Wyoming Says Fuck the Feds


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This is fucking horrible. Americans are so fucking dumb. Have fun with your diseases and unregulated food, mutts.

>he doesn't know about venison

>land of the free

>grass fed local beef is baaaaad

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>still trying to make a union after 400 years
>talks shit about the largest nonEurope European nation on earth
Such a cutie-pie when you get jealous. I should ass fuck you while you keep your little jew beanie on.

>dude just de-regul--

>Says fuck the feds
>Law complies with all federal laws
You don't just buy a steak, you buy a stake in the herd then you get a steak. It is like a private club exemption for liquor.

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>Be American
>Eat unregulated meat
>But at least I have muh constitution/freedoms
>At least I still have muh guns
>At least I am a mutt
>Oh wait, I'm FUCKING DEAD!

It is not unregulated meat, it is just regulated differently. Instead of Farm-store-consumer it goes farm-consumer.

Better than getting some crap that had to go through an ammonia bath at the processing plant because Jose and Juan like to spit on the meat as it goes by on the conveyor.

damn you shills are so obvious and so weak
what a weak ass reply
NOBODY is buying your bullshit, whatever you are getting paid you're absolutely not worth it.

>Implying the unregulated market is bad

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You’re posting with a meme flag

>people ate local beef for hundreds of years
>nobody died
>you ate cocks for lunch
>now a yurupp union
Have fun with that, Mohammed.

License cucks deserve to pay for the rope.

From Wyoming. This is right, the ranches have vets administer required shots and such. Many sell straight to a butcher shop, deli, or restaurant. Meat is fine, I have a freezer completely full.

Are you eat it raw??? Do you really think the meat at the supermarket is safer? That stuff is swimming in salmonella bacteria.

Oh well, then, shit, umm.

Just de-regulate food.

I'm no vegan, but the ideal society is all meat you eat being either hunted by you, raised by you, or by a local rancher you're on a first name basis with. Factory farming is bullshit and unnecessary.

Lol I love the taste of seething Ameros in the morning. You retards mutts are jealous of our white skin. Fuck America and Canada, love Europe

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I only eat local directly purchased local meat. Imagine thinking that's somehow a bad thing.

God this hit me so hard in the feels....

Whatever kid.
I’ve been buying beef, bacon, ammo and liquor from neighbors for years.
This is just Wyoming putting a stamp on it.

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Yes they are regulated by mobile USDA cooler trucks in some cases and have certified meat inspectors.
People can reeee all they want. It’s not perfect there by any means but Wyoming is very based and old skool in values and freedoms.
Lefties have been attempting to make inroads from Colorado for years and have been somewhat successful in certain towns, but know this. Wyoming does not fuck around when it comes to God, Guns, and Cowboy Ethics.

I could always buy directly from the rancher. Usually 1/4 cow with 3 others.

>jews like are seething because the kosher nostra won't be able to get it's shekels for a kosher stamp in direct-to-consumer foods
absolutely based.

This. Also checked.

We have this thing called hunting season
This is some good bait though

Literally everybody out here does this anyway. They're just letting everyone know they aren't going to be arresting anyone for it.


Even once all sectors are deregulated, people will still not get it. They'll think that it was the WAY in which the govt was dereg, the PROGRESSION of deregulation that led to small/medium companies being able to make good products with their own brand name on it.

You will never be able to convince 90% of people that their own freedom, their own ability to choose, is a good thing, ever. You will never be able to convince ignorant morons who hurt other people with their stupidity that allowing good people to do what they want is a good thing, because 90% of people think that the good 10% of people, when deregd, would act just as shitty as they all are.

Born and bred slaves.