Imagine being a Californian and finding out your tax money is going to illegal immigrants

Imagine being a Californian and finding out your tax money is going to illegal immigrants.

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Avocado slaves need gibs too, user.

california neets can now earn income by larping as pedro

i wonder what they are giving the bums? a Cadillac?

>go to California
>tell them you are an illegal alien

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If you pay taxes to the federal government, your money is going to illegal immigrants. Demonizing one state will accomplish nothing, we have to pass federal legislation to end this disaster e.g. prison time for hiring illegal immigrants, denying illegals access to social services, etc.

But what if the undocumented immigrant dreamers pack their bags and go back to Mexico? Who’s going to pick your crops? Whites people? Lol

Most of them are for it unsurprisingly.

serious question

how do you prove you are illegal?

We can have all the tweakers do it for free meth.

Knowing them I think they would love it
>Oh yeah rape me uncle Sam
>I'm your naughty niece tee hee

Make up a Spanish name and speak broken English with a Mexican accent


>t. lazy white neet
The ag industry needs the workers to make the food you eat. White people are too lazy to do farm labor. Think I'm wrong? Prove it by taking a farm job. Rural areas aren't going to stand for harming our food producers and rural job creators.

It would be the perfect opportunity to hire all the homeless people shitting all over their streets.

The farm equipment we imported years ago could still be operational. With some work, hell, we could be looking at some three billion percent gain. Amazing really.

Robots should be picking lettuce by now, not your pet beaner rapefugees. You fuckin' homo.

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Well they can't have their agricultural slave class just starve to death.

Wow I had to see if it's real even though it's California. Idk man. Thats some right bullshit right there. Not surprising it's California though.

They won't do the work because the jobs pay like shit. If the government subsidized farming enough, the wages would be decent enough to attract American workers.

Tacate doesn’t pay for itself

Most spic picked fruit is vanity fruit for export. You really think rural areas give a fuck if some kike Malibu millionaire that steals all the water and floods the country with beaners goes out of business?

I know I won't be shredding any tears. Fuck them.

they're used to it

>My $100k government subsidized harvester is as efficient as beaners

Good fertilizer

welcome to my world mutt. Here everyone who has a decent job, has to mantain with their taxes to the lazy and poor niggers, the jndocumented and all sort of crazy shit the govt decides to.


So I recently moved to California from Germany to avoid working myself to death for illegal migrants. Although these news are concerning and I can only disapprove them, I have to state clearly: Compared to Germany its still 1000x better. Eventually I move to a better state when the dust has settled.

>We have to pass federal legislation

Those laws already exist dumbfuck, its a federal crime to cross illegally, and for employers to hire them....but neither Republicans or Democrats will enforce it because 1) Republicans want cheap labor and 2) Democrats need to replace whites with shitskins who want free gimmies.

Hey fuckface, over 60% of illegals work in the Food Service Industry, or in Construction - TWO JOBS I - and hundreds of thousands of americans - have worked in in high school and college. Your shill kike lies no longer work here, bud.

the better question
>will ICE have access to the addresses where these checks will be mailed?