Slaves were compensated with food and shelter

>slaves were compensated with food and shelter
>wagies are compensated with money they use to buy food and shelter

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the difference is that niggers arent happy unless they have weaker niggers to rape and pillage

This. Shelter and food are necessities, it's gross that I have to pay money for it. We need groups of laborers to produce my food for free, for the common good

The only things that have changed. Is a little more variety, and a little more entertainment.

Things are looking up?

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So you're saying being a slave and having a job are exactly the same thing?
Commit toaster bath for the good of humanity.

I would rather be a slave. Work comfy on the fields instead of this dreadful cube. Fuck my wife and play with my 5 niglets afterwards. Everybody gets together and sings nigger songs at night, until the boss man comes and tells us to keep it down. Just don't be an uppity nigger and you won't get whipped, just like regular wagie life(the police).

>Wageslave for a few years
>Bought a bunch of crypto dirt cheap after the megacrash
Poor people are stupid people.

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>So you're saying being a slave and having a job are exactly the same thing?
Uh oh retard alert

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Totally different tho