who was in the wrong here?
Waco Siege
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Pedo trafficking cultists
The Feds
Someone was watching Tiger King.
I bet if it was a homosexual vegan commune you'd be reeeing
another name for feds
Janet the man Reno and many others. But let's take the time to remember those 4 fallen officers.
The US government were embarrassed by the Branch Davidians (sucked into a 2 month stand off as the nation watched). So they used a gas to smoke them out that was known to cause fire. They burnt those kids alive, user. David Karesh, was a sick man but this should have never happened. It also set the stage for the Oklahoma City bombing. Before Waco the US government pulled some real bullshit at Ruby Ridge.
Also some of the same feds involved at Ruby ridge were also at Waco. A particular sniper....
Bob Mueller
Them- for not having Anti tank capabilities, it’s literally what the 2nd amend it for!
When the ATF is involved, you can bet they're in the wrong.
Reno? Apparently, the ATF was about to be disbanded and needed to look useful.
The original ATF clusterfuck... they wanted a budget increase and hoped for a huge arrest so they stormed the site with reporters in tow.
Could have just arrested Koresh at any other time... but they wanted a photo op.
Everything that happened was just Good Ole Boyz with their guns.
ATF, then a dude blew up a federal building. Good times
Randy Weaver was based af and those feds entrapped his ass.
any good docs on waco or Ruby ridge?
PBS did a good unbiased doc for each. Also the okc bombing. All three are on jewflix
Are they? The Frontline ones?
The best Waco one was "Waco Rules of Engagement".
Yeah the frontline one on Ruby Ridge was good. They interviewed Weavers daughter
That man lost half his family including his only son. Makes my blood boil.
Why is the ATF a thing?
Yeah it was bullshit, then for the feds to put the blame (like they will) and say Weaver's son opened fire first is worse b.s.
wickard v filburn paved the way for massive federal overreach
judicial activism has been the death of this country
FBI niggers deliberately sold Koresh a job lot of guns which included one shotgun ever so slightly too short - it was a setup from the start.
the fire
The kids that got burned up in the buried bus instigated the whole thing. Janet Reno had no choice really.
Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi
Feds, from beginning to end.
>ATF raid commune based on mere "suspicion" of illegal weapons
>search warrant makes it clear that no actual evidence of anything illegal was discovered by undercover officers
>ATF raids property on Feb 28, 1993
>Agents shoot the dogs, other agents think they're under fire and shoot at the building
>Koresh and other inside are shot or killed
>Davidians dial 911
>some eventually shoot back in self-defense (a San Antonio jury acquitted ALL Davidians who were charged with murder)
>ATF eventually leaves, a standoff ensues
>FBI takes over, bring in tanks
>FBI gets sick of torturing Davidians with bright lights and loud music, sends in gas
>the CS/MeC12 mixture was highly flammable according to Dow Chemical scientist Eric R. Larsen
>Larsen stated under oath that each injection would have sent a fuel load into the building equaling in effect the distribution of about 3-4 gallons of gasoline
>FBI knew lanterns and candles were used by Davidians after their power was cut
>FBI inserts pyrotechnic (flammable) tear gas canisters into the building
>FBI tanks apparently knocks over a lantern in southeast corner of the building according to FLIR footage taken around noon
>Davidians attempt to escape as the building burns
>FLIR footage shows two men machine-gunning the back of the building
>government claims the muzzle flashes are "reflections from debris"
>close to one hundred people burned alive or machine-gunned
>FBI: "It was a mass suicide."
Yeah, but which ones
ATF was relatively new during Clinton.
He stacked it with his people like Bush Sr. with the DEA.
Supposedly they were like an underground railroad for escaped child sex slaves
The crazy child sex abusing cultists and the psychopathic gun grabbing authorities?
Cops rape kids, much more frequently than Christian fundamentalists
david koresh was a kiddy fucker
It’s like you’re always saying about niggers
>just do what they say and there won’t be a problem
The Davidians were acting like niggers, they deserved what they got.
Based coofanon
>tfw no thicc redpilled gd
AJ's 'wake up or Waco' is surprising decent.
Man PBS used to drop truth I’m a back in the 90s and some early 2000s. They exposed child sec traffic rings in America and Asian countries. They even show unbiased black violence wasn’t caused by whitey
The feds. I have a few issues with the way they went about it.
>This is usually settled by a letter demanding you appear in court.
>If you wanted to conduct a raid, you should talk to local law first. Koresh would have come down to the station voluntarily according to the sheriff.
>Child abuse is a horrible crime, but it is not in the scope of the mission of the ATF
>The ATF charges were flimsy at best. Buying and selling at gun shows is not illegal unless it is for profit, they appeared to be losing money on this.
>Questionable tactics.
all friendly fire all connected to Bill Clinton