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If coporatists rule the world, then who rules the corporatists?
Blake Perez
Jason Anderson
drug additions and orgasms
that's it. the human race is the puniest and pettiest of them all
Lincoln Stewart
is incorporating good for you?
Matthew Jackson
we will always rule over you mediocre europeon goyim. don't forget you came from caves
Charles Smith
Noah Foster
Nicholas White
Hudson Watson
Charles Butler
Kevin Murphy
Satan isn't real.
Noah Evans
Is coffee good for you?
Dylan Brooks
Air manufacturers or enablers apparently
William Perry
me on the right
Wyatt Long
same as who has always controlled it. whoever controls the currency.
Aaron Martin
Technique, an impersonal self-directed and goal-oriented force. That's who.
Jayden Green
The alien mongoloids that are cerulean blue
Cooper Rivera
Tea is better.
Leo Smith
Nathaniel Flores
Based and watersafe pilled
Angel Cox
Is Moloch metaphysical or real?
Carson Parker
She's pretty hot tho ngl
Brandon Cruz
technocrats and the entertainment mafia
Jaxon Wright
The globalists, dummy.
Alexander Hernandez
I wanna see her take a BBC so fuckin bad.
Ethan Carter
>Satan isn't real.
Prove your assertion.
Kayden Wilson
the ones who make up religions
Jayden Perez
Aiden Murphy
Wtf that’s the hottest girl I’ve ever seen. Any more?
Noah Hall
you prove a negative first
then I'll try
Henry Cruz
>then who rules the corporatists?
their strong morals and ethics
Carson Martinez
They are ruled not by people directly but by a system of abstract relationships which ultimately makes everyone equally unfree - although the corporatists are slightly more comfortable
Jacob Stewart
linoy sror
Josiah Cruz
the money lenders
Bentley Stewart
those are the corporatists
Mason Collins
Kevin Brooks
Jewish finance is at the very top
Jose Hall
built for INC.
Brandon Ramirez
but corporations don't rule the world; communists do.