Do you lack class conciousness?

Do you lack class conciousness?

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Commies are retarded

Not any more
The class pill took a lot longer than the race pill but I got there eventually

Class consciousness is a social construct.

Maybe if you brought chicken instead of mush the gravy would make a better total meal.
This cartoon is no good

If you even took a pill such as this, you’re a brainlet to begin with

you def lack class conciousness


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>stimulus checks : $290 b (+290b second round pending)
>small business bailout : $350 b (+250b pending)
>Large corporate bailout : $500 b
If we get a second round of stimulus checks the people and small business would have a bigger bailout than the large corporations.
Plus the small business grants and stimulus on average is not enough for more small businesses.

Frankly, no matter how much you have in common racially with globalists they will see you as no different or even more annoying than brown people
They advocate for your displacement via a legal invasion
Try to explain that without using concepts of class warfare

ok troomer

Attached: ANTIFA trannies making a killing off leftist simps.jpg (1063x986, 95.72K)

>class consciousness
burger education spotted

>be angry that everyone gets free money

>t. bourguesa intellectual


We could be getting permanent monthly Trumpbux you know

>Tfw the first post does it again

The kikes are the ones doing the lock downs, not the virus. The kikes are responsible for the virus as well.

fpbp, not even smart enough to realize they got baited by after-the-sale and bait and switch.
>capitalism destroys the family and cheapens the life of the female
>therefore we must destroy the family and make women into the same class as men!

Yeah poor people are as disgusting as poos Joos and nigroos

>how do we get what they're having?
employ a few hundred people

Ich bin nur ein großer TROOMER

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>Try to explain that without using concepts of class warfare
read this

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I'm not Jewish
This does not answer my question, I am talking about people who are part of my racial group damn it.
The traitors, explain the traitors without using class.
>He cast his evil jew magic
>That's why Mr Anglo wants to see me replaced
Obviously Jews have their own racial hatred of whites and need to be removed with extreme prejudice but let's take a specific person for instance. Why did Winston Churchill hate his coethnics so much and love/protect the people in his own class? If you don't take both class and race into account you don't have the whole picture.

Too often I've scrolled to the end of a thread and asked myself, wtf did I click on? You mad bastard.

It's what happens when you let people with childish ideals put those ideals above their own people. You do know the "horrors" that the Germans did are fabricated, right? Yet, those people got the world believing it as fact. Their ideals, beliefs, and "morals" (quite frankly if you don't put your race first, your foundation of morals is skewed), caused them to believe that their own people were lesser than their self-perceived "destiny". WW2 was about stupid whites killing whites trying to do the right thing.

do you now know about pedophile blackmail? I suppose it is about class, considering you're not allowed to be successful unless they can control you. But that only means race is more important, since it is the race that does the blackmailing. it is the race that sets the agenda. it is the devil race and their talmud that control satan's world.

>be farmer
>pay for land
>pay for equipment
>pay for seed
>work long hours to produce food
>”eh im hungry u gibs free?”
>plow under entire crop
I’d do the same.

It's (((coomunist))) stupidity to avoid talking about parasitism, crime, sociopaths, excessive wealth concentration and all sorts of thoughtcrimes.

>corporations are people too
but then the owners of the corporations get to double-dip. Once as themselves and then again through their proxy. similar to campaign contributions

but they laid everyone off. why do they need money for "keeping" their employees?
and if they aren't laid off then they are in business and are making money.

>the commie reeeees about class consciousness again
This is why you hate the middle class, isn't it. Because the middle class blurs the line between the upper and lower class. Communism relies on ingroup conflict to spark. It's no coincidence that every instance of communism has only ever manifested itself under extreme instability, and usually because of reasons outside the scope of communism, such as war.

>You do know the "horrors" that the Germans did are fabricated, right?
No shit, my position is the national socialist one. Racial identity with class cooperation. You can make excuses for these people all you want but it's not going to change the trend of the upper class creating their own nonracial in-group. >do you now know about pedophile blackmail?
It often seems plausible but ultimately less likely than the class explaination.
You have a racial community to protect yourself against certain environmental hazards and to have a community
The ultra-rich bypass these needs and desires.
Adolf Hitler regularly referred to the constant struggle in that he believed sedentary, and easy lives lead to a degenerate lifestyle. I think he was spot on. We must be racially aware first but to completely disregard class is a mistake.

I had conceded in part that class plays a role that can't be overlooked.

I guess you are right.
I just also don't see the need for a conspiracy to arrive at these conclusions.
While I've seen the evidence myself and believe that there's pedo black mail rings at very least in England I also think it's inconsequential to the blatant harm our leaders are doing to all white nations.