Transgender children are being constantly harassed online by transphobic pedophile right-wingers.
What can we do to save them? We're better than this!
Transgender children are being constantly harassed online by transphobic pedophile right-wingers.
What can we do to save them? We're better than this!
If a 12 year old boy can consent to having his dick chopped off and chemicals pumped into him to change his brain chemistry a 12 year old girl can also consent to me cooming in her.
No, memeflaggot
>better than this
They should be bullied into submission or suicide.
By making homosexuality illegal
I'm anxiously awaiting to see how fucked up the children of the 2010s are going to turn out. My guess is big time.
By locking up their parents
Keep them away from Joe Biden.
some kind of Real ID but for social media. You post with your full name and there's some sort of process to valid your identity before you can access the internet.
Somebody end this thread.
By not replying to bait threads
>How can we protect trans kids?
Kill public schools.
stop telling them they are transgender
Your right OP we need to tell the trans gendered people who are being harassed online to kill them selves even more than we are now
Typical right-winger, always repressing pedophilic thoutghs. You and your wicked group are a danger for kids.
Bullet for anyone who abuses children like this.
They could be lobotomized, for starters.
>t. pedophile English teacher
By not letting them be trans?
Hanging transkids
We can perform gentle loving felletio on them and reassure them that they are loved.
I assume that most Japanese flags are just Americans.
This is a non issue. Probably less than 1% of people are trans. This is just another stupid thing these autistic right wing retards masturbate to.
Trans kids are vegan dogs. We know who is pulling the strings. The parents
Get out, pedo.
Is it still being repressed when they let it all out like they did?
By keeping trannies away from the kids. Daily reminder that faggots reproduce by touching children.
There are no “trans children”, there are brainwashed parents and heavily promoted perverts that have to be cured.
>implying this isnt their current goal
Take them from their parents and place them in a private boarding school or place them with sane adults. Children don't chose to be trans. They are taught to do that through government schools and radical mothers who have beta fathers.
This is actually a good argument. Expose the association between lgbtq children and pedophila. Force the lgbtq community to acknowledge these connections and to either embrace pedophilia openly or reject it entirely. Everyone understands that gay people are gay and who the Hell cares, but no one likes child fuckers.
story hour with trans ppl doing the reading, to show trans kids that they are not alone.
>Pol loves hot passable trannies
>pol hates trans kids
>cant get hot passable trannies without trans kids
What do "they" (pol) mean by this?
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
>Children don't chose to be trans.
Glad you're getting it, transgender people don't chose to be like this, that's why we need to support them.
You're almost there.
Mercy killing these mutilated kids is the only solution. Poor souls corrupted by evil faggots.
Protect them from what? Their parents?
God that thing is ugly, I wish they'd be more like this , then atleast i'd tolerate it.
No one says they’re scary. We say their hideous frankensteinesque creatures, just like that disgusting monstrosity in your photo.
fuck off rabbi no one was speaking to (((you))). we will not tolerate brainwashing or sexualizing children in any manner whatsoever.
We could kill the fuckers enabling them and grooming them to be trans? Just, like, nail them to the walls, disembowel them, and set them on fire?
Normally I'd say we need to euthanize the trans kids, too, but I've calmed down a little now that I have a boyfriend. We can't spend much time together in person because of the plague, but we're bonding. He straight up gave me a gun, my first ever, a Bersa Thunder he said he bought cheap three years ago and doesn't need anymore. Once the social distancing stops, he's gonna take me to the shooting range to teach me how to shoot, and I am going to fuck his brains out. This relationship is going great so far.
Get these pedo tranny scum away from their prey.
We should make special camps for them to keep them safe. Very high security with big fences and razor wire and towers with armed guards and dogs. We could give them jobs inside the camp to keep them occupied so they feel valued and don't get lonely too. We could even build big shower houses to keep them all clean and healthy, and big kitchens with giant ovens so they're well fed.
That's correct sir
Throw them and their enablers off rooftops.
>the media warned you about
Mass media gives them a platform dumbass.
Based and wood-door-pilled
ok boomer.
Trans kids should engage in their own right wing politics, unfortunately we'll have to keep them away from most right or even left wingers because they act as violent religious radicals or theyre just literal niggers
Stop hating the children, they are doing nothing wrong. The parents are at fault, usually just the mother but oftentimes the father too must be both executed for child sexual abuse.
>On Pol
>I have a boyfriend
Nice larp
We can shut down that office in your picture, to start m
But only for israel, right mr goldenberg?
Miss me with the projections, faggot.