How do I move out of California

This is it for me. This is the straw that broke that camels back for me as a native to California all my life.

How do I relocate myself and my family out of California? I am going to University studying prelaw in California. I play golf regularly and have my own job. What state should I move to, and how?

I can not tolerate to live in a state that does shit like this anymore. I love California - the weather, the climate .. but the people suck, it’s overpopulated and the air and water is polluted.

What do?

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bet you won't move to Alaska, pussy

Lol, haven't you heard? It's too late to move because everything is shut down.

sell all your stuff and take what you can on your own. if you have to rent a truck fly out to Nevada or Oregon to get one and drive back to Cali because it's cheaper. move to a place that has favorable demographics. good luck

It's pretty easy. You sell your 1 bedroom shack for $1 million and use the money to buy a mega mansion in a 100% white suburb in the midwest.

How is this not aiding criminals. They will know who they are to give them the checks, yet Trump does nothing to just arrest them.
These are invading foreigners and they are aiding them. Treason. Governors can be arrested just like anyone else same with cops or bureaucrats. Wtf Trump..

>wants to become a lawyer
>buttmad over government doing shit that's necessary for economic growth
You're not gonna make it

I’m a poor fag who lost his house because my mom was an alcoholic.. so I moved out and rent. I don’t own anything.
Been thinking bout Nevada. I could drive there. Rent is cheap too. Just the issue with school, don’t know where’d I go.

Thoughts on Utah/New Mexico? Tired of being around beans.

i actually tried to look at some upsides of newsom because i'm a califag like you, but this is awful.

That would be fucking lit. But there’s barely any sunlight up there and it’s full of crackheads and cons on the run

>I don’t own anything
Oh well then you're fucked. You'd still save money by renting in the midwest though.

LOL implying this act by “governor” newtard isn’t unconstitutional

Facts. I was really trying to give him the benefit of the doubt constantly. But this is inexcusable. Like I can’t do it anymore

Apply for a job somewhere else or buy land or a house somewhere else. I got out of California in December :3

Problem is my job has to be licensed by the state. Right now I’m only licensed by California :/

Take the first noose out of town for ever living there in the first place lmao

Stay out of Oregon, there's too many of you shits here already.

>isn't even in the law school
>muh constitutional
As I said, you're not gonna make it with this kind of attitude.

It sucks pretty much everywhere bro. When I was growing up Virginia was a pretty strong conservative state, and now it's rapidly becoming a shithole. I've been in LA for about 8 years now and it's not any worse than NoVA

I got a 170 on the LSAT. I’ll be fine. I wouldn’t worry about me, worry about your sorry ass self who has to hide behind a flag.

How hard is it to get a license in another state? Or get another job. If your job has license then you can probably transition to something else. I bet you have real skills. I didn't have shit; I just had enough money to buy land or a cheap house and have enough left over to spend a few months looking for a job. Only had that because of being frugal and left-over life insurance payout. You can do it. You probably just aren't serious about it yet because it's a big commitment and turns your life upside down a while. It's worth it though.

Just look up properties on Zillow, look up jobs on Indeed in the area, and talk to your bank about how to qualify for a home loan.

I’m sure Oregon is worse than Cali by far: bunch of hippie library potheads running around and it rains 24/7. No thanks

If you had 170 LSAT you'd be considering which color you want your AMG not cry on Yas Forums that state government did the one thing that will boost economy. Think nigger, who will benefit the most now that millions of spics get their Tumpbux? Now think who's gonna hire your services tomorrow?

fuck off. all other 49 states are FULL.
stay in your containment zone, faggot

>I am going to University studying prelaw
There is no prelaw degree. Don't try an inflate your PoliSci degree because it makes you sound like a tryhard.
t. lawyer

I declined taking Trumpbux. Sorry I’m not a communist who relies on the government

The point was to say I’m going to law school after this semester, dumb cuck

And it’s philosophy not polsci ew

>giving taxpayer money to illegals

illegal immigrants aren't necessary.

What a fucking retard, no way you're in college yet

I left california 20 years ago. I still consider it my home, and I miss it, but there is just no saving it now. The midwest is boring, but somewhat more stable for now.

Protip: your undergrad degree won't matter, so long as it was writing intensive.
And apply for out of state schools if you're looking to move.

Midwest is flyover country, like Nebraska, iowa, etc

who the fuck spends money to vacation to ohio? no one

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>Foir questions with blank fields for answers

Alaska sucks now. Anchorage is practically mini seattle. The faggot lefties have ruined this place.

>Give public money to illegals
>They spend it to buy shit and pay rent
It's a transfer of public money to private pockets. If you're a business owner or making money off other people's businesses this shit is music to your ears.

This nigger OP thinks $2000 Trumpbucks are what matters, when he should be focusing on providing those sweet $300/h retainer services to businesses now flush with cash

The fact that it's boring makes it more safe. (((progressive policies))) lag behind in the last bastions of american ideals.

There are prelaw degrees in many universities but they typically score like shit. Iirc Math and Philosophy grads do best on LSAT

move to mexico lol

I didn’t want to go to Harvard/Yale because I want to stay with family. But if this is how it’s going to be I might as well leave. But, I imagine the east coast is just as gross.

I don’t really care about prestige and all that, I want to be a lawyer yes.. but the image I get of places like Harvard etc make me nauseous. I have a 3.9 GPA and like I said 170 LSAT and have been offered by Harvard, but haven’t replied. My plan was just to go to the local Law school next to my house so I could stay near family.

>progressive policies lag behind
oh no oh no he didn't oh hohohohoho

Yup you’re right. The LSAT was practically identical to what is taught in philosophy. Just a bunch of logic and reading comp. not surprised math majors do well ... lot of questions on the LSAT are like puzzles.