Why do right wingers call other right wingers cringe?

why do right wingers call other right wingers cringe?
e.g groypers calling murdoch murdoch cringe
>cringe: experience an inward shiver of embarrassment or disgust.
why would people with radical ideas relative to the overton window suddenly care about being socially acceptable? how can a genuine right winger be embarrassed of ideas similar to his own?

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Relax m8.
Did Nick call them cringe before or after they made the optic cuck episode?
If it was after then it's the least that could be said.

Stop relying on controlled opposition and milquetoast ecelebs to tell you what to think and say. Read. Learn history. Formulate your own opinions.


Nick the spic is just a grifter.

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>why do right wingers call other right wingers cringe?
>why would people with radical ideas relative to the overton window suddenly care about being socially acceptable? how can a genuine right winger be embarrassed of ideas similar to his own?

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We don't, that's a zoomer/fuentes thing. It sounds like some faggot valley girl shit.

Because having a schizoid stroke like a qnigger is fucking cringe boom boom

Because we have to make sure the least aware of us don't fall for controlled opposition (Fuentes, Moloch Moloch, 8ch)

Because all right wingers are cringe and occasionally they become self aware enough of it to notice it in other factions of their party.

>We don't, that's a zoomer/fuentes thing. It sounds like some faggot valley girl shit.

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very based

Groupers only call Murdoch Murdoch cringe because it made fun of closeted spic civnat

I love Mürdoch Mürdoch. If some faggots call it cringe, they're cringe themselves.

But murdoch murdoch is actual unfunny cringe.

because public image matters and murdoch murdoch is cringe incel shit

jfc I can't imagine my life going to shit to the point I follow right wing e-celebs like go have sex

It's a good thing. Prevents this place from becoming a sect. There's a lot of cringe going around. It needs to be called out.

The reason they made fun of him was because every time a superchat on his show brought them up he'd sperg out and say they're bad optics, because somehow making holocaust jokes and hanging out with homosexuals is "good optics"

what is this 2018
stop living in the past
you need to speed up your production speed if you're still asspained about that and reacting to it

Idk user, but I am not sure what I want more, murdoch-chan or nazi catboy

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Do you think I can summon her?

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>why aren’t right wingers more open and accepting?
The fuck.
I’ve seen some gay OPs in my day...

That show is incredibly cringe

Alright well my follow up post stays the same.
I like Nick and MM but their lil bitch fights aren't worth threads about or flame wars from their fanboys.

Not as much cringe as using d live

OP is being mega cringe right now desu

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I'd say about as cringe.

Nice digits, I doubt you’ll post again though.

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Blame the cat-boy-holic, fake catholic, Nick "the Fag" Fuentes.

>getting filtered

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If that's what you took away from OP, then you are a genuine retard.

You have to pretend you aren't what you are, it's how leftists subverted academia

this. i think its shills not organic posters. nick and MM are in general /ourguys/ im cool with them both. i like MM better though more mature and listening to their AMAs makes me feel like they would be cool bros to hang out with. plus i really like all three of their voices especially murdochs

Why is the right so incredibly cringe? These are the optics we need to worry about.


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you are cancer

I like the messages from mm, but having "bad production value for the sake of being bad" is unironically bad optics.