Whats the point of investing in anything space related...

whats the point of investing in anything space related? there's no practical way humans could ever leave the solar system

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And telephones are just a fad, eh meme flag?

>whats the point of investing in anything space related?
Space and the subterranean world have similar features. If you want people to live underground for long durations of time, you might as well develop tech by sending people to space.

there are gfs in space


What's the point of investing in these aero-planes? A heavier-than-air flying machine is physically impossible according to Lord Kelvin!

We don't need to leave the solar system to make crazy gains from space.

We probably will leave the solar system eventually, too. I know like three different ways to do it.

Does anyone else see the Jew in OP's image?

The primary requirement is overcoming racism. Otherwise kinetikill problems will rain death on earth.

What you are saying is true but one of the most bitter pills to swallow for anyone that has fantasies of a scifi future. The reality is that space travel between solar systems is extremely likely to be entirely impossible. Hell, by all evidence it looks like space travel even inside our solar system is not feasible.

man will never fly, said your retarded ancestor

we'll figure it out

virtue signaling over how whites are better than nonwhites because they gloat about muh space, same goes for capitalism, they're worldviews forced by whites to justify taking nonwhite resources and enslave them

notice how all the stormfags in the world use this as a starting point to make other races feel like less than them

in reality, there's nothing wrong or right about an individual, or an entire race of people decides to rot in their own excrement huts or if they decide to play videogames all day, there's no higher purpose in life other than what people choose to delude themselves with

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We don’t need to go out of solar system. We have too many moons that are ripe for colonizations

I think there’s a world market for five of these computer things.

Just because we don't have any way to travel such vast distances right now doesn't mean we never will

youre right, all of us who procreate today will just be raising fat neet asshole kids who turn into fat middle aged mass shooters.


>there's no practical way humans could ever leave the solar system
Well, until we figure something out there is much to explore/invest in already in the solar system are you fucking kidding me?

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Perhaps we'll get to live 10000 years in the future so that the 100 years it takes us to get to get to another star system at 1% of c won't seem all that much, like how when it took us years to circumnavigate the Earth

Right, the issue is supplanting those backwards groups into more developed one. Humanitarianism is great and all, but not when done with intentional carelessness

You're correct, though the space age atheists will no doubt seethe endlessly at this post. The energies required to get anywhere near lightspeed... the G-forces involved in acceleration, deceleration, even making a slight course adjustment... the fact that slamming into a speck of space dust anywhere near light speed would be like blowing an ordnance storage facility sky high... face it, shitheads, we're never leaving the solar system. Deal with it.

Not an athiest but leaving the solar system couldn't be THAT hard could it? I mean we've already done it but with an unmanned vessel

>you can't get off of Earth
>you can't get into orbit
>you can't get onto the moon
>you can't send probes to other planets
>you can't send probes into interstellar space
>you can't have satellites
>you can't have telescopes in space
>you can't send a rover to mars
We are here now
>you can't go back to the moon
>you can't go to mars
>you can't go past the asteroid belt
>you can't mine asteroids
>you can't go to the edge of the solar system
>you can't go into interstellar space
>you can't go to exoplanets
>you can't go to other galaxies
Fuck you memeflag.

Space mining and construction will be huge.
Altruism will cause us to spread across the stars

Merchant in the pic...

Our destiny is the stars and by God we will take them

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holy kek

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go back to the woods savage

What Allah says about the space?

You'd just get annihilated anyway.
Besides, there's already enough "outside the solar system" stuff in the solar system to answer every question you've ever had about human existence.
Just find it, you'll see.
There's even some hidden on Earth.
You think the Moon originates from somewhere in this solar system?
That's cute.

"I cannot fathom a future in which I shall ever have surcease from shaking."
- H.P. Lovecraft

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