I learned about the virus from you guys, but when was that exactly? Anyone remember?
When did pol first freak out about coronavirus?
i think bout February
I read my first cvg (wasn't called that at the time) thread on Saturday, January 18 and started ruminating about it that weekend.
You mean when did Yas Forums fall for the ChiCom psyop?
early january
Mid-Jan, before the cvg's.
It blew up fast after the first jimbo stream.
user, are you clinically retarded or a shill? No point to make a new thread just for this.
Check the archive for cute bat memes.
Those preceded the cvg threads
Same here, that's when I prepped and so glad I did, I avoided the normie rush and panic buying.
Reminder ((((cvg)) is astroturfed and CIA/Mosso.y operated.
I remember it was late January/early February because people were saying there was going to be a million deaths by March and I bought some masks then. What a fucking nothingburger that turned out to be!
Late Dec, early Jan. Probably close to the time the CCP sent their agents/corps to buy everything PPE and supplies worldwide
I did this screenshot in early Jan
January 26 I came home from a blackout in NYC and woke up to Yas Forums freaking out over people passing out in the streets of China
Anons were on it before there were even 100 deaths in Wuhan.
Those death predictions were terrible
good question
True but it was ahead for awhile which was comfy times.
sometime around mid January I realized what was to come and got pretty concerned
20th of January or so was when I first saw threads.
Same. I’m fucking tired of it. So tired.
Took it very seriously for two months.
Have been saying the classic “two more weeks” since then. Not saying it anymore.
Off the happening train.
It’s amazing when pol took it srsly normies didn’t and I was melting down in My parents living room demanding groceries And now normiesphere is freaking out and I’m out buying a single bag of candy and flaneuring around town like it’s not happening
All the way back in november.
about 5 minutes after memeflags made a bunch of threads letting us know it was happening!
We've been at the disco since before the chinks even knew they had a new virus outbreak.
It hasn’t been all bad.
bought three months of groceries in Feb. I haven’t gone to town in 3 weeks. I live on a farm.
At my first my family/friends just thought I was being a tinfoilhatter. They aren’t laughing now.
I now get asked what should be done by these same people.
Only now I have no idea what to tell them and my actions of the last few days have gone against my ethos of the past couple months.
Have no idea what to think or do.
Other than work.
Yas Forums is ALWAYS way ahead of the curve
Two weeks... Just wait! Two weeks!
On Yas Forums, bought 5 cases of waters two weeks before and people looked at me like I was about to roll!!!!! Blakalakaakakakakakak
Early January sweaty.
Pol went full apeshit by mid to late January. Complete doomsday prepper by February, hoarding beans and pinecones in their basements. We're now mid April seeing a decline in new cases in many places. A couple more weeks and it's probably almost over. For the months of February and March you couldn't have another thread on this board, it was all prepper shit. Pol got a leg up on preparing for the apocalypse before the masses soon did the same.
The just forgot that they were retarded and watch too much tv, and that flu seasons have a nasty new bug every couple years.
Good thing they closed down the boat ramps and trail parking so some guy on a boat in the middle of a lake couldn't transmit the virus to some guy on a bike in the middle of the forest.
Almost immediately after wide-scale discussion began on this board about Lisa Page and Peter Strzok's involvement in the coverup of Seth Rich's murder.
You're bragging about being an idiot sheep?
The hazmat suit meme started on January 21st- 22nd. So that is the official start date
I think there will be a second wave in the fall, to an extent.
Or when things ‘get opened up’ again. At the very least normies will get tired/frustrated with the restrictions and just stop caring.
It’s what comes after and the economic consequences I’m now concerned about.
Time will tell.
i heard about it in january
Yep. They closed national parks here too.
I’m waiting for them to close the sky next. Was really thinking they would about two weeks ago. Hasn’t happened, yet.
Well if we were seeing meltdown videos out of China in early Jan figure a 2-3 week incubation period would put the outbreak early Dec or earlier late Nov?
Mid 2019 when Canadian user leaked some info
>This faggit virus won't cause a pandemic
wow big if true.
2nd or 3rd week of January.
There was a military school that closed pretty early and thats when it became very obvious that shit was about to hit the fan.
They had to lower quality of discussion on this board for a reason.