny fuck now.
Nigger all these kids are cherry picked. I promise you, look at an average kid from a photo book and you'll see nothing special.
never forget John
Trump needs to reinstate this to get the burgers back in shape.
...meanwhile, as seen in movies from 50 years ago, American actors were noodle-armed faggots
Woah it's almost like having incredibly good food prices, no stress, a career, and wife guaranteed straight out of highschool makes you a whole lot healthier or something... I don't know though...
Refrigeration was still a new invention. Shelf life of food was drastically lower. Fit people get drafted for the wars. Athletes today are better than ever before in the history of man. There's no point to exercise like that unless in a prison gang or being paid to by a military. Only doctors can tell a person what food to put in their body.
Maybe you should be asking why most of them need four more years of education to get a decent job or behave like a responsible adult.
Fucking boomers made a documentary about this and made it all about race and shit. This program was truly too based for them.
This program really existed. btw pic related is a 56 year old man in a movie about the time that this program was going on.
says a subhuman who yet unironically believes in russian propaganda
stfu demoralizer
they didnt do pro-hormones or steroids or synthol or huge muscle mass because it doesnt make you more fit or healthy
its about physical and mental health, not your tinder profile
This is the opposite of demoralization you fucking retard. If you're being ironic right now, that's probably even worse.
Pure propaganda retard
>responsible adult
Responsible adults don't go to a 100k into debt for some degree mill and lifestyle for shit they could get from google for free lmao
The only reason something like this program wasn't the norm was the vietnam war and shut in spiritual jew retards like you.
They thought they were going to war with communists back then; some of them were going to fight in Vietnam. The US government believed that the cold war was going to turn hot and WW3 was immanent. They needed fit and strong soldiers.
The US army doesn't need a large fighting force like that anymore.
Beyond based. anyone who says otherwise is a traitor who needs to be removed from society
>Only doctors can tell people what food to put in their body
Ok schlomo.
>There's no point to exercise like that unless in a prison gang or being paid to by a military.
aaaaaaaand you've got cancer
Athletes are in no way in better shape today. You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. You don’t even realize all the rule changes sports and events have had and the new advantages new athletic wear gives to increase times. You’re such a fucking idiot holy shit
> t. Domesticated 21st century American “male”
I see a gymnasium with about a hundred kids and not ONE of them is above 10% bodyfat. That's pretty fucking amazing that America in the 60s was leaner than modern Thailand.
Exercise science has definitely advanced though.
It’s a fucking tragedy, there should be a physical fitness test that if you fail you pay extra taxes. Fucking fatasses
This is what an average Indian school looks like
>America peaked in the early 60s
yeah we know. People were healthier and happier. Polling from the 70s shows people were happier then vs now.
>Being Yas Forums immediately makes you a pro-freemarket pro-freedom individual
>Mainly because you have the confidence of knowing what your body is actually capable of
Really takes the noggin joggin
Based Charles Bronson and James Coburn and checked
Damn I didn't know I was a pro-freemarket pro-"""""freedom""""" individual
Strong men made 'Hard Times'.