Questions for oldfags

This place is mostly full of porn, retardation, and larping, yeah? But I sort of don't have anywhere else to go anymore--I guess I've just become accustomed to calling people faggot retard niggers and being able to actually express my views. Can't go back to normieland. Questions for oldfags: was old Yas Forums actually different/better? If so, how so? Is there a chance it will return to it's former glory? Or is this board stuck with 'u mad white boi' and retard-tier shill bullshit?

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Just get to know Christ.

How many times do i have to reread this bullshit

Try, it was Yas Forums before Yas Forums

where this site has been active for so long it's literally the new generation of newfags trying to mesh with the oldfags
remember how fucking retarded you acted when you first started coming here?
give it time

also this, accept Jesus as your only way to Heaven

I know that dead communist lgbt globalist jew very well. I'm serving seconds of him if either of you are interested?

>Questions for oldfags: was old Yas Forums actually different/better? If so, how so? Is there a chance it will return to it's former glory? Or is this board stuck with 'u mad white boi' and retard-tier shill bullshit?

It was much better. A lot more focused, a lot more freedom, a lot more intelligent threads at a far better rate. If anything "happened" you'd first come here to find out more and no where else till the information started to finally bleed elsewhere. When they tried to Corner the Dorner, it was a fucking time to be alive and on Yas Forums.

There is only a "chance" if there is a change of ownership and a replacing of the mods for Yas Forums. That is really the primary problem.

The shills are swamping here are the reason this place looks like it's generally shit, but they aren't very effective in changing any minds and their tactics are mostly known by anyone that should know. It's just a giant election money pit generally that is going to end up meaning nothing. Just wait till Trump wins in November and you'll see a general spike in quality because all the big money will dry up and the shills will all be fired and hung out to dry.

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there's another place but it's a secret only spoken of in whispers and dreams

It's always been shit.


I'm here since 2015 and the Trump campaign.
You had to do some filtering to find good content but there were a lot of very interesting threads.

But now the good posts are rare and
This place is filled with leftists and shills now.
Happening fags also really ruined Yas Forums

This board is essentially dead. Everyone has moved to ocho kun. There used to actually be real discussion here, among other things but it's literally been shilled to death between /leftypol/ reddit, CTR or shareblue, and other likely foreign internet propaganda control teams like JIDF and China's equivalent. Yas Forums got way too high profile during and after the 2016 election drawing way too much attention. The addition of meme flags further accelerated this boards spiral into darkness

that's basically it.

IDF has a huge presence here, as does FBI and other Jewish groups

Leftists/Trans etc are here in huge numbers, not just lurking but larping and even expressing their inner anti-pc-ness

Christians and conservatives are still low iq oxygen thieves who will never culturally and racially awaken

and the globalist MSN made Yas Forums world famous so it's been flooded and neutralised by normies

Guess I'll have to try that out... old school full-chan always lacked the whimsy of 4, but I suppose it's probably better than this shit.

You're not an oldfag unless you remember a time before Yas Forums existed.
Now shut up and lurk moar.

no. The great exodus has long been over.
This board is a mere shadow, a relic of its former self. Now infested with glow niggers and zogbots, and god knows what else lurking at each and ever post.

Yas Forums has been dead for ages
yet it corpse is still animated ..

Old Yas Forums was far more informative, fast paced, and better at generating memes but there was still an unbelievable amount of shitposting, spam, baiting and fedposting. If anything I'd say there's actually less fedposts and blacked posts than there used to be. Also other user is right, accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour soon before it's too late, user.


I want to know other places other than kun so badly but don't want them posted here. What a conundrum.

that was /x/ before 4ch existed

No, moron. The sad part is you dont even understand what old Yas Forums was like, at all, and yet you're claiming you want it back. Trust me when I say that most people here, including probably you, would be ridiculed for things you post

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you will need to access an .onion but i can show you

>was old Yas Forums actually different/better?
/n/ and /new/ were far better.
Yas Forums before gamergate was also pretty great. Normies came in though. Fucked shit up bad as they're wont to do. pic related.
>If so, how so? Is there a chance it will return to it's former glory?
Older Yas Forums and /new/ and /n/ had far less bot threads, bot replies, shareblue posting, less glowniggers, and far less porn and threads pushing sexual shit.
And no, there is no chance. The board would have to be axed, then remade into something else. For example, on /n/ and /new/ you had to post relevant news articles in your OP or discuss relevant topics in an intelligent way. Otherwise the mods would delete your shit and can you for three days or more Yas Forums is too lenient on OPs. WAY too lenient.

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>Questions for oldfags: was old Yas Forums actually different/better?

Absolutely, when was the last time you came across a post and learned something? The election transplants never even come across the information necessary to 'le redpill' them anymore. They think wild and baseless speculation that reinforces muh red team blue team dynamic is what's 'redpilled'. It didn't use to be this way, there were well made effort posts that had real engagement and interest in the past, these days there's nothing even worth screencaping. The invention of /his/ caused a decline in poster quality similar to how the 2016 election did. The average IQ here is probably actually around 100 now, we've entered the same decay state Yas Forums is in. Quality posters will flee and eventually all of the porn posting, LARP engaging, gullible masses will follow and destroy that board as well.

pol used to be a leftist libertarian place, before you faggots came here. You all look like cringy niggers talking seriously about racism and Hitler and jesus.

fuck you kid.

Based and true.

The people lost and the jews won. Gave it up and leave!

Do it

Been here since 2010. What the hell am I considered

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suck jewish foreskins goy

it was better. there was still shilling and retards but nowhere near this level.

We usually just throw you all in cancer camp desu. It's mostly due to laziness, but you probably are cancer anyway.

I have been on here since /n/. Yas Forums has pretty much been the same except there are a lot of boomers and redd*tfags now. Also accusing someone of being a "discord tranny" wasn't a thing, just being JIDF and CTR/Shareblue around the election..

Everything is getting worse all the time everywhere. So everything was better a while ago than it is now. Including this place, which resembles a Chuck-E-Cheese full of autistic 8-yr-olds, more every day.

you're a revisionist retard who's probably an election transplant himself.

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>this place
I knew there were shitskins among us, but are you really all larping?

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There are still moments of transcendent greatness, but acres of the same old shit in between.


Mlpol is based af!!!RACE WAR NOW!!!

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>Some retard from Yas Forums posting gore while complaining about porn. Sounds legit
You Yas Forums niggehs are probably the ones posting the porn in the first place

Nope. The media brought most us here.

2011 Yas Forums was the successor to /new/. If OP didn't post greentext and link the first 10 replies were "OP is a faggot", "fake and gay", etc. There's always been room for "fun threads" but current catalog looks more like 2011 Yas Forums than 2011 Yas Forums. 2013 was Yas Forumss highwater mark (trayvon/dorner) with a brief rise in quality with stormfront migration. Board went to total shit when they left and normie invasion during Trump election. Board quality continues to deteriorate year after year since. Posting 2011 /new/ quality threads does no good; they are archived with 1 reply - if any; /nupol/ would rather bump "what's your favorite mexican food Yas Forums?" than reply to a thread connecting Soros to buying off you local district attorney.
RIP Yas Forums 2011-2016

Yes. It was WAY less popular. Threads would stay front page for a lot longer and it was almost always generals

Philosophy general
Christian or pagan general
Literally no jew flags
No muslims
No shills at all
People just posting livestreams in gaza and waiting for a happening in the middle east
Ron paul threads. Ron Paul was ptg before djt was ptg
A lot of k/innawoods style stuff

It was very, very comfy

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>claims to been here since /n/
>hasn't even gotten the right "around blacks, don't relax" pic

More like a summer fag and nigger.

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Kill yourself

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