To take the heat off Bill Gates, the CIA is launching an attack on Yas Forums

I think we're now all aware who was behind this bioweapon attack. It wasn't China, as Trump is being pressured to insinuate by Lindsey Graham and co.
It was Bill Gates and the Event 201 "simulation" proves it beyond a doubt.
Bill Gates is the biggest benefactor.
Bill Gates has the widest network of researchers and plausible deniability.
Bill Gates is the common link between Chinese "vaccine" researchers and US "vaccine" researchers.

The bioweapon attack hurt the US
The bioweapon attack hurt China

NEITHER side was responsible. It was this piece of shit, Bill Gates.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Get help dude, seriously.

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Ok Choomer

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>Sarcastic comment
>variant of meds posting
This is all the proof you need. The CIA cunts can't help it.

Bill Gates predicted this would happen

Another example of a CIA cunt poster.
They'll also spread a lie that the US was behind the attack in a minority of other threads.
Then they'll mock the idea that the ONE man that is most likely responsible was behind it.

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>retarded reasoning
>variant of schizo posting
This is all the proof you need. The happeningfag cunts can't help acting out their delusions on this board and need to be committed to their local asylum.

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Bill gates is in Epstein’s little black book

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There's "prediction" and then there's a smoking fucking gun. Before the virus spread in November, supposedly in a "wet market" (later proven to be a lie), Billy Boy was sponsoring a simulation called Event 201 which called for a one world government in response to a coronavirus pandemic.
I'm not kidding, this fucking nerd was so stupid he literally used the same virus instead of using a placeholder.
They're counting on glowfags like these two assholes to misdirect attention so that they can get their NWO control grid in, but it's failing fast.

Trump already said nobody in the US will be getting chipped. Why are you still making these threads, OP? Is it because you realized you aren't changing any minds, and instead have shifted focus to trying to make Yas Forums members anxious?


>Zero content posting
>Doubles down on meds posting
Yup. Did you see how they took down the fucking spirit cooking video posted on Good Friday? The glowfags are fucking scared.


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the Clinton Foundation stole millions from Bill Gates, even they know he's just a nerd.

>Trump already said nobody in the US will be getting chipped.
Yeah and I'm sure Trump isn't going to be offed by Billy boy if he doesn't get with the program. You don't seem to understand how powerful this piece of shit is.

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>It was Bill Gates and the Event 201 "simulation" proves it beyond a doubt.

The CIA is full of anti-american commies that would rather side with China than with Trump. So kys disinfo chink.

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>the Clinton Foundation stole millions from Bill Gates, even they know he's just a nerd.
Bill Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg are actors and behind them is the military
learn about DARPA and projects like LifeLog and all types of open playbook shit that people ignore like absolute garbage human beings

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I'll bump your thread buddy
Fuck Gates and fuck glowniggers

When this is over and the NWO is defeated, people will literally find you and hang you with piano wire in your bedroom. It won't be a nice ending but that's what you've chosen.
Just look at Michigan to see what's going to happen. You fucked with the wrong people. The "Goyim" know.

>Bill Gates predicted this would happen
We predict the future, Ms.Scully. And the best way to predict the future, is to invent it.

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>the CIA is launching an attack on Yas Forums
Why Yas Forums, user? What's the use of the CIA attacking Yas Forums? If anything, they should be attacking Reddit, which most normies visit.

Trump covered this in his Monday presser. Billy boy has no hand, no power. He's a relic of the old days, a would-have-been if only Hillary had won.

is this bait?

The truth is in the middle: the virus is 100% China's fault AND Bill Gates and his NWO buddies are taking advantage of the situation. Simple as that.

>Just look at Michigan to see what's going to happen
You mean a bunch of gay boomer LARPers that do nothing? Oh no the horror.

>Trump covered this in his Monday presser. Billy
They're threatening Trump with impeachment over defunding the WHO:
Lindsey Graham controls the balance of power in the Senate and has doubled down on Bill Gates cocksucking:

You can be sure that Trump will not be able to attack Bill Gates or his henchman Anthony Fauci.
The move by Trump to defund the WHO really really pissed Bill Gates off. It was a good move. But the pushback I'm seeing is probably too heavy for Trump to deal with. Everyone in the republican party is cucked.

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Suddenly the narrative shifts from Soros to Bill Gates as being the mastermind behind global conspiracies. I wonder (((who))) might push such a narrative?

Okay what chip? Do you have picture?

Lindsay Graham is the most spineless, withering faggot the world has ever known. The amount of teenage boys he must have in the dungeon in his basement

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On this week's episode of "Guilt By Association"

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Bill Gates is the single largest non-country donor of the WHO

thats like saying Yas Forums is one person, there is many of these rich jews like bill gates and soros and rockefellers etc. and they all work together on this masterplan

CIA's probably using part of its 10,000 strong bots.

I dont' know if you're right about everything, but I'm pretty sure bill gates is definitely a cunt

Billy G. is one of a (((legion))) involved in this crap. Like Charles (((Lieber))) and some redneck said the Wuhan labs have some interesting (((investors))).
Also Whitney (((Webb))) speculated some US biolab could be behind this.

the dude wants to go on tv and drink poop water then be amazed at it. just one person over OP.

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Nah, thats a lefty discord tranny.

>You mean a bunch of gay boomer LARPers that do nothing? Oh no the horror.
Yeah keep saying that glowfag. The roads are closed and people can do it again and again.
The Demonrats banning people from growing their own food and then generating a food crisis by having farmers dump their goods into the trash?
It's all in the simulation by Bill Gates. A food crisis, an economic collapse, the need to "pool international resources".
This slow motion 9/11 event has failed.

Is China responsible for creating the virus? Probably partially.
Is the US responsible for creating the virus? Probably partially.
Do either have anything to gain from releasing it, with it going out of their control? Fuck no.

This is 100% the work a third party intending to bring about a single world government.
I just don't understand why Gayham can't just come out of the closet and admit it. He has to drag the US into the abyss with every one of his blackmail actions.
>It's ok to be associated with (blackmailed by) Jeffery Epstein
Come on you should know better than that.
>That was where she met Boris Nikolic, who was the Gates Foundation’s science advisor. She introduced him to Epstein. Nikolic, who now runs a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. (He has declined to do so in court proceedings.) Gates is an investor in Nikolic’s fund.

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Good luck attacking here, we've had shills and agents here since long before 2016.

>This file i meant.

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It was thought up by gates and his gang, but China was certainly cooperating with them
They are incompetent but not that incompetent

Pie that guy.

>I think we're now all aware who was behind this bioweapon attack.

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Do you faggots always need to include schizo or asylum in your posts in order to make your 2 cents?

they want to use chinas model for global governing. total control

Nice try chang. But we already know it was horrible saftey precautions in one of your shitty labs.

burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt Mar 16, 2020 · Jeremy Corbyn's brother Piers has claimed that Bill Gates and George Soros are behind the coronavirus.

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good on ya mate. But what do I show "skeptic" contrarians like my dad to convince him?

>They're threatening Trump with impeachment over defunding the WHO:
OH NOOOOOOOO what will he do?

Not an impeachment!

>Come on you should know better than that.
user, when you're a billionaire, you will tend to come across pimps like Epstein. You tend to work with people and invest with people who may also work with Epstein. Gates may have worked with multiple people who may HAVE ACTUALLY ELICITED PEDO SERVICES FROM EPSTEIN. But you can't accuse Gates of actually eliciting Epstein's services without evidence - or at least a semblance of it.

Can you provide any proof that he funded the lab in wuhan or demanded any particular type of research take place?

I think it may become evident and proven that two biological elements were spliced together deliberately with malicious or innocent intentions in research.

I consider it to be more likely that the smorgasboard of unsanitary animal handling at the wuhan market (which has orders of magnitude more exotic and potentially, though not explicitly, like the lab, harmful bacteria) caused the outbreak. If its a pangolin -come- bat virus or whatever, it seems the data points to the market as the source of the outbreak.

Maybe it was the wuhan lab researcher that put the spikettes from SARS onto the viable pangolin corona and somehow it broke out.

I don't think it was le based computers man though. --no homo

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>The CIA is launc-
Meds taken today - 0

If someone is a prime suspect then they are a prime suspect you don’t dismiss the most intelligent leads you have because (((animal noises))). Bill Gates is a fuck.

>>George Soros
& Bill Gates Partner with China on Coronavirus Drug!

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Look at how these ghouls can't contain their glee about the spread of this virus and its alleged mortality rates.
Everyone attacking Trump right now is part of the program.
From what I recall the only primary that Trump lost in 2016 outside of Utah (Mormon central) was in Iowa where Bill Gates' Microsoft rigged the results to try and sink Trump early:
The media denial is just too funny.

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>everyone has the schiz

It wasn't an attack you fuckup. The chicoms wanted to use bio and gene tech to come up with universal vaccines, and corner the healthcare market, probably into the 22nd century . But it's a corrupt perverted commie shithole and they fucked up not even a decade into the plan. Some dummy got bat pee on him and didnt desterilize. He got sick and either ignored or blew off safety protocols. Maybe they tried to take care of it, and that's why the lab was hiring - they'd fired or fired bullets into the back of the fuckip's heads.

The pig got out of the chute, and they tried to cover it up, and they fucked the world.

>Bill Gates
Bill gates real last name is Rockefeller.

Because Reddit is already under control, the site is normie friendly and full of normies because they censor truth, right wing view points, and you can't say "Nigger" there either