Just heard on CNN that the virus was made in a lab in Wuhan
Corona Virus Man Made!
hmmm, maybe we are getting ww3 after all this
First thought that came into my head when i heard
Burgers are gonna lose there shit, "The Chinese killed American citizens".
Of course need that final horseman.
And Those nice Jewish people jusy randomly happened to be working on a vaccine for this particular virus - "just call it pure luck" (goyim).
So.....has CNN called it a Chinese Virus, yet?
It was created by Jews and released in China
Normies to get the Ay Tone meme by 2030.
Ya it was on Chris Cuomo said breaking news said he was reading live as he got it.
>Just heard on CNN
no you didn't, queer. you heard it on faux news.
No, there is an hypotheses that it came from a lab that had infected bats from the wild.
Read beyond the headlines user
OP you're a faggot.
sage goes in the options field
nobody watches cnn OP. so we have a unconfirmed report from a wild faggot that a nigger lover doesnt like chinks... more at 11
I don't watch fox fuckface was on CNN about 20 mins ago
I watch CNN for a living, faggot. You saw no such thing.
Just heard on CNN that OP is a faggot
All part of bills plan.
Well wether you believe it or not it was on that fag Chris Cuomo show, he's got covid so he's reporting from his house. Rewind your fucking cable box about a half hour ago.
>Rewind your fucking cable box
I can't my record player is broken, boomer.
I have seen chinks get deboned on spinners, get blow up by steam engines, get runned over by their fellow workers, sticking their heads in middle of working machines, stand in working conveyor belts while they were working and get crushed to death, get stamped in steel mills because someone couldnt take the time to look behind, lean on turbines that were being tested and being flung to bits getting crushed by not parked trucks and many more shit,
they dont care about safety only about low costs if you think they wouldnt let some virus they were toying with escape let me tell you are delusional.
Even soviets knew to put their death labs in the middle of siberia with self-sustaining villages not in the middle of their country railroad hub
Im not the one calling my set top box a fucking record player cuck.
If it wasn't for China, you white monkeys would all be dead right now. Who's sending you medicine? Who's sending you masks and gloves and disinfectant? Chy-na, that's who.
because weak politicians sold their countries to slaver government in exchange for some money yes yes thanks CCP for selling your citizens a dime a dozen may you be glassed when this is over
Source? I believe it though WaPo published this yesterday and National Review posted something a few days ago. it seems like someone has info confirming it leaked from Wuhan biolab.
You won't do anything. Where will you get your medicine? Sit back and relax, this is our show now. And don't ever forget it, white monkey.
CNN is a good source.
You know ((((Who)))) did this
>I heard on CNN
You're either trolling or straight up fucking retarded and probably both
Trump talked about it today. Some reporter asked him and he all but confirmed it. The video is on liveleak.
Fuck off
The chinks have been planning this for years.