THIS is still legal in the "best country in the world" and is protected like no other issue

THIS is still legal in the "best country in the world" and is protected like no other issue
Americans really are something else...


How is this literal human right violation still allowed? What happened to "my body my choice?" Where is the rage? How are they getting away with lying to the American public?

Attached: 1561712886779.png (512x341, 143.5K)

I've never fucked a girl who had a problem with it? Maybe you should have sex faggot.

I'm not watching this shit. I am intact. I will push for religious fags to be banned to do this.

Jews and retards.

t. uncut American bad goy

Neo-natal genital mutilation is a crime in EVERY SINGLE CASE.

gods judgement
jew from goyim
r u white
or animal

My boy will be getting properly circumcised when he's born. Fuck all of you mutants.

>having sex before marriage with girls

I only have sex with women after marriage for the sole purpose of procreation.

The issue has nothing to do with sex you fucking retard.

Jews and their good goyim will autistically kvetch if we try to ban male genital mutilation.

Good goy.

Threadly reminder that the most sensitive and pleasurable parts are removed.

Attached: circumc... mutilation.jpg (1500x1500, 434.06K)

Maximum cope you stone age cuck. Sage to you Earth Worm Jim dicks.

>How is this literal human right violation still allowed? What happened to "my body my choice?" Where is the rage? How are they getting away with lying to the American public?
this is hell; enjoy your stay

>How is this literal human right violation still allowed?
boys don't have human rights

Attached: theprimaryvictims.png (500x501, 123.18K)

How do you measure pleasure?

Attached: coomtopsy.jpg (1024x768, 123.74K)

how anybody can see this and not get seriously depressed is beyond me

I convinced my parents to become anti-circumcision. Even though the doctors took my foreskin, I’ll do all I can to make sure my friends and family don’t continue the cycle

Attached: 2AE2B22D-5D19-4AFC-8D55-543E8739E23B.jpg (415x358, 55.35K)

touch something nice
now burn your finger tips until you can't feel much anymore
now touch the same nice thing and it won't feel nice anymore, in fact you can't feel a thing

This is what happens when you don't remove jews from your nation.

Attached: jewish_expulsions.png (632x724, 125.63K)

that's the most effective way to stop this shit

the torah is where traditional morality comes from, dumb dumb

why the fuck would you want a disgusting anteater dick what a stupid fucking hill to die on you fucking degenerate

Attached: wgarbage.png (731x720, 482.92K)

trip of truth
problem is someone keeps letting them back in

Attached: Ejected.jpg (928x8840, 3.84M)

the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

ironically, those who are against this religous observance are the ones MORE likely to be homosexual. you are silly

the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

Circumcision is the single topic that I am the most passionate about. I fucking hate that my parents did it to me. I fucking hate that they probably made the decision in 1 second and never thought about it again, even though it has damaged my sex life forever and pissed me off to no end. FUCK. I see these threads on here but none of us do anything to stop it. Then again, what can we do? It seems like donating $25 a month to some random anti-circumcision organization isn't going to do shit, and it definitely won't change my situation (though I want the practice to be banned for good). Fuck Jews.

God I love having my foreskin. And to think my dad wanted some rabbi to nibble it off or whatever.

the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

you dislike the religious traditions of your own ethnicity ? yeah, there sure is a lot of self-hatred going on these days. you're silly, and very very sick

You can't even look at a woman you fucking degenerate

Not every American supports it, I don't.

What? I'm not Jewish.

I was an insecure teenage faggot at 12 and wanted to get cut. I was never taught by my normie parents to pull the foreskin back (dad was cut).

I started slowly stretching under hot water in the shower and I had full flexibility in under 2 months. I can't believe I was considering getting that surgery.


Thats the topic you're most passionate about? OF all the issues plaguing western society, this is the one? You fucking retard

I'm so glad I have my entire cock