So I just watched about 2 hours of this channel in prime time and oh my god do I feel stupider. Is this what you people...

So I just watched about 2 hours of this channel in prime time and oh my god do I feel stupider. Is this what you people? Is this where you get your "dude it's just a flu bro" ideas from?

It was misinfo after misinfo. Blatant lies. Mathematically untrue statements. They keep repeating that "we're passed the peak" or whatever, when IRL there were 30K new cases confirmed today (which is a high number, more than the last few days, indicating an upswing) and a new record for new deaths. Even if they're talking about "the peak" they're only talking about it in one city in one state (New York). There are 50 states in the union, in case anyone forgot. And each with more than one city.

I mean is this where you guys get this shit from? It was JUST lies. How can anyone believe it? It was "lies by omission", mostly. Taking quotes and clips from other commentators of political figures out of context. Misconstruing and misrepresenting what they said. Utter sophistry.

I think it's sad that you people honestly are not smart enough to see through it. Worst part is that you have ACTUAL doctors, scientists and medical professionals telling you the facts, that this thing is far from over and is proving to be grossly deadly, and none of you ever want to listen to it. You're just like "Oh man, science fags are bitches, fuck those people" and then you go on believing things that are just blatantly untrue because IDK "Muh Laura Ingraham said it's no big deal".

Holy crap, I think the first 15 minutes of the Ingraham show were the worst. I just watched them and couldn't even continue. Couldn't get through any more. She's basically literally taking half of a graph and making some of the numbers too small to even read, then totally misprepresenting what the graph even shows or implies. Absolute transparent propaganda, but at every turn you morons eat it up and digest it.

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Nobody here watched Talmudvision, are you fucking high on crack? I bet you complain about conservatives too, not realizing that Yas Forums hates them.

You truly are a giant loser.

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>watching MSM news
haven't taken the redpill yet


Fucking queer

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> Chinese shills afraid the truth is coming out

>he doesn’t get his news EXCLUSIVELY from anonymous internet racists on an anime forum

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Nobody under the age of 40 watches cable news boomervision

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Up yours libtard

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>Is this where you get your "dude it's just a flu bro" ideas from?
Fox news get their info from us faggot, do you even know where you are.

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Now you just have to realize literally all news media is like this.

>consooms news
fucking pleb

>watches MSNBC
>complains about FOX


>he doesn’t get his news EXCLUSIVELY from anonymous internet racists on an anime forum

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Haven't watched cable news in 10 years atleast.

So what do you watch? That dyke from the Jews democrat station?

>watching anything on the electric jew
I do agree that Fox is steaming pile of shit though, along with all the other broadcasters.

Nobody here watches Fox News except maybe for Tucker. Get a grip.

>I mean is this where you guys get this shit from?
Yas Forums is usually days ahead of the MSM on breaking news. We're unironically the best news aggregator on the internet.

No, I just watch Tucker clips once in a while. Boomer News is pretty shitty, but at least it's not CNN tier.

Yas Forums has many threads, daily or even hourly, about Tucker Carlson and how great he is. I watched his show tonight. It was dogshit. Full of lies and propaganda just the same as the others. So all of you people who are pushing the "Yas Forums doesn't watch Fox News!" line are full of shit and absolute gaslighters.

>watches pundit
>expects reporter
If you want unbiased news reporting, unironically watch local news stations.

>Blah bla bla yap yap yap
Go watch the fags and dykes networks then. I’m sure their world view is normal.

>Full of lies and propaganda
Also known as the truth

>thinks all of Yas Forums has the same opinion
We're not reddit.

Ha I know right, what complete moron

which news channel do you watch?

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I am not a Republican, Democrat or Libertarian. What party do I belong to Yas Forums. I want more political parties.

>I decide what is propaganda based off other propaganda
>because I think I alone am immune to propaganda
Where do you think you fall on pic related genius?

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Everyone knows fox is full of shit. It just has less shit in it than the cable competition. And I 4hink people like tucker because he will talk to someone who disagrees with them as if they're a human being. He did a really good job with yang and gabbard from what I saw.

I am a libertarian, but IDK yeah the libertarian party sucks. Dems and Republicans both suck too. I do think Dems are the lesser of two evils, but they are REALLY bad on identity politics and race. Also on the 2nd amendment.

Libertarian party is also a joke. They're like the worst parts of both the other parties rolled into one. Libertarian party is good on stuff like the constitution, bill of rights. I'll give them that. But they're cancer on EVERYTHING else.

IDK man. If you're a libertarian you're gonna get fucked, cuz most people aren't libertarians. Most people just see politics as collective power of one group exercising over another group. Individuality is important, but it gets crushed in politics.

The cool thing about the founding of the USA was that it was created to protect the individual. Man, that was such a rare thing and so great. The founding principles of this country truly are astounding and forward-thinking and TRULY "progressive", but they've been tarnished and misrepresented over the years. Our country today is basically just a pile of hopeless shit.

And pic related. Our country wasn't founded by far right-wingers. Jefferson, for example, was basically a proto-leftist who just worked pragmatically to reshape the system into a more lefty populist vision in any way he could.
IDK I don't really watch any of the explicitly. All the media is bad but oh man Fox News is really, genuinely the worst.

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>So I just watched about 2 hours of this channel
You're here forever.

I actually unironically think I fall on the stupid part, but then according to your graph and Dunning-Kruger that would put me more toward the smart or "knowledgable" axis, right? Sort of counter-intuitive

>IDK I don't really watch any of the explicitly. All the media is bad but oh man Fox News is really, genuinely the worst.
so name a news organization you think is better

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What did they say that was mathematically untrue?