Anti gun "people" make me physically disgusted. I'm not a lolbert by any means...

Anti gun "people" make me physically disgusted. I'm not a lolbert by any means, but asking permission to be able to defend yourself is just deeply repulsive to me. Imagine being proud that you are completely helpless without big daddy benevolent government.
Also only reply if you are from a nation that landed on the moon. And post your familty photos (no, I am not a Radium American).

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No one needs a gun.
Honestly most gun control is reasonable

Don't be a James Charles like OP.

All you have to do is come and take it

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Shameless bump

>mfw I will never have an AK

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Not with that attitude spicbro.
Chin up, I'm sure that your local federales or whatever are either corrupt enough to "lose" one for you (for a price) or dumb enough to actually lose one. Go play "Where's Kalashnikov?" and invest in a PVC pipe, cosmoline and a shovel. For your minecraft world of course.

It's mostly foreigners and unemployed college students who will never amount to anything. Virtually every gun grabber holding public office at the federal level is over seventy.

It's a dying issue.

Hey maybe some Colombian’s have some old AKs they can give you.

Kill yourself kike

you can buy the civilian semi auto in the same chamber if u want.

>Not with that attitude spicbro.

Well, thats true. Cheked. I had a fren who had contacts to get a Glock, maybe he can help me. Do you have any other weapons?

That pistol looks very nice, which model it is?

Any model recomendation?

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He’s better off buying one off Colombian paramilitaries.

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>Honestly most gun control is reasonable

Yes, I agree. No federal agent or police officer should carry a firearm. We have to make sure select-fire assault rifles, fully automatic machine guns, and other deadly weapons remain in the hands of people we can trust, who don't have a track record of senseless murder and tyranny, and who will be there to defend us in our time of need — conservative American citizens.

No child should be afraid to install a giggle switch on the Glock with his father because of ATF agents with guns. Mass shootings, like Waco and Ruby Ridge, should not happen. When is enough enough?

Tempted to get the ruger pc "carbine", but naaah.
Browsing for a 30-06 boar blaster, might get expensive though.
Thinking about a tikka t3.

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That pistol is a Beretta M9

Jesus, you dont recognize that pistol?
If you get your hands on a firearm you'll probably end up shooting yourself.
Also >muh ak

I dont user, thats why I asked.

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It's one of the wonder nines, you should know. Why are poltards always nogun?

this was my very first redpill, when I was like 10
>"imagine not being allowed to own a self-defense weapon, who the fuck could possibly defend that?"

Or even worse, body armor like plates etc that takes the price.

Can Venezuelan’s own airguns?

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Is that an Arsenal?

are you growing tomatoes in your backyard?
if not you are still a victim of the economic control of the government

A hecking heckerino ak

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Nice digits user.

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One of my favorites. My AR is fun but there is something nice about a nice wood stock.

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I live in Illinois and I can't even own a suppressor. Cops can buy them though. It's fucked in this country.

Heh, even i can own suppressors.

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I got a keltec su-16ca which i modded it up with a rail foreend and pistol grip and ar stock, it looks like an ar. original price tag plus mods puts it over a thousand. yet its not an AR, i dont think.

one day i will jump down the rabbithole of building a california compliant ar15 but im going to need some convincing that its worth it.

What I can't understand are the people who believe that the police should be dismantled but also that no one should own guns. Do they think people will just be nice? Some Jewtuber Renegade Cut was shilling for such a reality since owning guns was "racist"

But why on God's green earth do you need a fucking assault rifle? I can maybe understand a revolver or a shotgun for self and home defense, but a fucking assault rifle? Really? I'm sososo glad Canada makes shit like that nearly impossible to get, and are going to be banning them in the fall.

42 of 50 states "allow" them. At least we're not California i guess

Hecking lowtier bait, you shouldnt get to decide what we can own.

Looks like it

Suppressors are one of the few, probably only, things Europe beats America on as far as gun rights go.

Shame about the hearing protection act, but shit happens when your party decides to nominate a '90s democrat.

Can swedes even own AR15s? I thought Europe had tight gun laws except Switzerland

hahahahahaha based

I go in the woods and am constantly being followed by wild animals that want to kill me.

>Shame about the hearing protection act, but shit happens when your party decides to nominate a '90s democrat.

Lol I see what you did there.

But no really, it is a shame. Otherwise, it's a pita to actually go through the process of getting a suppressor.

Illinois ban on suppressors comes from the nfa. If it were overturned they would become legal here. Hopefully this gets some traction because I just got a threaded barrel I'd love to put a suppressor on instead of a break.

They pushed for some regulations about owning armor as well?
Here civilians are disallowed to buy such protection, only police and military personnel can purchase armor, such as plates.

Guns are for the weak and simple minded.

Yes sport shooters can.

Well I know one thing for sure, convicted felons cannot own body armor. A felony shouldn't disqualify you for that IMO.

>spear for weak and simple minded
>me use rock to bash head instead

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They try to ban armor every now and again at the state level. No one has managed it yet, though you can't buy it online in Connecticut.

another coping fistfaggot

You're just mad that you can't go and fuck with anyone at your pleasure without the worry of getting your face blown off.

I agree, i dont see why anyone should be disallowed to own personal protection its stupid tyranny.

Im in chicago. i cant even have any semi auto rifles.

>make me physically disgusted.
on the emotional level of vegans

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I think in some instances felons should still be allowed to own firearms. Like non-violent crimes OR if a violent crime, if they go through a diversion program (strict one, not some piss in a cup every month and be on good behavior thing) and can prove that they have changed and are capable. There are plenty of felons out there who are probably more capable of owning a firearm than some law enforcement. Sadly, that is how it is in America.

More .308's for me.

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I bet this is that guy that larps as henry rollins on here and is also the guy who posted the thread about "muh training" or something.