>Some things have changed recently and "we" see some very specific things coming down the pipe that may or may not interest you.
Go on? Like what, give it a go
Brayden Wright
My ass itches
Landon Martin
Spice me out, bro.
When is the government gonna give disclosure on UFOs and aliens?
Dylan Perry
Hurry up, nigger
Ryan Collins
Nigger you still there?
Luke Flores
I'm not "allowed" to just tell you things. Questions must be asked, as per the "rules of engagement".
You're going to see some very curious things pop up this very decade. Nothing is exactly static with the people that "make plans" for the goyim/profane. Keep in the back of your mind the Sirius star cluster. Do some research about the pyramids (okay, they're diamonds, not pyramids). Next, understand more about the Moon (Ishtar/Luna), especially its early functions. I'll give you a little help with the Moon though. You're looking for stories, mostly by indigenous tribes, that have to do with legends of times "before the moon".
Who do you think the elite conspirators, who have weaved such an elaborate plan unhindered by investigations or revolt, take their marching orders from?
Hudson Butler
Okay. I’ll have a peep. I need my motherfucking disclosure.
Asher Thomas
He gets a second term. You already knew this, though. Think about how much work we did to uncover Biden. What's already uncovered is enough to bury the man.
If you want me to be frank, you're here to remember and to reach out and beyond. The vast majority of The Game is about abusing your ability to decide. Should you make the "proper choices", you'll be rewarded greatly. This is very likely not the first time you've played, mind you.
Ask me again after the first of the year. If you don't know by then, you're not paying attention.
>I'll give you a little help with the Moon though. I need a bit of help with this The moon has always freaked me out. Who parked it where it is now?
Austin Anderson
If I can remember my past lives, is that just me having schizophrenia and that I have to take my meds? Serious question.
Joseph Bell
What did napoleon see when he slept in the pyramid for a night?
Alexander Carter
How many bankers are working against American interest is it a vocal minority or a majority? What will happen to China after this whole Corona thing?
Xavier Butler
Will people continue to be redpilled about the Jews until a tipping point is reached? And by tipping point, I mean enough people will know that the Jews will either have to change their plans or will simply start getting worried about being called out so much - to the extent that they can’t socially manipulate by calling people anti-semites. Basically, are the tides going to turn against the Jews?
Juan Turner
Alright, I'll bite. Is the CCP in China going to collapse?
Also, how long until we know about ayyys? Are there any that want to reveal themselves to humanity but can't? Are any alien races benevolent enough to want to get to hang out with humans in a cultural exchange?
Jason Wright
I like to think I'm only "allowed" to know so much, but you're looking for a name that starts with a "P". Even then, if these things were explained to you, none of the insight would be either actionable or sensible. There's significant requisite in terms of comprehension that goes in to being able to recognize or substantiate these subjects. For the most part, they aren't really important to your (current, at least) purview.
I'm not doing the work for you. This still isn't even something I understand at a basic level. I have a feeling when most know, both of us will truly grasp this conundrum. Obviously I have my suspcions, but you're not here for mere suspicions, are you?
If you have an activated third eye (you'd know what I mean), this question is pretty meaningless. I will tell you, though, that schizophrenia isn't at all what most of you are told it is. Terry, for instance, wasn't "crazy" but a fucking genius.
I'm just going to level with you - I'm putting off learning huge amounts about history until I've accomplished certain things. This is the type of question I can't really answer. I can say, however, that "sleeping in the pyramids" is an awfully sought after "achievement" by a great many people; people that know very specific things.
I don't really get in to geopolitics bigly, but I don't suspect China will be operating at its usual capacity any longer. I see Russia taking a much larger stance, especially in that end of the world. All of the big banks are working against any national interest. There's no real dispute in this regard. The Bauers have long held this end of Humanity's operations in check, but we'll see how long that lasts. By the end of the second therm, you SHOULD see big movements. I'd be extremely surprised if things don't surface after two terms from now, if I'm wrong about the first.
"I'm no messiah" Imagine being so self delusional with delusions of grandeur that you need to tell people that you arent in fact a messiah because they might actually get confused and think you are.
Adrian Murphy
>Why is tptb looking for those with extra sensory ability >what is causing the strange dreams that have become more common among many people in the last month
Cameron Perry
The problem the lot of you tend to have when it comes to "Jews" is that yous till call them that. If the linguistic front was capitalized upon, you'd be much more effective. Let me help you a a little: Call them el-ites. "Jews" simply came from a region with lots of hills in the area of "Palestine" long ago. Learn about El, Saturn, and its many iterations. This is critical.
>CCP Again, none of these things are static. All of these "decisions" are largely dynamic. This isn't something I can speak to. I'm not even close to that level. Even still, this is sort of a pointless question, don't you think? If it's worth anything, I see China being blamed hugely for what's currently happening. >Ayys I think I already answered this. This decade is going to be very interesting. I believe Blue Book isn't still out of the question.
I think you should be more specific.
kek I was indeed being hyperbolic. I will say this, it's not often I drink in a celebratory fashion. Maybe you aren't lucky per se, but this isn't something I ever really consider when sober.
first question: It's in your blood. second question: Things are changing rapidly worldwide. You'll see what I mean over the next few months. This election cycle should certainly display what I'm getting at.
Any hints for what Tesla was working on Saw in a other thread that some of us autists where up to recreate it Aswell for the alleged nazi anti-gravity device
Grayson Sanders
Do elites follow vedic astrology?
Mason Harris
So the U.S is going to balkanize and Michigan is going to destroy washington. Boogaloo 2020s when user? I need answers
Wyatt James
Who wins the next superb owl?
William Morales
Most likely when greece falls Better start doing home workouts
Carson Reed
> I can say, however, that "sleeping in the pyramids" is an awfully sought after "achievement" by a great many people; people that know very specific things.
Graham Hancock the author/researcher has slept in the pyramids, or at least laid still in a sarcophagus (emulating sleep or death, I can't remember). He also seems to be touching on what we would call hidden knowledge of humanities true origins.
Is sleeping in the pyramids a sign of malevolence, benevolence, or just mere initiation? I have always had an interest in his writings but want to know if they are trustworthy or are meant to lead people astray.
Grayson King
What is their plan for the NWO? I hear officials say "we're not going back to normal" quite a bit. What do they mean?
Evan Watson
I would like to know more about the pineal gland. Is it truly a miraculous organ, that is capable of profound experiences? How seriously should someone be concerned about fluoridation or calcification? Is it related to consciousness/awareness and if your pineal gland is sufficiently calcified, you have lost your true consciousness without even realizing it?
Easton Rodriguez
>nazi things Vimana Merka___ (fill in the blank) >tesla stuff You can recreate some of his work, but the important elements to what Tesla accomplished dealt with what he learned how to do via meditation. Frequencies matter. Energy matters.
JP Morgan once said something along the lines of "Millionaires don't use astrology, Billionaires do.
You... seriously don't know it's already happening, do you?
kek I'm not here to tell you the future. Chiefs or 49ers wouldn't surprise me, though. I'll admit, this one is a pretty easy bet, though.
There will be no Civil War. Another big war is also hugely unlikely.
I've long thought Graham pisses quite a few people off. Normies aren't supposed to know about these things. See, there was at least more than one Deluge. These events marked the end of great eras of Humanity each time. Funnily enough, some super persistent fucker(s) kept getting in the way.
Jeremiah Cox
I always suspected it was something to do with the blood and bloodlines. It wouldn't be so important to them otherwise.
Do you happen to know if they have isolated what in the blood indicates ability, and if they have, what is the property?
Connor Long
While I'm not political wiz, things are about to change more than any user could have imagined. Anons have been fed pretty specific info by pretty specific people for a long time and, as such, haven't really gotten the full picture pretty purposefully. I know how annoyingly vague this sounds, but you must trust that it's for good reason.
You must decalcify. Normally, people would be all dramatic and say "at all costs" which is pretty stupid... but they're pretty much right in this case. The more of you fuckers that wake up, the easier this shit gets. >last question Let's just say you ancestors were much more competent than you could possibly imagine.