AUS/POL/ - Quantitative Easing Edition

Good information about the economy as observed from late last year, economy was already on its way out.
>Aussies mandatory watching - RBA hints at advent of QE in 2020

>Economist John Adams and Analyst Martin North discuss the recent RBA speech on Unconventional Monetary Policy: Some Lessons From Overseas.

>How fucked are we ausbros?

>"All depends on China. If things go bad in China then Australia is Japan 1980's fucked. There will be no recovery" - user

>"All depends on china, all depends on deutsche bank, all depends on repo market, all depends on christmas consumer confidence... this isn't how people talk about a safe economy, not that I'm assuming a recession will happen but I'm almost all in on cash atm so I guess it would be my guess. " - user

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Are Abos worse than Maoris?

Abos are pretty much extinct and Maoris are okay for the most part. Truth be told I hate wogs more than those too

Are dagos worse than wogs though?

Right now is the time to get a prospecting license and go grab yourself some gold and silver.
There are heaps of areas that aren't (((profitable))) to mine, yet an ounce or two as QE ramps up to infinity may just save your life.

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Maoris rape, murder, and eat their enemies.
Abos rape, murder, and eat their children.

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Aussie girls are definitely getting fatter.

You're not wrong, and with all sport cancelled even the fit tomboys are going to get a little chubby.

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Whats for lunch lads?
>Fuck the jews

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This is why I'll be getting part of my super and putting it into US stocks


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The ex

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I don't want to fuck them. Race mixing is bad.

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The government has admitted that the stages of lockdown don't mean anything.

I'm a teacher so I'm just all round fucked.
>secure job, so no scomobux
>secure job, can't access super
>expected to teach online and in person from week 3

the country

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>Being the single pringle that I am I thought I’d give tinder a go. I’m housebound with time on my hands, so why not give it a shot?
>Now let me just give a disclaimer: I’m ok looking, but I’m no instagram showpony. I’m not perfect, so I give my potential suitors some slack. I haven’t played the dating game since 2006.
>I got lots of likes, but no one actually wanted to talk. One guy who liked me was a vegan (I am not) and used his mutual match to harass and threaten me.
>A lot of guys seemed to treat their time on tinder as a prison sentence “Just here to find a girl so I can get the hell off here”. Lots of photos of guys in bars, at wineries posing with a glass of Riesling , halfway up a mountain in borrowed climbing gear, in the Himalayas, with their dog (staffys and bulldogs are popular), with a kid in their lap, on a boat, at the gym. A lot of guys insist on showing their chest. A disproportionate amount of them like Faith No More. Bali is also the destination of choice.
>Although I did see some bearded honeys in three piece suits here and there, the popular uniform seemed to be white shirts, flannelette shirts and fauxhawks on receding hairlines.
>Look, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure it all comes down to personality but the place seemed like Incel Central. Maybe I’m a prude, but a lot of these guys seemed aggressive or blasé.
>I lasted a day before deleting the app. It got repetitive very quickly. I think my own company is fine for now.

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Fuck imagine Adolf seeing the current state of Germany. F

She really is hot. You wouldn’t marry her but she would be a fun gf in your 20s.

you got any recommendations for teaching at home? I've got an 8yo I can beat and deprive of minecraft to get into action but I'd prefer the bastard to actually be willing to do the work on their own instead of thinking it's just a continuation of the holidays.

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The way it should be. Long. Live. Xi!

He's fortunate to have died in Rural Argentina in the 80s.

My recommendation is to ditch whatever the school sends home and sign up for either an IB homeschooling curriculum, or one of the many brilliant neo-classical educations from the US homeschooling systems (Veritas Press is my personal favourite, and what I'm teaching my kids).

kek, every fuckwit thinks the 'stages' meant there was some grand plan?

they're just a way to count the layers of shit in this sandwich we're being fed

haha I love those South America stories lad. Josef Mengele lived the good life after WW2

Who super?

>can’t access super
You can get $10k before June 30 and $10k from July 1.

For anyone in a higher tax bracket there’s a free $3k or so on offer. Put $10k into your super before June 30 and get the tax relief on it. Then withdraw it after July 1.

If my wife of many years were to pass away, I would prefer to go sexless for the rest of my life than try and find a suitable replacement on the internet.

>You can get $10k before June 30 and $10k from July 1.
Not if you haven't lost your job or hours from your job you can't.
>t.applied on the ATO website and got knocked back

China has ruined the world

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> Post this
> Get banned

Fuck. Is this Reddit?

Do you know where I can pirate that shit? It's not showing up on my usual sites.

INB4 spend the money, I'm a worthless neet and won't be able to afford shit.

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