I wish we lived an existence where we co-existed with intelligent alien life

I wish we lived an existence where we co-existed with intelligent alien life.

i'm scared of dying never witnessing the confirmation of intelligent life or experiencing a life where Humans and Aliens co-exist.

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How about you get to know Christ, instead?

>we co-existed with intelligent alien life.
We do, they're smart, but just autistic by human standards.

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Cheer up, user. We'll probably find microbial life on Europa within your lifetime - and if we find that, it's almost certain there's intelligent life somewhere!

I fully, 100% believe that we are not the only intelligent life in the universe. However, I would be surprised if we are not the only intelligent life in our galaxy.

You are the niggers to them. Take
That how you may nigger

I hope so, it will be the single biggest event in Human history and there is a great chance I'll never knowing the answer of what is out there or witnessing the possibilities and wonders of what the confirmation of intelligent life would bring.

sure existence would come with difficulties, but the opportunities, experiences and wonders this event would bring would be beyond incredible.

i hope it's my generation. Too late to explore the world and too early to explore the stars. I feel like I was born in the wrong generation.

>Thinking humanity will be cohesive enough to coordinate space missions worth a damn within the next 120 years.
The best we can hope for is an asteroid smashing into earth and starting an extinction event, or a solar flare knocking out electronic devices globally.

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If you're really tolerant of people using technology to warp their bodies and minds, two helpful things will happen:

1) Some people will get wildly alien while still being in society, and
2) We'll start uplifting highly intelligent animals like corvids, otters, parrots, and komodo dragons.

Maybe not komodos, but who knows? The key thing is an uplift intellect will be very nonhuman, so we'll get to learn what an advanced nonhuman intellect thinks of humanity.

Keep working on those mind-machine interfaces!

Jews are an alien race and look how that's working out

There's something out there, I don't know what it is exactly but I've seen a few different kinds.

Look into the Europa Clipper mission. It'll sample one of those jets of steam that's given off by Europa's thermal vents - the very places that Europan life is most likely to develop. Have hope! Space is going to get a lot bigger in the 2030s/2040s.

Look up Europa Clipper. Humanity doesn't need to coordinate. NASA can do it.

>all this fucking rambling

I just want to fuck some tight alien pussy
We gonna find them and then we gonna fuck them.

Fuck space niggers

Don't worry, probably aliens are just not interested in responding to the planets where communism wasn't yet achieved. Or it may be possible for them to send progressors to us, as humans did to underdeveloped planets in Strugatskis novels

you know how many of your people died because of the (((bolsheviks)))?

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They’re here already though youtu.be/Jjx7e-AD0o8

First, this was a reference to some author I can't remember right now, probably to Posadas.
Second, it's still not as many as the amount of people dying under capitalism
Third, progress and general life quality improvement is worthy of any sacrifice. Soviets have failed to reach their stated goal, but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't try more

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I'm thinking this is info drop. They are leading up to it but when?

>Launch windows are available from 2022 to 2025.
>a longer 6-year cruise time
While planned and accounted for, I am way to cynical to believe it won't be defunded due to post-corona market bailouts. Maybe if we all live to 2087.
Though we can hope it happens, and that the space probe will be contaminated with algae from earth which can survive on Europa and completely fuck up the ecosystem before we have a chance to study it.

This isn't for pol.
This is the gayest fucking post I've ever read.


Luckily, Europa Clipper won't land. Zero chance of cross-contamination.

your filename is missing an F
there are supposed to be six, two per octet

reminder that there is no reason to believe we are not alone in the universe. your 'muh infinity' argument doesn't work



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A man can dream, can't he?
>The ecosystem of Europe getting inhabited and destroyed by an invasive foreign species
It would be too good for it to not happen somehow.
And if they announce a launch site from somewhere in Africa it would be just perfect.

I really feel like you're trying to be racist with that Africa comment in a conversation that had literally nothing to do with anything like that. They'd launch it from Cape Kennedy, you fuckwit.


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ok buddy, keep worrying about race while the adults worry about space.

>intelligent alien life
Even accounting for all the potential planets that are considered within habitable zones and suitable for life, the probability of intelligent life is so incredibly rare. If you take all the millions of organisms that live on earth, you have one that is intelligent. The odds are more likely that you will find alien life that is not intelligent. Humans exist more as an extreme exception to the norm.