Mouthybudha just exposed pedos connected to "pizzagate" and Epstein/Ghislaine that are secretly hosting cp on a...

Mouthybudha just exposed pedos connected to "pizzagate" and Epstein/Ghislaine that are secretly hosting cp on a European clothing and modelling website.
Watch the video.
Can't summarise the video as mods keep deleting or moving the thread. They've moved the last 5 threads on Yas Forums and deleted the last 2 on /x/.

Attached: 1586997736068s.jpg (240x240, 5.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mods deleted 3 threads on /x/ now and they will move this one.


based perseverance OP

Bump it's big .

Based, Longer it's up more info spreads.
If mods take any Pedo research down then That is helping the Pedo side.
A curse to those who help Pedos.
This is tied to politicians so how can this not be left on Yas Forums

Attached: 1584948242441.png (500x647, 191.08K)

They're deleting it from /x/ for god sake which is for "conspiracy theories" even though this is actually proven in the video

>Can't summarise the video as mods keep deleting or moving the thread.
then copypaste it instead of spamming your monetized video, faggot.

They seem to delete and move threads faster when the video is summarised.
Just watch the video and use ad block

You know, it would be interesting to find out how many kids didn't go missing during this shutdown compared to the same time in previous years.
Like the kikes would ever let that info out