pic related
Post a pic of what you're buying with your trump bux
Mine is going to federal taxes on July 15th. That is if I even get one. The website is telling me payment is unavailable.
I know a couple of unemployed roasties.
Gonna make them work for my cash.
Don't have my concealed carry permit yet so I have to wait to pick it up until next friday but I bought this today. Got a remington 870 for home defense and this for personal defense. I put 800 out of 1200 in savings though.
Go for the white sex doll pill.
I'm spending 100 of it to buy a membership at the local tool library to get unlimited access to their workshop for a year since my apartment's too small for tools. Then I'm saving the rest.
>paying them for sex
Spray mist sanitize them and dry them off quickly, to prevent corrosion
I'm gonna try to be smart with mine and buy some stuff that I can use to open a reasonable online business, but I'm definitely gonna picking up a couple of third party Transformers.
this, if you're going to simulate having sex with a child make sure it's a white one!
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Getting my shortwave on.
saw this fine meme in another thread
i mean technically its a stimulus check so they want us to spend it on frivolous stuff
Guns probably
sanitizer only works if you let it sit for several minutes
You answered casual with vague.
Unbased but who cares. You do you famallamasenpaisamakun.
I paid $150 for an escort to sit on my face until I blacked out, let me breathe a bit, and repeat for an hour. The last time I blacked out, I came right before without anyone touching my dick. Biggest nut of my life.
If mafex of shf decide to make a snake eyes for the upcoming movie I'll replace the classified with that.
2 of these bad boys
but a DIAS would be a good investment, tbqhwy
I wish I got a fucking stimulus check.
You could get like 15-20 blowjobs from a real woman with that kinda money OP
>600 burger dollars
>for a nugget
wew laddy. I bought one in December still coated in cosmoline for 450 leaf bux, which is like $2.50 US
>Buying commie garbage
What's a DIAS?
Literally building a nice m4 clone with a chrome lined bushmaster barrel I snagged. R.I.P. Bushmaster, I will shoot out this barrel in my lifetime to honor you. The rest will be saved. Oh, and a slick Czech chest rig to hold my mags and two holsters. So spend half save half.
>paying $600
>It's a mosin
You and the kike selling it for that much are what's wrong with this country.
Neck yourself
Drop in auto sear. Turns regular AR-15 into full auto mode capable rifle.
as someone that owns several make sure you are buying from a reputable website. there are a bunch of chink ones that post completely fake photos then send you something else and ghost you when you try to get in contact with them.
Drop In Auto Sear. Its the metal think to the left of the turbo. You 'drop' them in the lower receiver of an AR and it allows FA.
they are now going for like 25k+.
Of course you could 3d print or make one, but the ATF wouldnt be too happy with you
Gonna do some .50 cal airgun hunting soon.
Yikes, that's some dollar store shit man you gotta up your game
That thick Asian girl in the middle with the white tank top looks nice.
whats a reputable website?
No Trumpcoin in Shitway, but got my studentbux early, so I paid off my credit card and bought some Intel stock.
Gonna buy a ton of research chemicals to stock up. Probably clonazolam, DCK, and my nigga 3-meo-pcp. Probably a couple hookers too after i do my "research"
>15-20 sweat and bacteria-laden smelly blowjobs that you regret not 2 seconds after it ends
>infinitely more attractive and superior sex object that does not age, nor ship with anything remotely unpleasant throughout the object and lasts essentially forever.
Or you could just use this