How would a white ethno state deal with something like this?
How would a white ethno state deal with something like this?
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Very Brazilian post
Doing research like Pete Townsend.
How exactly would Vice know about this unless they were...
WTF is wrong with India. I hear incest porn spikes during the holidays when your around family the most.
Is this real?
So, can we ban them from the US?
How is there statistics on child porn? Is vice uploading it themselves?
Deport the indians.
Extremely based, true Aryan Chads prefer young pussy
>linking soros propaganda
The white ethno state wouldn't have Indians in it
They go to the "degenerate, but still white" state. So Utah.
>How would a white ethno state deal with something like this?
By making it legal. Can't have a problem if it's not a crime. The same way confirmed covid cases stop rising if you stop testing
Gas those nasty fucks. Gas and firebomb every single one of those motherfuckers. Then proceed to invite all of africa to move into and occupy the vacant land for shits and giggles. See how long it takes for AIDS to run out of control
Proof if ever there was that pedophilia is both normal and natural
Gee, let's give these people more H1B visas so they can come to America and we can be culturally enriched.
If it's white people in the ethno-state luckily our totalitarian survellience apparatus will enable us to find the perpetrators and remove them almost overnight with round the clock executions. View child porn? Bullet in the head, zero tolerance.
If it's happening in India though its none of our business unless white children in India are being harmed
Beware of open net honeypots like cutiegarden
Proof that that other Brit flag is a poo/muzzer wretch.
Proof why the majority doesn't want to be politicians
Yeah I’ll somehow manage to avoid that one Iqbal you subnormal fuck
Nah I'm white, old and incel is all. One of the biggest blackpills is pedophilia is part of being human and will never go away.
>be 17
>bf asks to send tits
>you do
>guilty of production, distribution, possession of cheese pizza
>>a disturbing amount
Is there an amount that isn't disturbing to these fucks?
When you're out of toilet paper.
>disturbing amount
any amount is disturbing.
all degeneracy is within us and so it is up to us to push against it.
It depends on the culture of the perpetrator. It would be more disturbing if a white person is doing it but it's normal in india and the mideast.
the better question is how the FUCK do they know about this? if they can track it, why aren't they hunting these fuckers down?
I don't hate poojeets as much anymore. Very based and childporn pilled.
it's only rape if they resist
Didn't Trump just give these pedos 85,000 H1B visas while whites everywhere are unemployed. Oh well like Trump said American wages are too damn high you need to have the most legal immigrants ever.
fuck off with your moral relativistic horse shit. CP is fucked in the head and anyone who consumes ANY amount should be dealt with summarily
weird considering that the indian gov bans porn
>applying your western values to the east
Id love to pet her Aryan head too.
Stop jacking off to children you fraud