Say it ain't so pol
Say it ain't so pol
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Ain't that the truth, sheeeeit.
Yeah, it should say 100% and "women" should be OP
87% of (((white))) women
I'll put $100 on the fact the author of this articles name ends in "berg"
>Say it ain't so pol
White Women have Jungle Fever
White Men have Yellow Fever
And 87% of women are hopeless sluts OP, not gonna ruffle any feathers about that
Data from dating apps tells a different story.
A gook posted this
nothing to see here
is there a more nigger sounding website?
The study was conducted in Israel
So this is how my analogy will play out. White women don't want to fuck niggers, but they think about fucking foreigners some times. It's like fantasizing about fucking an animal.
One is being beaten, betrayed, and then left alone with a bastard child.
The other is a stable couple, both make money, and both are willingly to have children.
both are unhappy and miserables
Okay..not me. I like my white boyfriend with a big dick just fine. No felonies, no baby mamas and makes $$.
I saw this study linked in another thread a while ago, it was done at the Rutgers University. About 20% of the Rutgers student body is jewish. Interestingly enough, the same study says only 13% of "white" women said they would would marry and raise a family with a Black man. In reality, white women intermarry with blacks far less than that. If you look at all intermarriages, whites only make 11%.
87%? Total bullshit, its more like 99%.White women love sucking off BBC, and my white penis love watching it.
nice thumbnail image. would be cooler if i could fucking read it.
One of them will divorce, can you guess which one?
Nah, its a porn meme. The woman I know viscerally hate blacks and find them repugnant. I think that's why its a porn meme, its degrading, like animal fucking.
100% of OP is fake and gay, according to new study
You have a keen lense into the female mind. You must be dripping in pussy
In America, all multiracial children will have severe problems with identity.
Not sure that's as true in Brazil because it seems from the outside like you guys aren't as culturally divided on racial lines as us, but as always I can't just authoritatively speak for you.
Nigger thinks porn memes are real. What a fucking surprise.
Notice the faggot retard meme flag didn’t include the source, which I’m sure is totally “white”
This matches up with observed data.
>So this is how my analogy will play out. White women don't want to fuck niggers, but they think about fucking foreigners some times. It's like fantasizing about fucking an animal.
I can't wait.
It’s not true
based 13% not wanting sex with the 13% who commit the 50%.
>In America, all multiracial children will have severe problems with identity.
You mean they will be social niggers.
Its really irrelevant. Niggers are a racial enemy of the white race and must be exterminated. They destroy civilizations
So do 25% of white men
women suck
Where the Canadian White Women AT?
Most Brazilians know their origins, but don't give a single fuck. I'm Half-Israeli but do you really think that I feel offended by the anti-kike shit on this site? Not much lol
both, it's current year monkeybro