I'm black, why do you hate me? What did I do?

I'm black, why do you hate me? What did I do?

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You are black.

Lots of stuff. Kill people, rape women, lower property value, etc.

You are black.

no meme answers.

Because coon

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I have never committed a violent crime. White people commit violent crimes too but you don't hate all white people.

honestly, i dont hate niggers
when you have bedbug infestations, do you hate them?
no, because pests are too low a being to elicit hate, they just do what they have to do.
it is the same thing with niggers, niggers are pests, and worse than bedbugs, because they can and are polluting our blood, and there is no going back from that.
and the solution, the only true, final, solution for nigger problem is only one.

xenophobia is a peoples immune system user.


also its because you are not in africa. go back and help your fellow kangz.

I'm not a pest. Most black people are not criminals.

At least we have Africans raping our grand daughters.

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Same reason why you don't like dogs or monkeys

My ancestors were brought over here as slaves and I have been in North America longer than most whites.

go be a nigger somewhere else

stop being a boardist, i never hated you

The vast majority of your people have, and I really doubt that you haven't committed a violent crime.
You admit by omission that you have committed crime. Probably theft. You are why we cannot have a high trust society. When I was a child locking the front door of my house was unnecessary. Your people changed that.

I don't hate you, my fellow human.

I hate niggers. There is a huge difference between a respectable black man and a nigger. I dont hate respectable black men.

I’m black and I hate you for making this coon ass thread

Srsly tho don’t pay any mind to racistfags, they just don’t understand that black =\= niggers and you shouldn’t be seeking their approval

I have never committed any kind of crime. Criminals are a small fraction of the population in every race.

all memes aside no hate m8

were you born in Canada?

you're a commiecuck faggot baiting
but to answer your shill question
niggers are subhuman monkeys

Go live in Africa, you will understand.

I hate your culture, not you.

1 in 3 black men... 1 in 3...


Black user here. They hate us because they aren't smart enough to realize how little we actually affect them in the grand scheme of things, or how it would benefit their cause in general to work with us. They know black people commit around 50% of violent crime, but they aren't aware of what percentage of black people are responsible for those crimes, and how rare violent crime is that the inner city cases can boost it to that level. They spend most of their time online, where it's easy to say things you in your heart don't truly mean, or if you do you would never say aloud. When you argue with these people in real life, all you have to do is use a calm voice, debate with reason, relate to things they understand, and you notice a change in their demeanor. Their tone. They now see you as a person, because you are one. Simple as that.

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Do you hate me even though I'm a law-abiding black man?

I never hated you.

Because despite making 13% of the population..

You are stealing our women and genociding us

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we don’t, we hate niggers who are increasingly white as well