/sg/ Syria General - Big Fucking Bomb Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

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>Syria Mar 21
>Afghanistan Mar 21
>Iraq Mar 21
>Yemen Mar 21

Devs Apr 15
Karama protestors on the M4 keep fuckin' with Turks and fighting them too lol
Indirect exchanges of fire between resistance groups and US bases; drone flyovers and hoverhands, nun much desu
Tripolitania attacked by the despicable Turk
Security forces exchange fire with Islamists in Cairo
Saudi ceasefire totally fake, MBS is a nigger
>Afghanistan (left)
Pretty big roadside bomb discovered and neutralized by ANDSF in Gerishk district of Helmand province. Afghanistan


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Other urls found in this thread:

nytimes.com/1981/08/09/magazine/l-the-qaddafi-connection-225036.html?scp=1&sq="THE QADDAFI CONNECTION"&st=cse
nytimes.com/1981/08/09/magazine/l-the-qaddafi-connection-225012.html?scp=3&sq="THE QADDAFI CONNECTION"&st=cse

Last topic updates

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Shia Islam protects the family of Muhammad whereas Sunni Islam attacks it

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Threadly reminder the Shia are the ONLY good guys

Sunnis suck
Sunnis suck
Sunnis suck
Sunnis suck

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Unironically who the fuck is abu lolo

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idk bro, but do you follow the yellow shoe hadith?

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i mean why not, a pastel and bright shoe brings joy and radiance among society, while the nihilistic shoe hides in shadow and blackens like hearts at war

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why would someone who is supposedly muslim usurp the inheritance of muhammad's own heirs

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bismillah we ride and die humiliating the sunni for the delight of sayyeds

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how can you usurp ali and still expect not to be among the hellfire. rasullulah said he would be the guardian of the deen, it's in the quran

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mongols did nothing wrong also, abbasids killed abu muslim, who was nothing but their faithful executor. it is the wrath of allah, not a foreign curse

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I hope they send Haftar the particle cannon to burn Mitiga and Misurata to the ground

Yes all of it

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I recently discovered, and have been doing some research about, Edwin Wilson.
He was an ex-CIA Agent who worked for Muammar Gaddafi, acquiring him American and British mercenary pilots as well was aircraft and other vehicles, facilitating his invasion of Chad at a time when the US Officially opposed it.

nytimes.com/1981/08/09/magazine/l-the-qaddafi-connection-225036.html?scp=1&sq="THE QADDAFI CONNECTION"&st=cse
nytimes.com/1981/08/09/magazine/l-the-qaddafi-connection-225012.html?scp=3&sq="THE QADDAFI CONNECTION"&st=cse

He's someone you genuinely wouldn't think existed, but did, and I'm trying to figure out what happened to him. He's apparently a fugitive for having supplied arms and personnel to Libya while it was under an arms embargo.

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Perhaps he is hiding in some shithole trying not to be discovered for a healthy bounty

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After Greeks get their shit together, western Anatolia will be retaken and campaigns to kill non whites will begin.

Al- Sarraj’s attempts to rally the forces towards Al-Watiyah Air Force Base while Haftar’s forces bomb them

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Ok schizo.

When STC takes Suqutra they should secede as a fully constiuent government of the United Arab Emirates. Make it happen Omani pirates

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Thanks for baking op, the last thread was lit. Algerian bro where you at?

If Tunisia gets involved with the Turks, Algeria will have to check it soon. How can they help Haftar?

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Algeria should go Ba'athist for the sake of the Sarhawis, monarchies are all birds of a feather

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Dostum did nothing wrong

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Why would someone think that Ali is a coward? Foolish shii think that

If Ali was a coward Muawiya would not have needed to have bribed Kharjites to kill him

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King of the North youtu.be/fztXpDFS7GE

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Muawiyah (RA) loved Ahl al Bayt

also why did Ali (according to you) wa Hassan wa Hussain (RA) do nothing to Umar (RA) and gave bayah to him.

You claim Ali (RA) gave bayah to the supposed killers of Rasulullah (SAW)

tsk tsk tsk

Let it be recorded I have not yet said words against Abu Bakr or Umar, but Uthman was a tribalist cunt for inviting Sufyans to re-assert the control of Meccan pagan

Hey pirate flag, are you Afghan? I always notice you bring up Afghanistan sometimes.