NEETs getting Trumpbux?

A NEET said that he got Trumpbux via this

is this the way NEETs get Trumpbux or nah?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I got mine today, i used that.

I filed on the IRS site. I didn't get mine today even though I put my bank information etc. How long should it take because I'm hearing a bunch of ppl got theirs today?

direct deposit is quicker. they said checks might take some time.

Here user. Good luck to all neets!

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I need an armchair economist right now.. I just sumbitted my '19 returns today. Already accepted but how long until I can get the trumpbux or did i miss the deadline?.

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You did not miss "the deadline" user. There is no deadline built into the law, at least not any time soon. You will get your money!

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The website links to this right? Seems sketchy due to te name but it's linked.

What about if it takes 3 months to amend the taxes to be removed as a dependent
Do you not know?

The IRS sent me $1,200 to my bank account yesterday

I don't even know what to do with it. It's not like I can just walk into any store and buy whatever I want... or can I?

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What's with the banking information thing?

cheers, i hope i get it soon. I really wanna buy a switch and get animal crossing.

Call your drug dealer my nikka

I'm doing the direct deposit but didn't get it today so was wondering if its through-out the week or something is wrong with my stuff? Thanks for answering tho

Can anyone please explain the dependant rule to me? I'm not a dependant right now, but I think I was one earlier in the year.

Also, I did not see it in my account or pending. Does this mean I get no Trumpbux?

I got 4k from Trudeau. I spend 1500 of it on a new pc

I just found out that I was cucked out of my money by being considered a dependent. Bullshit.

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I don't even want their filthy jew money

I've claimed it seven times with this one simple trick
>Identity theft
I don't think it's wrong to identify as someone else.

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You get nothing, and whoever claimed you may not get anything either.
My parent still claims me because she thinks she gets money out of it, but when she found out she didn't even get extra trumpbux, she yelled at me for half an hour over it.

That's identity fraud.

wtf happened to john travolta??

what's a small fraud amongst citizen when international forces regularly pull nuclear shit

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Damn. Well, there goes my new computer.

I was claimed as a depending on account of being a college student.Was considering filing my taxes regardless, but I'm worried about the ramifications

Is there a way to check eligibility right now?

absolutely disgusting hairstyle

i had to sign some paper work stating an intent not to file for school, so i used that link (i may have gotten my trumpbux anyways since i was already on file for 2018 as a nonfiler) but i filled it out monday night and they approved me within a few hours. now, i didn't setup instant pay, i opted for the check. I have money now, idk what's going to happen in a few weeks/months so i waited.

what if i haven't paid my taxes for 5 years? How do I get my trumpbux

>implying the government could handle this
yeah, that's a contractor website, IRS is practically run by contractors.

ok bois just did it, hope I get my Trumpbux.

it just says that within 48hrs it will say whether you are rejected or not. you literally don't have to put in that much info. no risk big reward.

the link

Did you get the check cashed at your bank? Did they take a cut?