As most people on this board are probably aware, women are inherently awful by nature, and it is only through dominant patriarchal leadership that they can be truly happy and an actual asset to society as a whole.
It seems that as women have been more encouraged to be themselves, and to file any criticism away as "misogyny" they've become worse and worse. Just for example:
>today at work >the normal herd of women roll into work 10 minutes late holding coffees >Spend the first 30 minutes of their shift getting settled in and bitching about mundane shit >Rude and arrogant attitude toward every patient they interact with, even elderly ones that obviously can't help needing extra time to understand things >Constantly LARPing on Facebook as a "hero' because of COVID-19, you would think they just spent the last 10 years at war with how they act. >Talk shit about every patient as soon as they hang up the phone with them because they don't know every in and out of the healthcare system
Showing my age here, but I remember when "they" shaved off their bushes in the late 80's. Yeh one day we woke up and they shaved all that shit off. Then they got guys doing it. Once guys started shaving their pubes, it was over man, game over. I think it was the "gorilla magnetism" of being hairy that kept us from becoming pussies.
That's just your misognyny dickhead. Men smile less than women, make less eye contact, and show more anger, but you never noticed or complained, because it's not actually the bitchiness it's about your problematic view of women which says we have to be happy all the time and smile.
Noah Young
I want an answer besides “the Jews” be specific
Jose Mitchell
Social media... boom. Thread over.
Jayden Davis
Was literally going through Ariana Grande on image search to figure out why she looks so much different. The right is infinitely more attractive. She looks sweet, her eyes are open, looks happy. The left (current Ariana) just looks retarded. I don't know what it is. It's like she got surgery. Soul surgery. A botched job.
It's all part of the ongoing plan to normalize pedophilia. Think about it.
Henry Martinez
Or maybe men are just pedophilic. The most common porn search is 'teen'.
Caleb Wilson
Yes! That pic related! All of it!
Carson Harris
Agreed, she looks worse now.
Elijah Thomas
They sold their sould to satan. Also, being a stupid, fake bimbo slut probably brakes them inside.
Jaxson Ward
I can't stand the stuck up bitches in medical offices. They literally hand people a clipboard to fill out and answer phones and as op said are acting like fucking heros.
Was doing a delivery at one of this places today and I have to go back into the Dr offices to get something and go fill it outside and bring it back in. The cunts have to open the locked door so I can do my job, as I come back they all turn the chairs away pretending to not see me so I have to walk around and ask to be let back in. The bitch has the nerve to go "your welcome" sarcastically at me after I just walked through without saying anything to her fat lazy ass.
David Perry
women fell for media programming to turn themselves into instagram thots with drag queen kardashian makeup. they all dress like that shit. same makeup style and yoga pants with their ass sticking out poses and dyed hair. these whores are clones straight up.
Wyatt Phillips
Being attracted to a physically mature 18 year old is far different than lusting after a hairless 8 year old, despite (((their))) efforts to conflate the two.
Alexander King
More specifically it was the normalization of swallowing cum. Showing my age as well, but suddenly they went from a half-hearted reluctant suck on your tool to gagging on the pole and squeezing balls for a tummy full of baby batter. Yeah, it was great, but I can't help think it showed an irrevocable change towards soulless, brainless need-machines.
>OLD GOOD >NEW BAD Early 2000’s and 2010 skanks were awful. You had dumb whores raised on pic related to be skinny coked sluts. Remember fake fucking tans?? That shit makes me want to puke.
No, men just don't want to be around sullen, surly women, that's all.
Matthew Jackson
I tried to warn people in grade school but I was 11. So much for listen to the children.
Matthew Rivera
well, she's aged alot since the right pic.
also, killing mac miller ages you a bit.
Adam Ross
I was really hoping that whole fucking family would get the virus and die.
Hunter Sullivan
Complete retards ITT, this one is just her getting older/gaining weight. Women gain a few pounds and then use makeup to hide it in their face, it doesn’t look “better” than their younger self but it does the job
Colton Stewart
Why does her hairline go past her shoulder blades? I knew she had some nig DNA in her, but that's almost bestiality there.
>Diaper Ass This is so fucking true.
Blake Perry
She's like in her mid 20s.
She's been passed around in Jewish circles since her mid teens and its sucked the life out of her
Chase Nelson
You're right. But now it's even worse.
Tyler Wright
That sucks. You should file a complaint. No useless office bitch should be getting in the way of actual work.
David Clark
I would say it’s more 2000 to 2020....2010, things were going to shit quick.
Leo Campbell
Then why were all girls taught to do ((this)) and it's not new for our generation at all, remember dreadlocks? 12 year old girls were getting nigger haircuts, pulling twisting and maiming their hair, all allowed by parents, because they saw it on tv. It was gross. Now they just have more money or cheaper products to ruin themeselves with but its the same scheme they've been taught since childhood. Every motive can be connected to childhood.
Brandon Rodriguez
I agree. It is getting worse, but it was always bad. It’s just we have to go back farther than 10 years to see a real difference in women’s attitudes and behaviors
Jaxon Williams
Actually it might have been as early as 2006 now that I think about it.
Gavin Morris
That’s true. Faggy “trendy” parents who let kids into the latest craze are a big problem.
Kevin Roberts
You're right. And if we compare those 2000s sluts with women from the 70s the 2000s sluts are also disgusting.
Jack Ward
Fair enough. Granted she's a lot younger but still she looks like she lost weight over the years and you can't deny that had she stayed her course and didn't sell her soul to Satan like says (respect the 7s), she'd be a lot more attractive. Don't call me retarded over it. That's simp tier.
Cooper Smith
Now imagine how fucked we are in 2040
Jordan Howard
the giant fake ass fad is really bad...20 year olds are starting to look like 46 year old bimbos trying to stay relevant
Bentley Rogers
Only trashy women looked up to that and it was shown as trashy tv
Now every women is pushed that its abnormal to not be a whore when its not even true
James Flores
uhemm....some of us guys shave our bush because we need that extra 1/2 inch of apparent length.
Gabriel Barnes
I’ll concede that, and while I hate what women have become and what Jews have turned them into, it’s odd seeing a bunch of people act as though some random bitch looking a little worse after 5 years is really something to jerk off over. It makes us all seem like pathetic betas who are angry at women while being fat and lazy. Focus on your own selves, god knows we all will look worse after 5 or 10years
John Williams
The vast majority of women in porn are already young and look about 18-30. People who are searching teen are specifically narrowing their search in order to find girls who look younger... like 14-18. Stop pretending they're just looking for girls who are young when that's all there is in porn
Jace Martin
>Wahhhh Al the instathots I follow in IG are the worst that means all the women are like that. Kek, incels deserve the rope.
Brody Brown
But you never complain about sullen, surly men, even though men show way more negative emotion.
>30 minutes of their shift bitching men bitch for 6 straight hours, part time employed faggot
Cameron Gomez
I have a real soft spot for sweet little retarded looking girls. Don't mind the fag but this girl perfectly fulfills the role I'm trying to describe. Maybe retarded isn't the right word but I mean it in a loving way.
hasn't really taken off but my post was about how Playboy's social media game caters entirely to women now. All of their posts are women reviewing vibrators or whatever. It's marketed towards bisexual and lesbian women. Whenever playboys makes a post, multiple females I know like the post, but no men do. It's very odd.