If it really is happening, I'd like to have one last moment with my boys. A toast, if you will. Say your farewells...

If it really is happening, I'd like to have one last moment with my boys. A toast, if you will. Say your farewells, your hopes, your dreams, and your regrets.


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I genuinely want the world to end so my failures can be washed away and my time wasted can be said to have been okay.

You more of a "I'll Wait For You" kind of guy? It's fine, I get it.


I have been saving for two years now... Needed about 5 more to go to buy a nice 15+ acre site to build a homestead where my wife and kids could live.

With all of this horseshit going on its really thrown a lot of uncertainty into the mix

See you Space Cowboys.

If we do make it out of this, that sounds amazing. Good luck!

I wish I had booze but I'm afraidago to liquor store

See you in the next life brother.

what's happening?

Same. I also had a yacht all picked out, researched how to equip it to head off & find an island if need be. Would have had enough money for both the property & boat by the end of the year. F.

I do kinda wish everything went to sit so that we got a fresh start. Outta college I was competing with people who had resumes stacked from the 2008 crash, and now again I have to compete with people who have infinitely more experience than I do

'Rona, nuclear tests in China, all the Bill Gates stuff. It's all come down to this.

Cheers anons

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Good thing I didn’t achieve anything in life. Would’ve sucked to actually have something to lose.

Well cheers anyways bros. I'm off to break up the monster shit I left soaking in the toilet water so I don't clog my porcelain again. Lessons learned from the past. Fuck.

Trump said today live on national TV they believe the virus was made in a lab in Wuhan. No shit, its not some alex jones thing any longer. Saw a FOX news article on it as well.

Our chance of a non fucked outcome are looking more and more slim. As it stands there are currentlt 3 potential "bad endings" that I can forsee.

1) the lingering virus - the vaccine doesnt do much and the coronavirus continues to peak and wane indefinitely, much like the regular flu. Who knows what kind of shit economic impact and radical world changes this will cause.

2) bill gates microchip horseshit - this was all orchestrated somehow to tighten government surveilance and install the sickening "digital certificates" with a mandatory forced vaccine.

3) China made the virus in their lab - probably some global war shit.

Either way there are now 3 potential negative futures to be wary of, and each one is VERY fucked.

Personally I'm hoping for the 3rd option. Societies thrive with a clear enemy, been too long since a good war.

rip in peppers

China made it in a lab as biowarfare, it leaked, they tried to cover it up, they got caught lying about virus and tried to blame the west, now they are double tucked and are spinning the tale that they were "just trying to keep up with western vaccine research we pwomise u we no do bio wreapon trus us we no lie" bullshit games. Likely outcome is trump let's them get away with it to stop a war. Trump doesn't have the balls to put the screws to china, mark my words. China would have to do something so outright like missile NY so the entire populace would want war before trump would act.

Anyone want me to make a Frank Sinatra Mega? I have a few good albums in .flac

i say farewell to all the people that i never got to meet and hang out with and have good times with. i hope that my people have a better future, and that my family can reunite and get along. my dreams were to be a warrior and leader that went down in history as a good, hard, and fair man. my regrets are that i spent too much time hiding away rather than being proactive and taking more out of life for myself and my family.

it is okay though, i have my small family, i have good friends, and maybe yet i will still leave my mark and make the lives of my people better.

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>hoping to god you’re this new
You’re about 3 months too late bro. Plus fucking niggers spics kikes and jannies has turned into fucking chinks, niggers, spics, kikes, and jannies

Trump has no choice now. Even if we reopen, the ecomony is fucked. The only way out is to find a culprit and go after them. It's China. We are going to war. I don't know if it's going to be a hot war or a proxy war, but this is very much like what happened after 9/11 and Iraq.

Option 4

4) Eliminate all the bad actors using spec ops.
I vote option 4.

i feel you brother

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Think it'll go nuclear?

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We are here for you.

Don't worry, I do not plan on necking myself just yet.

>a clear enemy
Unfortunately, the clear enemy is the Jew but the people will never see that. China is just the most recent in a long line of good goyim -- still an enemy, but ultimately only because of the Jew behind him, offering of power out of a desire to plunder and destroy the US. Hell, it may not even be China being a good goy. We may still be Best Goy with all of Trump's love of Jews and Israel, however necessary that might be in the current political climate.

Dish soap, moron.

No faggot the clear enemy is the one that just singlehandedly did more damage to our country, killed more people, and will have destroyed more lives through economic downturn than a 9/11 in every country of the west would have you fuck up smoothbrain.


What just pour some dish soap in the bowl and flush? The turd is literally too big for the hole. ?

If gooks had any sense, they would bomb us right after the shifting of blame. They are incompetent. I don't know if it goes nuclear. It's possible neither the US nor China have functional nukes after all those years of peace. Both countries are pretty corrupt and lie about capabilities. But the losing side has to go nuclear. It's not an option. The loser goes nuclear. By game theory it has to start nuclear, but both the US and China are retarded. With Russia it goes nuclear off the get go. With China, I don't know. Both are too stupid to be rational.

We had a good run, brother. A toast: May you never be red, vote, or fuck. If you must be red, be red pilled. If you must vote, vote Trump. Most importantly if you must fuck, fuck jannies.

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especially now user. can u imagine a tragedy like a suicide and the police state won’t let people come to your funeral? Don’t do it user. Not yet. Enjoy the ride.

Going to bed now. Have a great night!