Are you afraid to die?
How does Yas Forums feel about death?
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Nah not really since I'm entering paradise because of the sacrifice of my lord and savior Jesus Christ.
A true believer does not fear physical death rather he fears the death of his heart.
>Are you afraid to die?
You mean we're not dead already? The fuck is this shit then?
Based user.
Being dead? No. Dying? Yes.
I'm afraid of pain, not of death.
At this point no, I wish I could say that for positive reasons but the truth is I really have given up at this point. It's possible that I get a job when the markets open back up and meet a nice girl then raise a family I hope to protect, but until then I'm fucking ready to die for my ideals.
The nice part about about dying is you don't know you're dead. An ideal death would be getting shot in the back of the head at about 85 years old.
I certainly used to, for years and years. I would have nightmares of hell. Somewhere along the way I just stopped caring.
I used to wake up during the night in a sweat and heavy breathing because I was afraid of death. Now I'm not
More worried about how to live. I’ll worry about death when I get there.
I fear to lose my wife.
Came to say this
Only because I know my death would negatively impact my father, niece, and nephew. I would have exit bagged a decade ago if it weren't for my duty to them.
>TFW want to be based and Christpilled, but struggle to believe that anybody could ever love me
I kinda assumed we were all already dead and being tortured in a simulation in a roko's basilisk kind of way. soo short answer.. no
When I was a religious person I was scared of going to hell but when I abandoned that nonsense my fear disappeared. I’m kind of bored of life at this point. I’m divorced and my kids are grown now and I have no interest in marrying again. I make decent money at a boring unfulfilling job. Ready to go whenever just don’t want to suffer.
That's actually the Kabbalah theory on it, we're in hell now.
No. Time is an illusion and so is death
“Why should I fear death?
If I am, then death is not.
If Death is, then I am not.
Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?”
― Epicurus
So true...
wouldn't be surprised...
would explain a lot.
It truly is rough man. I feel for anyone who is still in that pit, it drains so much out of you.
No, I welcome it.
Whys that
Take as many out as you can before you go hehe
Don't waste what you got, you little bitch
I understand how you feel
Everyone fears mortality but I fear mortality of my loved ones instead of myself. If you die you won’t be around to feel true pain like the pain of losing a loved one.
Transfering my memories into another clone would ensure legacy.
I dont want to be buried alive, and we dont allow Buddhist burials so yeah, 100%.
I'm extremely disappointed to hear you say this. I am looking forward to having a family and see a lot of fulfilment in that. Did you not find meaning in that? Even so, why not find a hobby or something? why not even advocate for your race instead of looking forward to death
i’m afraid the 2 seconds between jumping and hitting the pavement. will probably be filled with immense terror. what if it carries with me to the afterlife
No, because my journey would only continue in Valhalla in service of ODIN, this life and world is of great importance.
Gee... i can only imagine how much worse it could be then here. Finally... i have something in this lifetime... nothing to lose