Are there any negatives to marrying a jewish woman?

-good with money
-rich parents
-don't believe in divorce
-smart offspring

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only if you can sleep with one eye open and love the smell of sweat

This is why i hate this place

what are the symptoms of this
asking for a fren

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>Cucks you with Black Bulls
>Satan spawn
>Open relationship
>Will abort your goy son to Moloch o just for the lulz

They will nag the heck out of you.

on the rilz...
hard-assed mother in law...
your kid will definitely be Jewish...
Other than that, doesn't sound so bad, desu.
>this is how Judaism spread all over the world, thru their women.

Symptoms include constantly cheating on you with negros

There really is no downside. You better be rich though.

>any negatives
You fucking cucks never learn do you?

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No, manipulative.
Only in the chest.
Only if you like femdom.
>good with money
That's the men.
>rich parents
You're not one of their kind.
>don't believe in divorce
You're a jewish incel, aren't you?
>smart offspring
And there's the cope.

This bitch is Cuban, which is why she’s not ugly

absolutely none..maybe your dick might get rubbed raw from getting fuck so hard/long/frequently but thats about it.

Jewess ass hole is literally the nectar of the gods. the illusive holy grail spoken of by cultures through out the ages was refering too the sweet ass hole excretion of the jewess. the ultimate goal of human existence is to feast upon this holy delicacy .

Your kids will be Jewish.

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if you havnt eaten a jewish girls ass you havnt lived my friends. literally tastes like the sweetest fruity candy of heaven and you will live a long life since its full of antioxidants, micronutrients and pro-biotics unlike goyim

Why is it that every culture on earth believes that the man is the defining factor of a child's heritage, save the most cuckolded one to ever exist?
Perhaps... It is PURE COPE

your kid will be a jew

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I married one and converted her.

They're insane and don't know boundaries of suitable talk and will get off on trying to humiliate with their fantasies or past exploits.

They're extremely hot and cold too, where they will actively cheat or at minimum talk sexually with others during the cold phase

No Jewish women for niggers and monkeys from the jungle. Unless you are the monkey in chief, then I guess it's ok so that your kids rule over that country like pic related.

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I want a big tiddy jewish qts lads

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Among other inbred genetic difficulties

Most have serious daddy problems too

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I fugged an israeli slut from tinder.

>Jewish mutt
Yeah, completely adds up and explains how that asshole has been running a country into oblivion for years.

Sorry if you can't read spicsy, pic completely related.

The only negative I could think of is that they'll want to circumcise your boys

The thing is, even with a perfect political system, the country would still be poor because it's a bunch of monkeys.

Plus he is still 3/4th monkey.

Good for you, half of Israelis are shitskins like you. That's why the country is so poor (it's wealtheir than the uk gdp per capita but I consider that poor)

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>Forgot pic
Fucking brain at it again.

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spoiler alert

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Jewish foreplay= 2 hours of begging.

Some Jews are so Orthodox they reproduce by exchanging underwear, preferably via US mail!

Everything you've heard about why marriage is bad for men today goes 6,000,000X if you marry a Jewess.

1)sexual blackmail has always been key to Jewish power.

2)guess who the lawyers and judge will be working for in the divorce

3)your entire life's worth of friends and family will be processed, extracted and sucked dry...for The Tribe. You will be shunned by everyone in your real life after.

I've had a few people try to set me up with fugly Jewesses. I'm no movie star, but it was clear they wanted my WASP seed so their kids wouldn't be as ugly at they are. I could see it cumming from a mile away.