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Did you know that an hardworking undocumented immigrant family of six is limited to a mere 77,000$ in social benefits per annum?

If you did, you'd think twice before scoffing at the paltry 500$ chump change stimulus check they got.

Attached: california_tuition_illegals.png (821x122, 12.51K)

Yeah this shit is fucked. I was born here and am getting a computer science degree but you're telling me some illegal beaner who cleans toilets is more valuable than me to the country?

Welcome to socialism. I don't care if America implements it or not at this point. Just accelerate it, nosedive straight into the ground.

I didn't realize the "undocumented community" is responsible for the refrigerator full of fish, goose, and deer meat I spent days crawling around in the woods by myself to harvest

Get out of Commiefornia then

I only buy organic produce from white farmers.

Lmao the only thing illegals "deserve" is being catapulted over the wall


I dont see the issue, we gotta respect our farmers and not some starbucks barista

The White citizen community is responsible for making a country illegals want to live in. They're vital, and acknowledgement of their contributions and financial support of any kind is helpful. It's disgusting that anyone would argue this community doesn't deserve aid. If anything, getting back all the money that has been stolen from them through taxes, fraud and other crimes, and damages for all the ways illegals have wrecked the country isn't enough.

I cannot find a reliable job as a farmhand because illegals work for almost nothing and employers aren't required to give them shit because they technically don't exist. "dey took er jerbs" is a harped on point but its true in many cases for manual laborers.

Well well well, trips of truth right here. I will chckers this post fellow anonymouses.

Why dont you work for cheaper than illegals?
Same reason we should get rid of the EPA
It just lets jobs go to China by wanting communist environmental protection

Not so fast.

Attached: Bea Punch.jpg (680x648, 43.16K)

>The Nigger Slaves are keeping YOUR cotton picked.

>Why don't you work for scraps of rotten food and a nickle? Just be a serf


>being under 24
lmaoing at you zoomers

What part of illegal is not understood by that woman? Libtards aren't too familiar with the term either. Hopefully our laws will be better enforced thanks to WuFlu.

We'll decide who's white while we're knecking you obvious shitskins.

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You don't sound like an American Citizen.

I always love when people try to defend illegals they always resort to “who will mow your lawn or stock your fridge!”

Really shows their true colors

>waah they are working cheaper and ahrder
>nanny state, save me, I dont want to actually follow capitalism

Feel free to admit you want communism, and I will accept your plight
Well first you'd have to pass laws to make them illegal, but that'd be stupid
What are you going to do?
Put them in jail?
>hey let's give them 3 hots and a cot
>oh and make them pick crops so they arent lazing on their ass all day
Oh gee, such a plan
Obama had it right, flip them around at the border immediately, not even a foot into the country

Toilet cleaning is vital prajeet

These Twitter posts are low enough quality already, can't you faggots at least learn to POST A GOD DAMMED LINK?!?

Fuck you, fuck your thread and fuck jannies for not doing their fucking unpaid jobs.

wait till you find out 90% of it going to be remitted back to their shithole home countries while they just go out and work under the table anyway jejs

Illegals don’t get the stimulus you retards. Stop larping as alt-right malcontents on what is an absolute non issue.

You can’t get the stimulus if you didn’t file taxes in 2018-2019, you can’t get the stimulus without a social security number - how the fuck are ILLEGAL BEANERS gonna do either?

Fucking idiots spreading fake news. KYS, die, the world needs rid of lies and stupidity and Mexicans

It really shows the issue is companies hiring them over Americans and then not being nuked for being felony human trafficking operations
Remember the louisiana meat plant?
Full of illegals, just simply gets a new batch the next day
Never paid a cent in fines


>how the fuck are ILLEGAL BEANERS gonna do either?
the same way they get a job?
they use a stolen SSN sold to them by a fixer (generally the person that helped get them a border cross)
do you know anything about anything?

they're not Farmers they're pickers... difference
it's the dimbfuck farmers who hire them and keep them in private housing that's the problem