>CIA hires Nazis
>Nazis were oculists
>did experiments on Jews and other prisoners
>CIA, mkultra, pedogate, satanists, all seem to be true and really began controlling us after ww2
>but Nazis were the good guys Hitler did nothing wrong
CIA hires Nazis
This all checks out.
You've completely overlooked the simple fact that you're retarded OP. Once you understand this, everything will make sense.
>>CIA hires Nazis
>>Nazis were oculists
>>did experiments on Jews and other prisoners
>CIA hires Nazis
wow, and this place thinks it is "redpilled"
poltards also think nazis were good Christians
Once you realize that Hitler and most of the Nazis were actually Frankist Jews,
Whose main purpose was to purge religious Jews and send the rest to Palestine to start the new Israel,
And that Hitler's Uber Mensch were never German, but Frankist Jews,
And that Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt (Red Field) were all in on it,
Primarily for the culling, and to set up the scenario for the re-enacting of the Revelation BLUE PRINT,
(which is a gnostic book)
Then you will realize,
Hitler won.
Pic related:
Pictured is the beaker of the Rosicrucian Alchemist,
Inside this crucible are creative forces,
The Washington monument represents the phallic;
It sets inside a vesica pisces representing the reproductive force of the female,
The yin and yang,
Above is the product:
A memorial to millions of dead soldiers who died for not a god-damned thing.
Nice try kike. keep going keep fighting human nature,
Yas Forums is not one person. The natsoc LARPers are generally a bunch of midwits without the basic knowledge or the required level of conceptual openness to consider the deeper levels of the global plot, i.e., MK, ritual torture/murder/cannibalism/sex magic/etc., ayys (or demons), magic, metaphysics, synchronicity, fluid time, etc. Doubt that many anons on here actually hold the conflicting views you're pointing out. It's just two different world views that are posted about on the same board.
The way you write...
It seems like you might be a drunkard.
ns is natural law , if you cant understand that then you are the one lacking basic knowledge.
Yes they did. But why are there a bunch of occult Jews today?
>CIA hires Nazis
No. More like this:
>Jews create CIA after their supergolem USA destroys Nazi Germany
>Jews are occultists
>did (still do) experiments on retarded negroes and others too poor and stupid to complain
>set up elaborate structures within powerful entities in the West (Hollywood, media, deepstate) that are filled with satanic pedophiles
>have dirt (pedo stuff, drug stuff, etc) on everyone who gets to know any of the real secrets
>Jews reconstruct academic elite to be vanguard for even greater degeneracy, dumbing down the average white person
>all that remains is chipping the goyim for tracking, and integrating AI to the goyim brain for total control
>the Nazis were absolutely the good guys but got a little blackpilled on the whole thing as they got deeper into WW2 and the only thing Hitler did wrong was lose faith in his people at the end
Politics is low IQ distraction and is 100% irrelevant to the actual problems in this world. If you want to get butthut over some retarded politcal -ism, that's your choice. If you have a basic understanding of the deeper topics listed by either OP or I and you still actually think the German National Socialist Party represented "the good guys" you're dumb as shit. The CIA and NASA are both products of Operation Paperclip. Take your pick, were the Nazis good guys, or is the CIA bad? You can't have both.
yes nazis were satanists its pretty much obvious, those who deny are coping.
this makes them good not bad, cause the real redpill is satan is the good god against jewish god which jews worship while making christians think they worship the devil to have them fall deeper into their spell
its complex shit pol will eventually figure out in like 5 years, all christards will be out of pol by then off to other shitoles
even if someone granted you this retarded premise, how do you jewsplain the common sense approach of natsoc? do you also try to draw a mental gymnastic connection between solidarity and genocide? do you just ignore the booming economy of germany?
you can’t kill the idea that humans are naturally tribalistic and operate best in a homogenous society by saying “hitler jew”
Are any of those statements verifiable?
Hello fellow gnosticanon. I agree the god of Abraham is obviously a pretender but if the Nazis were actually good guys, serving the higher god(s) of the Pleroma, explain this please
>The CIA and NASA are both products of Operation Paperclip. Take your pick, were the Nazis good guys, or is the CIA bad? You can't have both.
I hope you're answer isn't that there's a core of "white hats" within those organizations because that would make you a Qtard.
This place might be a little under the influence of nazi mycelium, spores of which spread to the allies after the war
As if these neo-Gnostics ever cared about their -isms they invented for the hoi polloi...
C'mon, man. Try harder.
what level of steinbergism are you on right now user? should i rush to infowars to learn how america is run by nazis with you?
Do you dispute the truth of a claim in my post?
nobody working on our side in the us gov, cia is jewd
nazis were reviving ancient tradition and religion and establishing a new economic system they were a huge threat
Paperclip yoinked the labrats and thinkers while the people who actually made decisions for the Nazi Party got executed. Why come up with strawman bullshit about "white hats" and whatever other nonsense you have in mind, when the obvious explanation to anyone who's ever actually met a scientist is that those people where probably obsessive, apolitical nerds who don't believe in anything but signing on to whatever "cause" lets them get into a lab?
You didn't address the conflict. The CIA and NASA were created out of Operation Paperclip. Is the CIA good or are Nazis bad. You can only pick one.
oh so that’s why the CIA has been running OPs to destabilize countries all these years? because nazis! you can’t square this circle with this pozz
Very good answer user. Howabout this one, is the Bush family good guys, or are Nazis bad guys? You can only pick one.
imagine thinking these levels of platitude were possible
Imagine being this fucking room temp IQ. Try reading harder... I don't even know what to tell you. You're fucking dumb as shit user.
news flash, the nazis are the jews
half of that shit is created to pull retards down rabbit holes and discredit truth seekers
>were the Nazis good guys, or is the CIA bad?
>Is the CIA good or are Nazis bad
whatever nazi support in cia creation, it was after the war so things were different